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This is notC acceptable and we the users and owners of the Geneve must9 act now to keep our machine alive and growing. ˙!!! There are many answers,˙A Nearly one year ago, discussion was initiated with PaulF Charlton concerning the possibility of buying MDOS. At thatC time, the cost was ~$10,000. This was too large of a sum˙ ˙!!! There are many answers,˙E for any individual to pursue. It still is too much for anyE single individual to pursue. As a group (Geneve owners andF TI-99/4A enthusiasts), we have in our grasp the potential to˙ ˙!!! There are many answers,˙B buy the rights ourselves and complete the development weE desire. This will not be a cheap or easy task to perform. C Currently, many people have voiced support by offering to˙ ˙!!! There are many answers,˙C donate $25, $50, $100, $200, and up to $250 to aid in theC purchase of MDOS. Myself, I am "kicking-in" $100 plus myC personal time for these acquisitions and negotiations. I˙ offering to˙ ˙!!! There are many answers,˙; want to improve the Geneve and I hope you do to. F On March 12, 1992 Lou Phillips returned my latest phone callF regarding the acquisition. He felt things would work out if˙to˙ ˙!!! There are many answers,˙F the money was raised on my end and felt the price tag may beA less than originally estimated. How much less, I don't know. C I plan on negotiating for the following from Lou Phillips˙many answers,˙ and Paul Charlton: @ 1) Latest fully commented source to 1.14F and 0.97H onC floppy diskette and modifications if they are available. ˙egotiating for the following from Lou Phillips˙many answers,˙D 2) All utilities (assemblers, linkers, debuggers, scripts,A etc) required to compile and run the operating system. = 3) Insure that source I receive works with existing- applications and versions of MDOS. ˙ C 4) Require "hand" delivery. This will probably require aF personal trip to meet with Lou Phillips and Paul Charlton to? receive files. I do not want to depend upon the mail˙ applications and versions of MDOS. ˙D service to handle negotiations. This will protect me, and+ it will protect your investment. B 5) Routines (>2x) that need de-bugging for HFDC support.˙depend upon the mail˙ applications and versions of MDOS. ˙E Where will the source code go??? Good question. There areF many programmers that have expressed desire in developing orD finishing where Paul Charlton left off. I will coordinate˙mail˙ applications and versions of MDOS. ˙? (and program too) the development with several of theE talented programmers that exists to finish what should haveA been finished many years ago. This will be a group and˙oordinate˙mail˙ applications and versions of MDOS. ˙@ cooperative effort. At this time, I see no reason whyE contributors shouldn't have access to the source code. ForB some, the code will be useless. For others, it will aid˙rdinate˙mail˙ applications and versions of MDOS. ˙C them in their knowledge of assembly language and creatingF other new and exciting applications. Not knowing the volumeC of interests in diskette copies of the source, I will say˙te˙mail˙ applications and versions of MDOS. ˙E that once I receive the source, if you send me floppies andE return postage or equivalent, I will send you a copy of theD source code (this assumes you made an initial contribution˙˙mail˙ applications and versions of MDOS. ˙F for the purchase of MDOS). DON'T SEND DISKETTES NOW!!! Wait! until it is in hand. F There are several things that will need to discussed. FirstC and foremost is the release of official MDOS's from those˙of MDOS. ˙@ writing the code in the development group. UnofficialE releases will probably be released by different people, butC we must do our best as a group to identify these copies. ˙he release of official MDOS's from those˙of MDOS. ˙@ In the next 30 to 60 days, I expect negotiations and a@ possible contract to be "in-hand". In order for me toE pursue an agreement, I need your support now. This will be˙. ˙he release of official MDOS's from those˙of MDOS. ˙E the last opportunity we have before it's too late. We must> make this an open operating system for the Geneve to survive. A As a side issue, and something some people are going to˙'s from those˙of MDOS. ˙B think is why should I pay for something I should alreadyB have received from Myarc. Short of suing Myarc AND Paul? Charlton, this is the other alternative. Any lawsuit˙mething some people are going to˙'s from those˙of MDOS. ˙@ against Myarc will probably crumble and dissolve MyarcE leaving nothing for us except for empty pockets. The routeD of buying the rights to the operating system gives us hope and a longer future. ˙MDOS. ˙A If I have convinced you, then please do the following: @ 1) Write a check out for what you feel is appropiate. ' 2) My address is as follows:  - Beery Miller / 9640 News ˙˙MDOS. ˙% P. O. Box 752465 + Memphis, TN 38175-2465 D 3) Enclose a stamped self addressed return ENVELOPE. ThisD will be used to notify you of the acquisition and/or where we stand. ˙˙ E 4) Once your check is received, it will be deposited into aF special account separate from any other personal or business< account so that I will receive no "surprises" once˙ition and/or where we stand. ˙˙F acqusition takes place. Any interest that is made from hereC will support some of the necessary phone calls and travelC expenses that are expected to take place in acquisition. ˙ and/or where we stand. ˙˙@ Once MDOS has been purchased, numbers will be crunchedE tallying people's contributions and returning unspent money? if contributions exceed purchase price and expenses. ˙ ˙ and/or where we stand. ˙˙> DON'T DELAY !!! BE THE FIRST ON YOUR BLOCK TO OWN AN3 OPERATING SYSTEM TO A COMPUTER. (grin) C Please, if you are able to support this, please send your˙s. ˙ ˙ and/or where we stand. ˙˙E check as soon as possible. A delay could inhibit or cancelD these plans and forever keep us with our current operating system.  Beery Miller €€Ė‹•šŸ¤ŠŗŊĮÕÕÕÕÕՀ˙and/or where we stand. ˙˙