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This page contains details of the TI pinouts, some hidden program features and a review of a TI theme for Windows 98

Web article Ten


Pin diagrams

By: Andy Frueh Lima, Ohio UG

I guess this article falls under the subject of "useless technical information unless you are going to mess with your computers guts" (Whew!)
These are pin diagrams I found. All I copied down was the diagrams. I don't know where I got these from, but for the sake of common-interest, here they are. There is NO guarantee on any of these diagrams! I accept no responsibility for the consequences in using these to modify a console, or whaterver else you do with these!


If you bought a printer cable not made the TI, here is a guide to help you make sure the pin assignments are right.

    Serial              Parallel
//////////////       //////////////
TI     Printer       TI     Printer
1-9      1-9         1        1
10        11         2        2
16        16         3        3
P-Box     17         5        5
   grnd              6        6
                     7        7
                     8        8
                     20      11


These run left-right with 1 thru 5 on the top and 6 thru 9 on the bottom.

1-CS1 motor +    6-CS2 motor +  
2-CS1 motor -    7-CS2 motor -  
3-Ground         8-Audio In     
4-Not used       9-Audio Ground 
5-Record Out                    
1-Not used     6-Not used
2-Joystick 2   7-Joystick 1
3-Up           8-Down
4-Fire         9-Right


These two are a pair that usually don't get modified, but here they are.

         (1) o       o (2) 
           (3) o  o (4)    
1-Not used                  
2-8 Volt AC                 
3-16 Volt AC  

 DIN (Video) (USA Models)
              ^ (Notch) 
       (5)o        o(1)
         (4)o    o(2)

1-12 Volt + 
2-Video Out 
5-Sound Out


The following are supplied by TI.

   1-reset     7-d5   13-d2  
   2-grnd      8-a15  14-a11 
   3-d7        9-d4   15-d1  
   4-cru clk  10-a13  16-a10 
   5-d6       11-d3   17-d0  
   6-cru in   12-a12  18-a9  

19-+5 volt  25-dbin/mi   31-grom ready
20-a8       26-a6        32-we 
21-GROM sel 27-GROM clk  33-GROM ground
22-a7       28-a5        34-ROM ground
23-a13/mo   29--5 volt   35-ground
24-a3       30-a4        36-ground

     These are also from TI. 
   1-+5 volt   9-dbin   17-a7      
   2-spch sel 10-a3     18-a9      
   3-reset    11-a12    19-a15     
   4-ext int  12-ready  20-a2      
   5-a5       13-load   21-ground  
   6-a10      14-a8     22-cru clk 
   7-a4       15-a13    23-ground  
   8-a11      16-a14    24-0 3     

 25-ground  33-cru in  41-hold/iaq
 26-we      34-d7      42-d3
 27-ground  35-d4      43--5 volt
 28-mbe     36-d6      44-speech
 29-a6      37-d0
 30-a1      38-d5
 31-a0      39-d2
 32-memen   40-d1

If you decide to use these for whatever, let me know what you come up with! I hope I helped someone out in someway. Maybe these could help to create new hard/soft ware, although I think these are probably published in many technical books. Oh well! Happy probing!

OLD TRICKS FOR NEW (and not so new) USERS

by Joseph Cohen Lima Ohio User Group

Although many of us tend to ignore most of the cartridge software for our computer, with the exception of TI Extended Basic and, possibly, Multiplan, Logo II, Editor/Assembler, and TE-2 (for speech), many of the cartridfges are very enjoyable. In order to give you an excuse for searching your vlosets and basements looking for those hidden modules, I'd like to point out that many of them have undocumented features ranging from useful to interesting to amusing. Here are a few examples.

Many are probably familiar with "The Secret of Personal Record Keeping: Implementing DISPLAY AT and ACCEPT AT without Extended BASIC", published way back in 99'er magazine and reprinted in The Best of 99er, p. 76. Briefly, TI BASIC with the PRK module contains the commands CALL D() and CALL A() (similar to DISPLAY AT and ACCEPT AT).
This also works with the Statistics module.

