ORIGINALLY PUBLISHED IN LIMA NEWSLETTER JUNE 1990 'Drew's Views: Picasso Enlarger By: Andy Frueh Documentation.....B Ease of Use.......A Value.............A- Final Grade.......A AUTHOR: Paul Scheidemantle Publisher:^^Asgard Software ^^^^^^^^^^^^P. O. Box 10306 ^^^^^^^^^^^^Rockville, MD 20850 There is a fairly new utility out now for Picasso. It is called Picasso Enlarger, but don't let the title fool you. It does FAR more than enlarging. You can enlarge, shrink, and "ghost" images. The manual that comes with this piece of software has a cover featuring the horizontal and vertical enlarging and ghosting (see below). The manual I have (I got my copy from Paul Scheidemantle, the author) says it's from Asgard Software, but I hope it's pre-production and inspection. The manual has quite a few typos. They don't really take away from the purpose of the manual: to give instruction. However, it is the only bad mark for the whole program! It is very easy to use. The whole thing loads out of Extended BASIC via a LOAD file. It self-starts, as you expect it to. It is a little slow, but you have to expect that with almost EVERY TI graphics utility. The effects produced by Picasso Enlarger are far worth the wait. IGd like to know how Paul Scheidemantle DOES it! As far as value goes, it really depends on whether or not you use Picasso. If you use another "artist" program, this isn't worth the price, and I don't expect that you buy it. However, if you rather use Picasso (it's a whole lot easier to learn than other "artists") than this is an invaluable tool, WELL worth the cost. So, what can this actually do? Well, you can enlarge a picture either horizontally, vertically, or in both directions. You can also reduce a picture in the same ways. You can ghost a picture, which means that the image will appear to be lighter. What actually happens is that Picasso Enlarger will strip out some of the dots from the picture. You can also merge a TI-Artist instance-type picture into a Picasso picture. Very handy! Also, you can view this instance. As the manual states, "Because of the limitations of xbasic if it is an unusually large picture only a portion will be shown." You can catalog a disk (self-explanatory, I hope!). Finally, you can convert an eight pixel-high Artist font into one to use with Picasso, or vice versa. My only conclusion is that this is a great addition to the toolbox of Picasso users. It is worth it's price. As I stated earlier, I only have a problem with the manual, and maybe the speed it takes from loading to running. Pre-scan commands should, in my opinion, always be used, memory permitting. So all in all, it's worth four stars. A fine effort by Paul, and very wise of Asgard to publish it. Finally, does anyone know if Picasso resets the printer upon loading or anything? I set my printer to small line spacing, yet when I try to print a Picasso picture through Picasso, it prints with the ol' familiar horizontal lines. HELP! .PL 1