A song about cats written by Bill Mumy

On this page: A transcription of a song about Cats, recorded by Barnes and Barnes in November 1981.
Barnes and Barnes are Robert Haimer and Bill Mumy (also known for his roles as Will Robinson in Lost in Space, or Lennier from Babylon5).
The album was called SPAZCHOW.
In April 1997 Bill Mumy wrote about Cats:
Another song conceived and largely written by Robert. I helped with the lyrics. We've always thought that with a few minor changes in the words this could be a cool cat food jingle.
Of course we've also always thought that Googam and Rombu would one day stomp through the city streets proclaiming that they were taking over the planet earth and enslaving mankind.
In this song the constantly frustrated spazchow asks the heavens: "...Who knows if they love you? Are they thinking of you... Do they love you?" He receives no reply.

images of cats (c)reserved stephen shaw

Purring at me.
Love when I stroke them.
Love to be free.

Lie in the sun.
I love to watch them.
Pussy cat fun.

Who knows if they love you
Are they thinking of you
Rubbing up against you
Do they love you

Running at night
Out on the prowl
They scratch and fight

Playing with balls
Curled up besides you
Won't come when you call

Who knows if they love you
Are they thinking of you
Rubbing up against you
Do they love you

Land on their feet
Whenever you drop them
So light and petite

Purring at me.
Love when I stroke them.
Love to be free.

Purring at me.
Love when I stroke them.
Love to be free.


A 30 second low quality sample of this track:

Transcribed by Stephen Shaw- all errors are mine.

Want a copy? You can buy Bill Mumy's CDs from his web site. He records as Bill Mumy, Barnes and Barnes, The Be Five, and The Jenerators.

Spazchow was produced, written, performed and recorded by Barnes and Barnes. Published by Music Spazchow/Ascap. Copyright. All rights reserved. Used by permission.

The cats pictured are Paws, Portia, Custard, unknown Harlech cat, Kipper, original artwork.

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