.LM10;RM70;FI;AD;CE @TI^WRITER^VERSION^5.0 .CE January 1991 .HE ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^-%- Version 5.0 is a major new Fairware release of TI Writer. The modifications have been extensive in order to remove many of the anoyances of the original package. At the same time, the new version is strictly compatible with the original. Fairware contributions of $10 can be sent to: .IN+10;SP RAG SOFTWARE R.^A.^Green 1032 Chantenay Dr. Gloucester, Ont. CANADA K1C 2K9 .IN+0;SP2 @Editor^Improvements, Version 4.0 .SP;LM+5;IN-3 1.^The editor runs independent from the cartridge (or with it if you like). 2.^The performance (i.e. speed) of all features has been improved, with special attention to some features. 3.^A dramatic improvement in the speed of move, copy and delete lines. Move lines is instantaneous and will never give the "out of memory" condition. Delete lines, in most cases, is also nearly instantaneous. 4.^All cursor movement from line to line has been speeded up when no lines are changed. 5.^All keyboard input has been speeded up in an attempt to prevent loss of characters when "wraping" to the next line. 6.^A new command, QQ, has been added to exit immediately from the editor without further prompting. 7.^A number entered as a command is equivalent to Show line, that is, the line whose number is entered is positioned at the top of the screen. 8.^In command mode, simply pressing ENTER will return you to edit mode. 9.^Two new control codes have been added. "CTRL ," positions to the top of the file (i.e. Show line 1). "CTRL^." positions to the last line of the file (i.e. Show line E). .IN-4 10.^The CHARA1 file is no longer required to define a new character set for the editor. 11.^An install or configuration program is provided that allows you to tailor the editor for your environment. You can: .IN+2 a.^define your printer for PF, b.^set the initial screen colours, c.^set the initial tabs, d.^set word wrap initially on or off, e.^set display of line numbers initially on or off, f.^define the character set. .LM-5;IN+0;SP2 @Editor^Improvements, Version 5.0 .SP;LM+5;IN-3 1.^A new command, FF, has been added to load and execute the Formatter from the editor, passing the file name. 2.^A new command, VF, has been added to view a text file while editing some other file. 3.^A new command, LD, has been added to load a disk's directory into the file being editted. 4.^A new command, FL, has been added to allow file name selection from a directory for LF and/or VF. 5.^The "*EOF" line now shows the amount of memory available. 6.^The form of the drive specification for SD, LD and FL has been changed to accommodate hard disk users. .IN+0;SP2;LM-5 @Editor^Notes. .SP;LM+5;IN-3 1.^No features of the Editor have been removed, although SD is different as it was done by code in the cartridge GROM. 2.^The text buffer is exactly the same size. 3.^As mentioned in the TIW manual but not stressed enough, it is IMPORTANT to immediately do a save file and then reload it after a Recover Edit. .SP2;LM-5;IN+0 @Formatter^Improvements. .SP;LM+5;IN-3 1.^The Formatter now runs independent from the cartridge (or with it if you like). 2.^The overall performance (i.e. speed) of the Formatter has been improved. 3.^There has been a dramatic reduction in the size of the Formatter on disk which makes for faster loading. 4.^The formatter's "format commands" can now be entered in upper, lower or mixed case. 5.^When multiple format commands are used on a single line (separated by semi-colons) a period can precede all commands. 6.^The bug in handling asterisks when not in mailing list mode and the bug in handling double at signs or double ampersands in centred lines have been fixed. Try your existing Formatter on the file BUGDEMO. 7.^Eight new format commands have been added to the formatter. They are described below. 8.