Index Issues 0 to 20
FRACTAL REPORT 21: June 1992.
Editorial and Announcements 2
Fractint Corner:... Suzy M. Yvan Bozzonetti 3
Mapping the Mandelbrot Filaments... John A. Colls 4
Lyaponov Maps... E.J. Turl... 6
Julia Sets by the Inverse Iteration Method... George Cotsikis 8
Functions with Symmetric Attractors... Uwe Quasthoff... 10
Letter... Dr M.W. Ecker... 13
Fractals form 3rd and Higher Order Taylor Methods... John Topham... 14
An Even/Oddity ( ... lovely as a tree?)... Ed Hersom... 18
More Blancmange... Dr Hugh Daglish... 20
FRACTAL REPORT 22: August 1992.
Editorial and Announcements 2
A Brief Condemnation of Time - call for articles 5
Recursive Block Removal Algorithms... Timothy Harris 6
Fractint Corner: More Parameters Please... Yvan Bozzonetti 8
Colouring Symmetric Attractors... Dr Hugh Daglish 12
Physics Software Review... Larry Cobb... 13
Gumowski and Mira Attractor... Dr Ian Entwistle 14
Two Books on Symmetry - A Review John de Rivaz... 15
Production of 1/f Music Series... G.R. Turner... 16
FRACTAL REPORT 23: October 1992.
Editorial and Announcements 2
Using Complex Variables in QuickBasic for Fractals... Cecil J. Freeman 4
Noises, noises and noises... Dr Gabriel Landini 6
Symmetries in Patterns from Mira... Paul Gailiunas 8
The F.A.S.T. Method to Speed-Up the Creation of Fractal Sets... Dr Jules Verschuren 10
Fractals by the Hundred... Professor John Greening... 16
Recursion and Turtle Graphics... Paul Gailiunas 18
FRACTAL REPORT 24: December 1992.
On the Track of Mandelbrot Bacteria... Yvan Bozzonetti
The Ikenaga Sets... Joyce Haslam
Images from other Iterative Functions... John Topham
Patterns on the x0-r Plane... Mieczyslaw Szyszkowicz
IFS Explorer and Clip Art for the Macintosh... Andy Hass
Values of the Logistic Map with Periodic Forcing... Mieczyslaw Szyszkowicz
QuasiJulia-1... Jose E. Murciano and Jose L. Villaneuva
Editorial and Announcements 2
Using Complex Variables in QuickBasic - II... Cecil J. Freeman 4
Cheap Iterative Processes... Mieczyslaw Szyszkowicz 6
Fast Hyperbolic Patterns... John Greening 10
Iterations with Transformed Argument... Mieczyslaw Szyszkowicz 12
Notes on the Newton-Ralphson Method... Cade Roux 14
Review: Chaos Data Analyzer... John de Rivaz 16
Patterns of Territories... Mieczyslaw Szyszkowicz 18
A Note on Distance Between Sequences... Mieczyslaw Szyszkowicz 20
Editorial and Announcements 2
Fractal Aggregations- review John de Rivaz 5
Fractal Image Compression Demo Disk - review ...John de Rivaz 6
Review of CAL software, version 3.5... Larry Cobb 8
Visions of Tomorrow - review John de Rivaz 9
IFS from PI... John de Rivaz 10
Fractint Corner - FRM files are Easy... Joyce Haslam 12
QuasiJulia 2... Jose E. Murciano 15
QuasiMandelbrot - 1... Jose E. Murciano 16
More Rabbits and Foxes... Dolores Garcia Garcia 17
Lasajous Figures and Strange Attractors... U. Owenup 20
Editorial and Announcements 2
Letters 3
An Open Letter to Dr Meech... Joyce Haslam 4
Coming Attraction... Joyce Haslam 6
Quantum Fractals at least?... Yvan Bozzonetti 7
Catching Fractals by the Short and Curlicues... John Sharp 10
Fractals at the Seaside John de Rivaz 13
Curlicues from text... John de Rivaz 14
Magazine Review: Fractals John de Rivaz 16
Harmonics in Fractals... Gareth Jones 17
Fractal Galore... Ed Hersom 18
Ginger - A Variation on Martin's Mappings... Gareth Jones 20
The Face - Fiction... John de Rivaz
Legendre's Fractals
Cardinal Fractals... Yvan Bozzonetti.