Webmaster here- the PRK and Stats modules are written in a hybrid basic and I did see a listing with all the special calls - some of them in the form of CALL (unprintable character). There are usable commands to enable you to (in Basic) set up a memory area for data, load and save data, and use the data. These were documented many years ago but I no longer have a copy.

Next, the TI Disk Manager cartridge offers a proprietary protection feature that does not allow the Disk Manager to copy a protected diskette. To use it, press the FCTN-X key ten times while on any menu screen. You will hear a beep (if your monitor has sound!) and >< will appear at the center top of the screen. Any diskettes initialized at theis point will be proprietary protected.
Each time you address them using the Disk Manager cartridge (e.g., to catalog such a diskette), a low-tone beep will sound (not present for unprotected diskettes), informing you that the diskette is protected. The protection information is stored in sector 0 on the diskette. This type of protection is ineffective against the sector disk copiers and has been discussed in the past. I wonder of anybody knows more about it.

Now to a few game cartridges. Moonmine, Alpiner, Munchman, Munchmobile, and Hooper have a test mode, where you can select the starting level. So if you wanted to see what it is like to play at those levels you could never reach, here is a good reason to plug those cartirdges into your 99/4A!

The test mode is obrained by pressing SHIFT/8 3 8 at the game title screen (SHIFT/8 only, for Hopper). and on Burgertime, pressing SHIFT/8 gives a message: "code modifications by John M. Phillips".

Have you always played Parsec as a one player game? Here is something different, for a two player team. If the fire buttons on both joysticks are pressed simultaneously, Spaceship Parsec will not overheat. Horizontal lines will appear on the screen, but they do not disturb the game and would allow, in fact, one to see the Bynites when they turn invisible.

Microreview for December 1998 Micropendium

by Charles Good

TI SPLASH SCREENS and THEME by Addatex software

As you are working on your Windows 95 or 98 computer do you miss your good old TI99/4A? Do you mess the good old TI title screen, those familiar beep and uhoh warning sounds, and that good old cursor always flashing on the lower left of your monitor? Well I have just the cure for what ails you, and you can download it for free from the internet.

Addatex software has created two software packages they refer to as funware (translate as freeware or free) which give the look and feel of a 99/4A to Windows 95 and 95. The first of these is called Splash Screens. When installed, this software will replace all the normal Microsoft Windows white cloud pictures with a graphic of the 99/4A color bar title screen.
When you turn on your PC you will briefly see the 99/4A title screen until your desktop appears.
When your desktop appears, you will have the good old 99/4A title screen as wallpaper with all your normal Windows icons easily visible. When you shut down your computer (Start, then Shut Down) you will first see the 99/4A title screen with the words Wait for shutdown just above the lower colorbar. Then, after your computer closes all of its files, if your computer is not one of those that automatically shuts itself off you will see the 99/4A title screen with the words Please shut down the computer.

The Splash Screens software creates a program window (click on Start, then Programs, then TI99) and one of the options in this window is to turn on and off all these TI title screen graphics. If you turn them off you revert back to the Windows cloud pictures, but the TI graphics are still on your hard drive and you can turn them on again by clicking the appropriate icon in the TI99 program window.

Another thing you can do from the TI99 program window is open an MSDOS window and have it look just like a session of TI BASIC in your choice of either 40 or 80 column display. The effect is very realistic! You see * TI READY * and a flashing rectangular cursor below in the lower left side of the screen with black TI letters on a light blue background. The 40 column display looks just like a real 99/4A in TI BASIC command mode.
The 80 column display resembles a Geneve running MDOS or a 99/4A with an 80 column display. When you type, the font you see is identical to the 99/4A's with lower case letters that look like small upper case letters. From this simulated TI Basic MSDOS window you can execute any DOS commands such as cd, dir, and copy. When you are finished just enter exit to return to Windows.