^A new response to the prompt, "Pause at end of page?", is provided to make using letterhead or single sheet paper easier. The response "L" indicates that the formatter is to pause at the end of each page and that the normal spacing at the top of the page is not to be done so that letterhead paper can be positioned in the printer at the correct place for the first line of text to be printed. The formatter normally prints two blank lines, the HE line and another blank line at the top of pages. None of these will be printed when the "L" response is used, but the line number will still be set to five. 9.^The disk number in the filenames for IF, ML and CH format commands may be specified as an asterisk to indicate the same drive as the main input file. This allows a document to be printed independent of the drive selected by the user. .IN-4 10.^An install or configuration program is provided that allows you to define your printer for the formatter. .LM-5;IN+0;SP @Formatter^Notes. ^^No features have been removed. .SP2 @Installing^Version^5.0 First, make a working copy of the distribution disk. If you have a character set module that you want installed into the Editor then it must be made available on a separate drive or must be copied onto the working disk. You will be asked for the filename of the character set module during installation. The two installation programs, EDITINST and FORMINST, can be loaded and run using: E/A Option 5, TIW Option 3, or XB with program INLOAD. The installation programs prompt for their inputs. @Loading^Version^5.0 The new Editor and Formatter can be loaded in a variety of ways. Both programs are now standard "E/A Option 5" programs. Of course, they can be loaded by the TI Writer cartridge in the normal way, or by using Option 3. The Editor is completely independent and loads all VDP registers and tables. The Formatter requires the VDP set up as for E/A Option 5. The following special loaders are provided to simulate the TI Writer Cartridge Menu for loading the Editor and Formatter. .SP;LM+3;IN-3 1.^Extended BASIC "LOAD" program. .IN+0 This program can be easily modified to add other programs to the menu. The first DATA statement has the menu heading and the number of menu items. The other DATA statements have the program environment type, the program name and the menu text for each program on the menu. Each item is in the form: ^^^^^^^^"tnnnnnnnnnn ttttttt..." where "T" is the environment type the program requires, and is either "E" for E/A environment or "X" for Extended BASIC environment. "nnnnnnnnnn" is the name of the program file to be loaded and must be exactly 10 characters, padded if necessary on the right with blanks. "ttttttt" is the text for the menu display. The disk number from which the programs are loaded can also be changed by changing statement 7: ^^^^^^^^^^CALL LOAD(-123,49) Where 49 is ASCII "1". Note: Do not change statements 1 or 2 as the loader is hidden between them. .IN-3;SP 2.^E/A Supercart menu program. .IN+0 When program "TIWSEA" is loaded via Option 5 into an E/A Supercart (i.e. RAM at >6000->7FFF) it presents a menu for TI Writer Version 5.0. It also leaves itself as a ROM menu item for consoles that support ROM cartridges. Note that the file names entered for Options 3, 4 and 5 are retained and are available for later use. The drive number from which the Editor and Formatter are loaded can be easily patched in TIWSEA either on disk or when loaded into the E/A Supercart. .SP;IN-3 3.^Mini Memory resident loader. .IN+0 When program "TIWMM" is loaded via Option 3 into the Mini Memory and run with program name "TIW" it presents a menu for TI Writer Version 5.0. Once loaded, the program can be reused until something else is loaded into the Mini Memory. Note that the file names entered for Options 3, 4 and 5 are retained and are available for later use. The drive number from which the Editor and Formatter are loaded can be easily patched in TIWMM using Easy Bug. Location >73D5 is the drive number for the Editor and location >73F1 is the drive number for the Formatter. .LM-3;IN+0;SP2 @Distrubution^Disk^Contents .LM+10;IN-10 BUGDEMO^^^Demonstrates two Formatter bugs CHARA1^^^^A true lower case character set EDITA1^^^^The Editor, segment 1 EDITA2^^^^The Editor, segment 2 EDITINST^^Installation program for the Editor