Jose E. Murciano: Interset, Trimande, Popcorn
Hugh Daglish... Power Curlicues
John Reece... Amiga Gallery
Editorial and Announcements 2
Letters... 3
More on Legendre's Polynomials ...Yvan Bozzonetti ...5
Hopalong ...Douglas Skrecky 7
Pickover's Variation of the Mandelbrot Set by Warut Roonguthai... 9
Curlicue Advances ...Dr Hugh Daglish...10
Fractal Sets from Magnetic Model 2... Dr Jules Verschueren... 11
Self Similarity in Modular Graphics... G. R. Turner... 18
Editorial and Announcements... 2
Cos1.par...Yvan Bozzonetti ...3
Letters... 4
The Mandelbrot Crop Formations ...Kobus Nieuwmeijer... 7
Tree Maker... Dolores Garcia Garcia ...8
Complex Probability Beziers of Three Polynomials In Iteration Time... Roger L. Bagula... 9
Random And Pseudo-random Walks... Roger L. Bagula 10
B.C.S. Superconductors, Renormalizationand Yang-lee Theory ... Roger L. Bagula 12
Exploring C3FBC4... Yvan Bozzonetti ...14
Inflation Tilings... Paul Gailiunas... 16
Inverse Mapping for Newton's Method... Paul Gailiunas... 18
Editorial and Announcements ...2
Letters... 3
Two Algorithmic Composition Programmes... Dr Gabriel Landini 4
Fractal Music II - Driving the MPU401 Interface... Dr Gabriel Landini 6
Poetry and Computers... Gerald England ...8
A Simple Model of a Gravitational Lens... John Topham 11
Fractal Models... John Sharp 14
Applying the Epsilon Cross Method to the Mandelbrot Set... Warut Roonguthai 16
A New Type of Fractal Procedure: Chase Functions... Roger Bagula 18
Dimensional Iteration In The Mandelbrot Set... Roger Bagula 19
On Good Books About Fractals... Roger Bagula 20
Editorial and Announcements 2
Fractal Meanderings... G.T. Swain... 2
Compression... Ed Hersom 3
Circle Residue Art... Dr Mike Ecker 6
Fractals from cyclotonic polynomials... Mikel Paternain 7
A Programme For Generating the Menger Sponge... Roger Castle-Smith 8
Candy... Jean van Mourik 14
Fractal Stars (in good time for) Christmas (1994)... Dr Jules Verschueren 15
Strophoid Loops in Space-Time Simulated... Roger Bagula 18
Tachyon Transient Dimensions
Editorial and Announcements 2
Letters 4
Michael Barnsley Collectors Editions 5
Book Review: Frontiers of Scientific Visualisation... John de Rivaz 6
Further Models of Gravitational lenses... John Topham 7
Forty-one... E. W. Shineman, Jr 15
More Amazing Number Arrangements... John J. Schraub 15
Kaleidoscope... Mal Lichenstein 16
Simulation of Smouldering of Paper... Jean van Mourik 17
Migdal-Kadanoff and Ackerman Dual Recursions... Roger Bagula 18
Fractals Without Chaos... Yvan Bozzonetti 20
Editorial and Announcements 2
Letters 3
Merging Ordinary Logistics with Hoffensteadt Logistics... John de Rivaz, and Mal Lichenstein 5
What Is The Fractalated Curriculum?... Harold J. McWhinnie 7
Ordering Time Ideas.... Yvan Bozzonetti... 8
Book Review: The Muse in the Machine... Robert C.W. Ettinger ...13
Magic Squares... John Greening... 14
On The Use Of Moduar Group Procedure To Express The Klein Hyperbolic Model As A Fractal... Roger Bagula 15
Hyperbolics ...John de Rivaz 16
On The Track of M Bacteria ...Yvan Bozzonetti 18
Editorial and Announcements 2
Letters 6