The second Addatex software product adds 99/4A sounds and icons to Windows. This is a 99/4A THEME and requires Microsoft PLUS in order to run (W95 requires PLUS to add themes). PLUS is an extra cost addition to Windows 95 that adds a bunch of cosmetic features, has a great pinball game, and for Windows 95 users includes a greatly enhanced disk compression utility.
Once you purchase and load PLUS then you can load up your free Addatex 99/4A theme. The theme adds 14 different 99/4A sounds that sound off during various windows operations. There is the famous Parsec alert, an uhoh if something goes wrong, the TI beep, and other familiar and not so familiar sounds. Most of these sounds are from TI game cartridges but not necessarily from well known cartridges. I think one sound is from the Manacala cartridge which very few folks have.

The 99/4A theme also gives you lots of icons. For mouse pointers you get an animated (yes moving) TI title screen for the working in background symbol and an animated Parsec fighter ship for the busy indicator. You also get the Donkey Kong monkey for the recycle bin icon. He has a smile on his face and a fat stomach if there is something in the recycle bin and is thin with a frown if there is nothing in the recycle bin. Network neighborhood also has a new graphic.
The My computer icon is a very cute green ball with a face that comes from the Jaw Breaker cartridge game. Within My computer you get your choice of any of three types of hard drive icons. The default is Munchman, with jaws about to close on a graphic of a hard drive. You can also switch to Robopod drive icons, which are based on an Addatex game that is free for the downloading from the Addatex web site. You can also chose Lettered icons in which each hard drive is indicated with a letter that comes from the 99/4A character set.
Using the TI99 program window or using PLUS, the various icons and sounds can be switched in or out at will, alternating with the default windows equivalents or with others available from the PLUS software.

In addition to sounds and icons, the TI99/4A Theme changes the overall appearance of your desktop. Theme gives you a 99/4A wallpaper on your desktop. The default background color is light blue, just like TI Basic command mode, and this background color caries over into many windows applications. The top command bar and the up/down left/right cursor arrow bars are usually green as in TI Basic run mode. A lot of command bar text is either white on green or green on white and some of the text is rather blocky and resembles TI Basic ascii characters.
The effect of all this, the icons the sounds and the windows bar displays, is that no matter which windows applications you run you can almost always hear and see on screen aspects of the 99/4A. You will never forget your 99/4A computing roots when you run this addatex software on a modern windows capable computer.

Both Splash Screens and 99/4A Theme require Windows 95 or higher. They won�t run on Windows 3.11. Splash Screens does not require additional software, so all 99/4A enthusiasts should set this software up on your windows PC. Theme requires 95+PLUS/98, which can be purchased at most stores where Windows 98 and other Microsoft software is sold. I recommend PLUS users download and install both Splash Screens and Theme. The only overlap in the two products is that they both give you a 99/4A title screen desktop wallpaper.

Both TI Splash Screens and Theme can be downloaded for free from the Addatex web site located at addatex.
Click on download freebies and then download the second and third freebie listed.

To install the addatex software properly:
First install Winzip on your hard drive.
Second, click one or both of the addatex zip files which will start the process of Winzip unpacking the files to a subdirectory under c:\unpacked and will open window to this subdirectory on your monitor.
Third, leaving the c:\unpacked\... subdirectory window open go to my computer and click on the c drive icon to open the root directory window of the c drive.
Fourth, find the 9-t-9 file folder in the open c:\unpacked\... window and drag this file folder to the root directory of the c drive. If you have downloaded and unpacked both Splash Screens and Theme then there will be two 9-t-9 folders in different subdirectories of c:\unzipped. Drag them both to the c root directory window and put one 9-t-9 folder on top of the other, having the second 9-t-9 directory overwrite the first as needed.

These 9-t- 9 folders with all the addatex software will only work properly if placed in the root directory of drive c and named 9-t-9. You are now ready to go! Click on start then programs then ti99 and begin to enjoy your new modern pentium powered super fast PC-TI hybrid.


Addatex software On the web at addatex
end of article

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