FORMA1^^^^The Formatter FORMINST^^Installation program for the Formatter INLOAD^^^^Extended BASIC loader for the installation programs LOAD^^^^^^Extended BASIC loader for the Editor and/or Formatter TIWMM^^^^^Mini Memory TI Writer Menu object text, program name: TIW TIWSEA^^^^E/A Supercart TI Writer Menu TIWV50^^^^This Version 5.0 writeup .LM-10;IN+0;SP2 @New^Editor^Commands. Version 5.0 of the Editor implements a general form of the device name rather than simply a disk number for the commands: SD, LD and FL. The device name for these commands may be entered in either of the following forms: .SP;IN+10 DSKn. DSK.diskname. .SP;IN+0 Note that the trailing period must be entered. In this new implemention, the device name is retained for use in the next SD, LD or FL command. &FILE^LIST Coded as: .SP;IN+10 FL^^^device-name .SP;IN+0 The FL command accepts a device name then presents a menu of file names from the directory of that device. The user can use the arrow keys to move through the list. Typing an "L" beside a filename sets that name as the default filename for the LF, SF or FF command. Typing a "V" beside a filename selects that file as the default for the VF command. If "L" or "v" are typed more than once then the last file selected is used. Pressing ENTER causes return to editing. &FORMAT^FILE Coded as: .SP;IN+10 FF^^^filename .SP;IN+0 The FF command causes the Formatter to be loaded and run. It accepts a filename which is passed to the formatter. The default filename is the same as for LF or SF. &LOAD^DIRECTORY Coded as: .SP;IN+10 LD^^^[after] device-name .SP;IN+0 The LD command loads the direcory of a disk into the file being editted. The form of the directory is the same as that displayed by SD. If the "after" line number is given the directory is loaded into the file after that line. If not given, the current file is purged before the directory is loaded. &VIEW^FILE Coded as: .SP;IN+10 VF^^^[start] [stop] filename .SP;IN+0 The VF command is used to view part or all of a text file while editing some other file. Pressing the SPACE bar will pause/resume the scrolling through the file. Pressing FCTN 4 will terminate viewing and return to editing. .IN+0;SP2 @New^Format^Commands. &PRINTER^CONTROL coded as: .SP;IN+10 PC n1,n2,n3,... .SP;IN+0 which causes the control codes n1,n2,n3,... to be sent directly to the printer without changing the line count. This can be used for printer setup without the trouble of TL. Note that like most format commands, PC causes a break in the text and thus cannot be used in the middle of a line. &DEFINE^UNDERSCORE^CONTROL^CHARACTER coded as: .SP;IN+10 DU n .SP;IN+0 Where n is the number of the code to be used as the underscore begin character. The initial setting for DU is 38, the ampersand. &DEFINE^BOLDFACE^CONTROL^CHARACTER coded as: .SP;IN+10 DB n .SP;IN+0 Where n is the number of the code to be used as the boldface or overstrike begin character. The initial setting for DB is 64, the at sign. &DEFINE^MAILING^LIST^CONTROL^CHARACTER coded as: .SP;IN+10 DM n .SP;IN+0 Where n is the number of the code to be used as the mailing list insert character. The initial setting for DM is 42, the asterisk. &DEFINE^REQUIRED^BLANK^CHARACTER coded as: .SP;IN+10 DR n .SP;IN+0 Where n is the number of the code to be used as the required blank character. The initial setting for DR is 94, the caret. &AS^IS^TEXT^BEGIN coded as: .SP;IN+10 AI .SP;IN+0 This format command is similiar to NF except that the left margin is still observed. As Is text is ended by an FI format command. &CONDITIONAL^PAGE^EJECT coded as: ^^^^^^^^^^CP n A page break will occur if there is less than n lines remaining on the current page; otherwise, the CP is ignored. &CHAIN^FILES coded as: ^^^^^^^^^^.CF filename When this command is encountered, the main input file is closed, and the user is prompted to insert the disk for the named file. When the user presses ENTER, the named file is processed. This allows changing of disks and the processing of an unlimited length document. Note this command is invalid in an "included" file (just as IF commands may not