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There is a serious annual publication about mazes and labyrinths, now into its 51st issue- with several issues avaialblke to freely download from Caerdroia- and if you wish you can pay for the current/next or recent issues via Paypal. There are also various other maze articles to download.

Reference and advice Links

Go to the HELP! links for telephone numbers etc.

Do you like cats? A couple of archived websites to visit- try a visit to Moggies. Also read the messybeast cats site 2013 Archive copy Messybeast I have the lyrics of a song about cats.
Archived leaflets (2017) on the care of cats from Cats Protection - I can no longer access their website - Cat care leaflets and more helpful information Cats Protection downloads

A short glossary of Indian menu items | |   Online guide to traditional games including dominoes, mancala, board games...

My own contribution- the board and rules of the game of Jakaro which is a variant of Parchisi (Ludo) using playing cards instead of dice.
A superb web site about the numerous card and domino games can be found at from John McLeod.

Internet Pinball DataBase | |   If Owls interest you, a really fine site to visit is (archived copy)

Traditional folklore can be read at Folklore and Mythology Electronic Texts.

Lots of Nursery Rhymes

The individual stories from Andrew Langs fine collection of folk tales from the world- misdescribed as fairy tales- can be read on Mythfolklore.

About telephone numbers
Calls to 0800 and 0808 telephone numbers in the UK are free from landline or mobile networks. Calls to 0845 and 0871 numbers are composed of two parts: the network cost, some charge more than 40p per minute, plus the call receivers charge, which could be free but usually will not be. One support line on 0845 charges an extra 7p per minute

The British Hedgehog Preservation Society

E-Texts: AJH bookcase contains over 500 books in pure HTML format, some with original illustrations, and only one or two in compressed zip format. Generally each book is a single html page so easily saved as a web page (mht) or text format file. Excellent range of mostly classic books and some very good books you may not expect.

Roy Glashan's Library- another private collection of rare and unusual books across many genres. Many forgotten authors to enjoy.

Project Gutenberg which I have to use a proxy to access.(The search works ok with

You can also use a Mirror site for downloads from Gutenberg:, eg
UK Gutenberg Mirror - file GUTINDEX.ALL has a full searchable list but is a big download. GUTINDEX.ZIP is smaller and has the index to search.
You can find the text of a book for example the 2016 books in GUTINDEX.2016, latest at top, to get to book 51616 enter from root, directory 5/ then 1/ then 6/ then 1/ and in there you will find 51616! Full huge index index in GUTINDEX.ALL.
Alternative US mirror: Gutenberg mirror
Note Nov 2020- display of some direct Project Gutenberg pages- another far too intelligent web layout spoils my viewing- to see the page as I want I have to add extra css: .footer{display:none;}nav{display:none;}

Courtesy of the Pennsylvania U there is a better source of online books from Online Books. Their search results may offer a choice of mirror sources, some of which require elliptical curve https (Gutenberg main from 4/21), some don't (minho) and some you can drop the s in https (UK Mirror). Use the search box and mirror choice as an easy way to get to Gutenberg texts. Note some book sources have geographical limitations for access but the books are often available globally from a different source.

New online books- Note that main contributor HATHI may only allow a text search (eg the listing by Penn is false) , only have page samples, or have other restrictions- pretty useless in fact..

Sacred Texts Archive has a wide range of texts on beliefs - mostly quite old. I have also created a Beliefs and Faiths web page linking to fairly liberal sources of belief information.

E-POEMS: From The Great McGonagall - his poems. To be read aloud.

Engines of our Ingenuity has lots of short essays about philosophy, science and technology, good reading, excellent on-site search engine.BUT you have to use ingenuity to access the website as they insist on elliptical curve https only- so I have to use a proxy to see their site!

From the early 80's is David Singmaster's Cubic Circular in its entire five issues now on the Web.
Issue 1,    Issue 2,    Issue 3,    Issue 4,    Issue 5 

Recreational mathematics is an excellent resource to keep your mind ticking - and David Pleacher has a huge collection of mathematical fun with tricks, games, puzzles by the ton including pieces by Mike Ecker and Martin Gardner and many others. A website worth a really deep investigation and lots of fun. (I have to use a proxy to access the site as it uses only elliptical curve).

New 2023- The Journal of Chaos and Graphics V3 edited by Clifford A Pickover.

