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Not an exhaustive or complete list of printed cartoons on the web, just a few my favourites. Most cartoons today are hidden behind paywalls or bad coding. Down to pretty well one provider now. Cartoon links die or change very quickly, so there could be some dead links here. I will check them as often as I can.

Recent comic towards end of page:

   adam at home -.    ||       arlo and janis    ||    bc    ||    born loser   | |       bristow - Dickens died July 2016.

      Calvin and Hobbes     ||    cathy     ||   drabble   | |    Family Circus   | |    for better or worse

   Frank and Ernest-recent comics towards end of page.  | |       frank and ernest from last year

   fred basset see end of page   | |    free fall

       Garfield    ||    heathcliffe   | |    marmaduke- .  | |        nancy  

   Peanuts- strips towards end of page.

      Rose is Rose.  | |    wizard of id .  | |    ziggy recent strip towards end of page.

You won't find any links here to web sites that present unanimated strip cartoons as Flash media, totally unsuitable. And absolutely not three certain major comics pages that use javascript. I'd rather read a book.