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St Thomas Heaton Chapel Church Magazine for March 1915 Page Two

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Confirmation Arrangements:
The Confirmation will take place at St. Paul's, Heaton Moor, on Thursday, March 18th, at 8 p.m. The Service will be taken by theBishop of Whalley. Candidates are requested to assemble in St. Paul's Schools by 7.30 p.m., and it is suggested in the Bishop of Manchester's directions that "the greatest simplicity of dress should be enjoined upon women and girls. The simple veil falling back from the head is preferred."

It is much to be desired that the Parents and Godparents, wherever possible, should be present at the Services. Cards of admission to the Church may be obtained later from the Rector.


The January Meeting was held on the 15th, when a Paper was read by Mr. Harold. E. Howes on "Socialism and the Church." The subject proved a most interesting one and provided a discussion which was joined in by nearly all present, and it was decided to continue the discussion upon the points raised at the next meeting.

Owing to unforeseen events, however, this could not be carried out, but rather than have the evening cancelled, the Secretary tabulated all the news procurable in reference to the whereabouts and doings of members of our "Roll of Honour" and expressed a desire to be kept in touch with each of them as opportunity offered.

Our "Roll" embraces representatives in 22 separate Regiments consisting of all Branches of His Majesty's Service, while two members are serving on H.M.S. Orion and HMS Bellona respectively.

One of our "Non-Coms" writes from Heaton Park that a branch of the CEMS was being formed by the "Pals" Brigade quartered there, and that the Bishop of Manchester was to conduct a Confirmation Service in the Church "Hut".

Another writes from Morecambe from the Regiment popularly known as the "Fighting Fifth": "Drills have progressed in their various stages of difficulty until now the Battalion is almost as efficient as we were individually in our business before being soldiers. We are very well looked after indeed, you see we are all billeted with people who are quite used to catering and are very comfortable and have good meals.

On Tuesday last we were innoculated, and that night reminded one of the performance of Hamlet and the Ghost walked. It was like a hospitl, one of us on the cough groaning, another on a chair and two in bed, all intent on the same programme.

The effects, however, soon passed away and now we are as well as ever, if not better, till we get the next dose on Friday. The daily routine begins at 7-10, when we parade in "undress uniform" i.e. dirty parade, without washing and no scrutiny of buttons. Then we double along the promenade until 8 o'clock, when we dismiss for breakfast (bacon and eggs) and we always break all record fasts at that meal after our stroll. The repast being finished, an opportunity is given to clean our buttons and rifles. At 9-10 we fall in the for the Commanding Officer's inspection and back to the promenade. First we drill in extended order with intervals, after which we have an hours musketry instruction and aiming drill. We dismiss for dinner at 12.45 until 2.10 so we have a fairly easy time in the morning.

The afternoon work consists chiefly of a short march into the country, a distance of 3 or 4 miles, wearing great coats, and carrying rifles, we practice jumping hedges and ditches. One of our party fell in yesterday and another put his ankleout, but the war was still going on so we had to manage the best way we could. We also practice judging distances, in order to become accustomed to range of rifle fire. Men are placed at various points and we have to judge how far they are away and this is no easy matter. We then march home for tea and finish the day's work at 4.30 to 5.

Church Missionary Society

We wish particularly to draw the attention of our readers to the needs and work of the above Society. Owing to the numerous and urgent calls for help in the present crisis the just claims of CMS are in danger of being overlooked or minimised.

We trust that the response to the Society's appeal will not be less than in former years. On Sunday March 14th special sermons will be preached in our Church - in the morning by Rev S C Webb from Jerusalem, and in the evening by the Rev. Napier Malcolm, Rector of St John's, Higher Broughton, late of Persia.

We must not forget either to mention the Annual Meeting which will be held in the Free Trade Hall on Monday March 15th at 7.30pm. The list of speakers this year is exceptionally strong and it is hoped that the building will be thronged.

The Gleaners Union.

Our next meeting will be held in the Schools on Thursday March 25th at 8 p.m.

The Address will be given by Mr. O McIntyre of Stockport. It is to be hoped that the improvement in the attendance which was so marked at our last meeting will be more than maintained and that there will be a good muster of both old and new friends of our Society.

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