I found it necessary to use a proxy in order to access some websites which have set their servers to refuse perfectly acceptible browsers, protocols or certificates. A proxy may be acceptable and then will send you the webpage with their server's setup.
Note that some website owners will deliberately refuse to serve content to a proxy server. These people may be considered to have no useable reliable content!!!
2023 update: As my principal use of the external proxies is to see web sites that use elliptic curve https, I have now installed my own proxy locally- "Privoxy"- available for windows, linux and apple. This does not hide my IP address but otherwise is highly configurable- and transparently allows me to see websites using elliptic curve without having to buy new hardware! It is highly configurable and can block tracking tricks such as single pixel graphics etc, and forward requests from my browser to abc.com instead to xyz.com (there are legitimate uses for this). For websites that refuse to serve content at all if your browser is more than a week old, the browser ID can be changed.
It can block page headers, amend webpages so that S*** becomes oops, and a very simple (eg not reliable!) parental filter and more.
Privoxy can also work together with external proxies such as....
Anyway, if you need proxies, you need them so here are one or two that I use- these have been selected as:
1. They do not require javascript and
2. They serve their pages with reasonable server settings.
Note that in general terms you should NEVER submit any passwords or private information using a free web proxy such as these.
These links will take you to a page with an input box- type in or paste the required url eg https://www.thatwebsite_that_isnot_reachable
You will find that from time to time one or more of these proxy websites will refuse to serve you a webpage - this is probably to encourage you to take a paid subscription... or they think you are overusing them (eg kproxy will not serve anything over 10MB). They generally start working again in a minute/hour/day or so.
Some stupid websites not only insist on elliptical curve, cookies, scripts- they also refuse to send any content to any browser or operating system older than 6 months or to send any info via any proxy.... the internet is not what it was intended to be.
As my browser does not support https using elliptical curve I have to use one of the proxy sites such as:
hidedoor.com (=kproxy10)
Some proxies have problems using some external css code and the results may appear different.
(There is no replacement browser with the accessability of the one I use, which allows me to rewrite webpages on the fly to avoid bad or silly page coding!).