.IF DSK1.C-3 PLUS! (Version 2.0; the FINAL version) is almost 1400 sectors of pure environmental dynamite. It is well over twice the size of the original PLUS! and twice as potent. And now, lower priced than ever! You may receive PLUS! (including the hardcopy materials) from the author (Jack Sughrue, Box 459, East Douglas MA 01516) for only $7.50, postage paid. PLUS! is also offered as Groupware, and that price is also reduced. A group may purchase PLUS! outright for $20 for ALL the members of your group. And then use it as a fundraiser at $5 a pop, as a raffle, as a freebie for membership renewal, as a ???? The author asks only that you maintain group integrity. Do not sell to non-members, as this is the standard Groupware request. PLUS! (the earlier versions) were given an A+ by MICROpendium. In addition to standardizing the word processing codes (so you can underline, doublestrike, whatever with single keystrokes), PLUS! has templates for letter writing and all sorts of automatic formatting. The INSTA programs (INSTAlabel, INSTAdump, etc.) are models of TI efficiency and practically turn your machine into a mini RAM disk with high speed. The highly-praised personalized 3-column cataloguer prints a multi-featured, envelope-sized catalog of up to the 127-file TI maximum. The world's tiniest working word processor (1 line) is also part of PLUS!, as are word counters, DV/80 auto printers, Pig-Latin writer, cursor creator, all kinds of built in personalized calendar programs, columnizers, graphic programs, templates, data files, pictures, codes, and an extensive manual/tutorial. Although the vast majority of files are original to PLUS! and can be found nowhere else, the addition of excellent PD and permitted copyright files makes this final version of PLUS! the TI Bargain of THIS Century and an environment that will last you well into the next. Send $7.50 (or $20 for group) for complete disk and text materials (specify DSSD or SSSD) to Jack Sughrue, Box 459, East Douglas MA 01516. Thank you. Հ