This directory contains several Cortex disk images. CDOS 1.20 will boot as noted in the Cortex BASIC manual. The two MDEX masters are identical except one boots up in 40 column mode and the 2nd is 80 column (V9938 needed). The third MDEX image is the System Generation Kit. This has the source files for the system hardware (Disk, Terminal, Printer) so that a custom version can be created. MDEX cannot be directly booted on the Cortex as it expects a boot-loader on the first disk sector and MDEX uses this for the directory, so MPE came up with an MDEX Boot Disk. You needed to first boot the boot disk and then put the MDEX disk in the drive and hit a key on the keyboard. To make things simpler, I made it a CDOS utility since CDOS was usually in use anyway. To load MDEX, boot CDOS and then do LOAD 0,"MDEX" (or the short form *MDEX). Then swap disk (images) and hit any key. Try it in the emulator to get the hang of it.