On Penny Saving/collecting As An Experimental Observation R. L. Bagula 10
Lorenz Butterfly Music... Malcom Lichenstein 11
Lorenz Music for Tympani, Shakuachi, Piano and Pipe Organ John de Rivaz 12
The Sound of Chaos... Dr Gabriel Landini 15
Fishtank... Cecil J. Freeman... 16
Pondering on a Bifurcation... Yvan Bozzonetti... 17
The Bagula Set... Roger Bagula... 19
Rabbits, Foxes and Oppossums... Roger Bagula 19
Patterns of Repulsion... Paul Gailiunas 20
Editorial and Announcements 2
Letters 3
Fractal DNA
Are Infinite Carotid-Kundalini Functions Fractal? Dr Clifford Pickover 7
Powerful Fractals... Dr Jules Verschueren 11
Sunflower Spirals... John Sharp 17
Fractals, Logic Functions and Bits... Mikel Paternain Machin 19
Editorial and Announcements 2
Amgia Program Malcolm Lichenstein 5
Letters 6
Extraterrestial Messages in Our Genes... Dr Clifford Pickover 8
A Plotter Hidden in Your Printer... Roger Castle-Smith 13
Magic Figures... Paul Gailiunas 19
Koan music - A unique new type of music 21
Astronomy with Computers... Yvan Bozzonetti 23
International Workshop on Information Processing in Cells and Tissues... Ray Paton 24
Skyglobe... Mark A. Haney 25
Across My Dreams With Nets Of Wonder... G.T. Swain 26
Roger Bagula's Listings... Roger Bagula 28
Generating Fractals with Hardware in Real Time... Tom Holroyd 31
All at the Press of a Button... Chrissie Loveday 32
Editorial and Announcements 2
Letters 4
Catastrophic Chaotic Attractor... Malcolm Lichtenstein 7
Binary Decomposition... Joyce Haslam 8
N-Color Decompositions... Jules Verschueren 10
Conference News 11
Is the World a Superbrain?... Yvan Bozzonetti 12
Fractal Compression... Trefor Southwell 14
Complex Denominators... Joyce Haslam 19
The Circular Tractrix and Trudrix... John Sharp 28
Beyond Measure Theory into the Vacuum... R. L. Bagula 32
Editorial and Announcements 2
Letters 4
Fractal Cosmos: The Art of Mathematical Design Book Review Dr Ian Entwistle 6
Fractal DNA Imager Software Review 7
Apollonian Circles... Marius-F. Danca 8
The Pattern Book: Fractals, Art and Nature Book Review Cecil J. Freeman 13
Newton.frm... Jules Verschueren 14
The Well Tempered Fractal... Robert Greenhouse 20
More on Gravitational Lenses, Please... Yvan Bozzonetti 21
A Fractal Window on Mars... Yvan Bozzonetti 22
Images From a Three Point Attractor... Marius-F. Danca 23
Magic not Squares... John Sharp 28
Fractal Carpets... Gabriel Landini 29
Fractal 97 Call for Papers... Miroslav M. Novak 30
More Amiga Fractals... Malcolm Lichtenstein 31
Spidermorph (Image only)... Dr Ian Entwistle 32
Editorial and Announcements 2
Fractal Dreams Dr Clifford A. Pickover 4
Keys to Infinity Book Preview Dr Clifford A. Pickover 5
Fractal resources on the Internet 9
Neural Nets versus Digital Computers... Dr Art Quaife 10
Future Health Book Preview Dr Clifford A. Pickover 12
Fractal Underwater Images... Loretta DeMars 17
Mutating Fractals... Paul Gailiunas 22
Julia Sets Part 5 Dr Ian Entwistle 23
Inner Loop Rhyming Schemes for "Mandel" Pairs... Malcolm Lichtenstein and Roger Bagula 25
Various Internal Perturbations of the Mandelbrot Set... Malcolm Lichtenstein 26
Fractint Formulae... Roger Bagula... 28