"Fractal Report". A UK magazine from around 1989 all about fractals with an emphasis on graphics and computers. In 2022. parts of the magazine were online on an unofficial site that would serve you content you didn't want, so I approached the publisher and have obtained consent to scan in full (for the first time) the magazines I own, and place them online.

The magazine REC is beginning (2023) to become available online- developments are developing, so keep an eye on the website Recreational and Educational Computing. Lots of mathematical fun and ideas for computer programs.


Note: Initial reports are that the internet censorship (filters) mandated by our government are blocking some of the help sites below - domestic abuse help sites in particular are faring badly. If you receive a "denied" message for any site listed below, report this to your ISP and ask them to fine tune their filters. Your account holder may also be able to whitelist individual sites.

Childline- phone 0800 1111 help for children. Calls to Childline are always free and not shown on bills. Childline places cookies on your computer which expire in 12 months! Your abuser may access this information. Childline suggest you must surf with javascript on- FALSE! and dangerous. - Keep away from the Childline website on any device linked to you or accessible by an abuser. Strongly recommend: If possible, in your browser, turn on private browsing, turn off third party cookies, scripts and frames. Ignore the dangerous Childline message and keep javascript OFF. NEVER use Flash. Check for and delete any Childline cookies after leaving their website. Note that your browser will also contain a history (in several places) of the sites you visit and any search terms you type in.

Family Lives help for parents - 0808 800 2222. 9am-9pm Mon-Fri, 10-3 Sat-Sun. (NB short of call takers.)
The NSPCC website has been reredesigned. Here is a sitemap page NSPCC site map - look for "keeping children safe" Even if you only have suspicions of physical, sexual or emotional abuse of a child, it is far better to share your concerns by calling the NSPCC helpline on 0808 800 5000 (Mon-Fri 10am-4pm only). In an emergency call 999.
The National Crime Agency (UK) Child Exploitation and Online Protection Command have established an advisory web site for parents called Parentinfo (link to archived copy) with many articles of assistance in helping carers protect children from online dangers.

The 116 telephone range has been set aside for free telephone calls to important help lines with the idea that the numbers are valid throughout Europe. However an organisation has to provide the service and is appointed on a country by country basis- so it can take many years to roll the numbers out across Europe. Here are a couple now valid in the UK:

Missing People is on 116 000 (free UK telephone number) 24 hours a day and offers help and advice to anyone who is missing, including under 18 and run away or adults, if you need to report someone missing, if you are thinking of running away or making a sudden new start, or if someone you love is missing.

The Samaritans now have a FREE telephone number (ignore the old posters with the premium rate 0845 number)- 116 123 (24 hours).

In ENGLAND only, first line none-emergency health advice from telephone 111, calls are free.

Domestic Abuse
Help for abusers (male and female) from Respect: 0808 802 4040 (Monday - Friday 10am-5pm) and a special number for male victims of domestic abuse (with abusive male or female partners) 0808 801 0327 - Monday - Friday 10am-5pm
24Hour National Domestic Abuse Helpline - 0808 2000 247 is only for female victims, IMPORTANT- The "quick exit" button may fail you, do not rely on it- it fails to function on my default setup. Women's Domestic Abuse Helpline

TI99/4A Book Getting Started with the TI99/4A- a book written in 1983 about an early home computer from Texas.

Between poorly designed web sites and poor deliveries I have just about given up on buying goods on the Internet- over the years the buying experience has deteriorated to where it has become an INconvenience and getting a bus to the shops is less stressful. If you have good Internet shopping experiences, congratulations! But it isn't for me anymore.

Something to make you think a bit- (problem loading? these two links may require proxy access) International Times- fairly recent articles and plenty of poetry, raising issues with modern culture and politics with an emphasis on disagreement with the status quo - - and International Times 1966 to 1978 plus oddities from 1986 and 1994. These are page scans of old copies, not transcripts, the pages are images only with no alternative text. The chances are you haven't even heard of this publication, although one of the editors was David Zane Mairowitz who wrote at least 17 radio plays for the BBC. Not light reading, guaranteed to upset anyone who dresses to the Right- but there is some interesting material in these issues. Not to be too quickly dismissed (or taken too seriously: many minority viewpoints you probably haven't considered (and possibly don't wish to...).).

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