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Stainless Software 1982-1985

Emulator users can enjoy three disks of Stainless Software programs.
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     Stainless Software was a computer software publishing business operated in the United Kingdom by Stephen Shaw from 1982 to 1985, catering only for the Texas Instruments TI99/4a Home Computer.

Help please!

I am looking for the following programs, formerly issued by Stainless Software, in any TI Emulator format (eg PC99 or TI Emulate, Mess, 99sim etc etc.). [ NOT as a Windows executable- I don't have that!! ] It would be nice to be able to offer these collected together on this site - so far I have eight emulated TI disks worth, but there are so many more.

Some of these programs were in the Stainless Software catalogue for only brief periods, and some although in the catalogue for years, do not seem to have sold a single copy - these will have been lost, alas.

Most of the programs sold did not indicate on them that they came from Stainless Software. I have placed as full a copy as possible of the Stainless Software Catalogue of programs onto the internet, which you can refer to for author names or program details. I am now adding to this links to magazine reviews.

In alphabetical order then, the programs I am looking for:

3D RACE by Patrick Strassen; 3D STALKERS by Mark Sumner; 5 CAR STUD POKER by PRP Computergraphics; ALPHA T'OMEGA by A Walker; ANAGRAM CRACKER by Bob Chappell; ARIES by Austin Platt; ARMADA by DEJ Software; ASSEMBLER MATH by Kuhl Software; ASTROWARS by Colin Banks; ASW TACTICS 2 by DEJ Software;

BAG BOUNDER by K Boothroyd; BATTLE TANKS by Colin Banks; BIORHYTHMS by PRP Computergraphics; BLACKJACK by PRP Computergraphics; BOUNCING BUGS by P J Akers; BRAINTWISTERS 1 by Titan Software; BRAINTWISTERS 3 by Titan Software;

CHARACTER CREATOR (by Stephen McKearney); CHEMTUTOR 1 by Data Systems; CONCORDIA by Data Systems; COUNTING WITH COINS by Maple Leaf Microware; CRASH by Colin Banks; CRASH UP by DEJ Software; CRAZY CAVER by PS Software (vertical scroll); CROSSUMS from Oak Tree Systems; CU*BERT (by Patrick Strassen); CUT OFF by Steve Watts

DEATH PARK by Philip Hindley; DEFEND THE CITIES by Intersoft; DEFEND THE CITIES 2 by Intersoft;

FARMER by Colin McAuley; FAST FROG by Pewterware; FFF ASTEROIDS from FFF Software; FISH by Kuhl Software; FOOD OF THE GODS by K Boothroyd; GALACTIC GUNFIGHT by Intersoft; GLOBAL RESCUE by P Richards; GO FOR THE GOLD by DEJ Software; GOPHER by Titan Software; GRAIL QUEST by Andrew Myers; H M S TEXAS by Gary Burmiston; HAPPY MATH by Maple Leaf Microware;

INVASION by Colin McAuley; KEYS OF THE CASTLE; LUNAR BASE/TORPEDO FIRE both by Colin Banks; MAN AND MONSTERS by Patrick Strassen; MARS MINE LANDER by H Taylor; MARTIAN MONSTERS by Christopher Rock; MATH FLASH ASTRONAUT by Maple Leaf Microware; MATH FLASH PILOT by Maple Leaf Microware; MEGA FIGHTER by Roach Software; METEOR STORM by Intersoft;

NIGHT FLIGHT by Patrick Strassen; NOMAD (DEJ Software); NORBERT by Pewterware; PIT, THE (by Andrew Myers); PLANET DESTROYER by Patrick Strassen; QUADRABLITZ by P J Akers;

SLARI by Michael Yates; SPELLING AND PHONICS by Maple Leaf Microware;

TIME TUTOR by Maple Leaf Microware; TREASURE TRAP by Not Polyoptics; VIDEO TITLES by Stephen Shaw;

Many thanks to anyone who can help.

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