The Mogen David Fractal... Malcolm Lichtenstein 30
Checkerboard Mandelbrot... Malcolm Lichtenstein 31
Fractal Blind Spot... Malcolm Lichtenstein 31
Sieprinski Process within Mandelbrot... Malcolm Lichtenstein 32
Editorial and Announcements 2
The Logarithmic Spiral... Dr Art Quaife 5
Pi fight, round n+2... Dr M. Ecker 7
Unusual Map Files for Fractint... John Sharp 8
Ford Circles... Malcolm Lichtenstein 10
Sierpinski Odd-even Cellular Automaton... Malcolm Lichtenstein 11
Musical Ants... Malcolm Lichtenstein 12
Fuzzy Mandelbrot Intersections... Malcolm Lichtenstein 14
New Twist to the Mandelbrot... Malcolm Lichtenstein 15
Kolmogorov Pre-Fuzzies... Malcolm Lichtenstein 16
Bilinear Irreversibility... Malcolm Lichtenstein 17
Radial Polar Transforms of Mandelbrot Iterations... Roger Bagula 18
Future Basic - a bear with a byte... Roger Bagula 19
Programming Environments... Roger Bagula 20
Julia Effects in Mandelbrot Iterations... Roger Bagula 21
Hop - Fractals in Motion... Michael Peters 23
Mathematica coding... Yvan Bozzonetti 25
New Book Dr Clifford Pickover 25
Synopsis of Pulsor Model for Space-Time Events... David C. Manchester 26
Towards Justice... Brian W. Haines 28
Relativistic Thermodynamics From Intermediate Nanomachines.... Yvan Bozzonetti 31
Editorial Letters and Announcements 2
One Fill subroutine... Marius -F. Danca 6
A Recipe for Intelligence... John K. Clark 9
Chaos Demonstrations... Ladye K. Wilkinson 11
New and Wonderful Fractal Formula!... Gerry Mantha 13
Quantum Computers... John K Clark... 14
Sine-Cosine Curlicues and Feather Fractals... Dr. Michael W. Ecker 15
A Composer's Thoughts on Fractal Music... Chick Hebert 17
Magic Hexagon... Jean Van Mourik 19
Logarithmic Spiral... Jean Van Mourik 20
Appolonius... Jean Van Mourik 20
A Gadget for Solving the Third Order Equation... Marius-F. Danca 21
Van der Pohl System... Marius-F. Danca 23
Mandelbrot Bull's Eye... Malcolm Lichtenstein 29
Fuzzy SuperCalculus... Malcolm Lichtenstein 29
Four Way Symmetries in Mandelbrot and BAM... Malcolm Lichtenstein 30
Some QBASIC programs... Roger Bagula 31
A Major Change for FRACTAL REPORT 2
Editorial, Announcements and Letters 4
Chaotic Justice... G.T. Swain 9
Book Review: Pickover: VISUALIZING BIOLOGICAL INFORMATION Dr Gabriel Landini 12
What is Chaos... Yvan Bozzonetti 13
Can Computing Devices Beat Physical Laws... Yvan Bozzonetti 14
Impact of Computing Power... Yvan Bozzonetti 20
The Statute of Virtual Worlds... Yvan Bozzonetti 21
Bagula's Programs... Roger Bagula... 24
Tent operations on IFS Sierpinski... Malcolm Lichtenstein 32
FRACTAL REPORT to Cease Publication - Editorial
Announcements and Letters
Interesting Ways of Filling the Interior of the Mandelbrot Set Jose Marques
The Most Impressive Fractal... J. A. Muth
Acceleration Man... Malcolm Lichtenstein
Tent Inside Man... Malcolm Lichtenstein
Some BAM Designs... Malcolm Lichtenstein
Auto Correalation BAM Pattern... Malcolm Lichtenstein
A Fractal in Visual Basic: Martin's Mappings... John de Rivaz
Julia Set Compatible Perturbations... Jules Vereschueren
General Power Mandelbrot... Roger Bagula
Index Issues 0 to 20