be nested). In addition, only a single copy of the document will be printed when chained files are used. @REFERENCE^SHEETS The complete list of commands and function codes for both the Editor and the Formatter is given below. .BP @Editor^Commands .SP;IN+0 CMD^^^FUNCTION^^^^^^^^^PARAMETERS --------------------------------------------------- .IN+1 C^^^^Copy lines^^^^^^start stop after D^^^^Delete lines^^^^start stop DF^^^Delete file^^^^^filename E^^^^Edit mode^^^^^^^-- F^^^^Files help^^^^^^-- FL^^^Files List^^^^^^DSKn. FF^^^Format File ^^^^filename FS^^^Find string^^^^^[startcol] [endcol] /string/ L^^^^Lines help^^^^^^-- LD^^^Load Directory^^[after] filename LF^^^Load file^^^^^^^[after][start][end] filename M^^^^Move lines^^^^^^start stop after P^^^^Purge text^^^^^^Y|N PF^^^Print file^^^^^^[C][L][start][stop] printername Q^^^^Quit^^^^^^^^^^^^E|P|S QQ^^^Quick quit^^^^^^-- RE^^^Recover Edit^^^^Y|N RS^^^Replace String^^[startcol][endcol] /old/new/ S^^^^Show line^^^^^^^number SD^^^Show Directory^^DSKn. SF^^^Save File^^^^^^^[start][stop] filename SH^^^Search help^^^^^-- T^^^^Tabs^^^^^^^^^^^^I|T|L|R VF^^^View File^^^^^^^[start][stop] filename n^^^^Line n^^^^^^^^^^-- .BP;IN+0 @Editor^Codes FCTN^^^ACTION^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^CTRL^^^ACTION -------------------------^^^^^^--------------------- .IN+2 1^^^^^Delete Character^^^^^^^^^1^^^^Oops 2^^^^^Insert Character^^^^^^^^^2^^^^Reformat 3^^^^^Delete Line^^^^^^^^^^^^^^3^^^^Screen Colours 4^^^^^Roll Down^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^4^^^^Next Paragraph 5^^^^^Next Window^^^^^^^^^^^^^^5^^^^Duplicate Line 6^^^^^Roll Up^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^6^^^^Last Paragraph 7^^^^^Tab^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^7^^^^Word Tab 8^^^^^Insert Line^^^^^^^^^^^^^^8^^^^New Paragraph 9^^^^^Command Mode^^^^^^^^^^^^^9^^^^New Page 0^^^^^Line Numbers Toggle^^^^^^0^^^^Word Wrap Toggle =^^^^^Command Mode^^^^^^^^^^^^^A^^^^Roll Down E^^^^^Cursor Up^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^B^^^^Roll Up D^^^^^Cursor Right^^^^^^^^^^^^^C^^^^Command Mode S^^^^^Cursor Left^^^^^^^^^^^^^^D^^^^Cursor Right X^^^^^Cursor Down^^^^^^^^^^^^^^E^^^^Cursor Up .IN+33 F^^^^Delete Character G^^^^Insert Character H^^^^Last Paragraph I^^^^Tab J^^^^Next Paragraph K^^^^Delete to End of Line L^^^^Home Cursor M^^^^New Paragraph N^^^^Delete Line O^^^^Insert Line P^^^^New Page Q^^^^---- R^^^^Reformat S^^^^Cursor Left T^^^^Back Tab U^^^^Special Character Mode V^^^^Beginning of Line W^^^^Word Tab X^^^^Cursor Down Y^^^^Left Margin Release Z^^^^Oops .IN+31 comma^^Show Line 1 period^Show Line E .IN+0;BP @Formatter^Commands .SP;IN+3 CMD^^^^^^^^^^^^^FUNCTION --------------------------------------------- @@^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^Begin Boldfaceing (See DB) &&^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^Begin Underscoring (See DU) caret^^^^^^^^^^^Required Blank (See DR) *^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^Mailing List Variable (See DM) c/r^^^^^^^^^^^^^Break Text p/a^^^^^^^^^^^^^Break Page AD^^^^^^^^^^^^^^Begin Right Margin Justification AI^^^^^^^^^^^^^^Begin As Is Text BP^^^^^^^^^^^^^^Break Page BR^^^^^^^^^^^^^^Break Text CE^n^^^^^^^^^^^^Centre n Lines CH filename ^^^^Chain Files CO^text^^^^^^^^^Comment CP n^^^^^^^^^^^^Conditional Page Break DB n^^^^^^^^^^^^Define Boldface Character DM n^^^^^^^^^^^^Define Mailing List Variable Char DP n:text^^^^^^^Define Mailing List Prompt DR n^^^^^^^^^^^^Define Required Blank Character DU n^^^^^^^^^^^^Define Underscore Character FI^^^^^^^^^^^^^^Begin Text Filling FO^text [%]^^^^^Page Footing HE^text [%]^^^^^Page Heading IF^filename^^^^^Include File IN^[+|-]n^^^^^^^Indent LM^[+|-]n^^^^^^^Left Margin LS^n^^^^^^^^^^^^Line Spacing ML^filename^^^^^Mailing List File NA^^^^^^^^^^^^^^No Right Margin Justification NF^^^^^^^^^^^^^^No Text Filling PA^[+|-] n^^^^^^Set Page Number PC^n1,n2,...^^^^Printer Control PL^[+|-] n^^^^^^Page Length RM^[+|-] n^^^^^^Right Margin SP^n^^^^^^^^^^^^Space n Lines TL^n:n1,n2,...^^Transliterate Character .IN+0 €†€­†‹•Ÿееееееееее分