WARGAME documentation Load and run. Select playing mode and skill level. The map displayed shows hills (yellow), marsh, water, woods and plains. The map will be different every time the program is run. Each side has 6 tanks and 6 guns initially and the pieces will appear at random on the appropriate sides of the map. When playing against the computer the player uses joystick number one or keys WERSDZXC. The joystick fire button or Q is used to enter fire mode. Use of either the keyboard or joysticks must be decided at the start of the game and cannot then be altered. When playing another player use the two joysticks or keys on the left and right of the key- board. When in fire mode (see below) any key or joystick fire button must be used for determining direction and range. The game is won when the three enemy command bases (red) have been destroyed by gun fire. Each piece, tank or gun, may either move or fire on its turn. MOVTNG Enter move mode by using appropriate key or joystick motion. Then move in desired direction using 8 way movement. Tanks move either 4 cells or 6 cells depending on whether or not the fast tank option was selected initially. Guns move a maximum of 2 cells in both options. Movement across marsh, woodland or hills is restricted to one cell per turn and should be avoided for rapid deployment of forces. Movement across water is not possible. FIRING Enter fire mode by pressing the appropriate key (see above) or joystick fire button. Then decide on range using the variable indicator in bottom left-hand corner of the screen. Guns always fire further than tanks when firing from similar terrain. Range is increased if a unit is on hills and reduced if in woodland. Hills and woodland may be fired over. The range of the artillery is also determined by the initial option selected. This has been incorporated to increase the variety of games. Note that defensive value increases if a piece is on a woodland cell when playing against the computer, but defensive value is increased when a unit is immediately behind woodland when playing against another player. After selecting the range factor then decide on direction of fire by means of the arrow indicator which appears on the firing unit. Experience will improve accuracy, but note that at very short range shells may deflect off obstacles. When playing against the computer the effect of increasing the skill factor is to inerease the accuracy of the computers fire. After some practice skill level 2 is normally best for a close contest. A unit will be destroyed when directly hit, - however it is impossible to destroy ones own command bases. Reinforcements appear at intervals, but the total number of guns or tanks per side can never exceeed 10. An important point when playing the computer is that the accuracy of its fire increases greatly at short range, it is also good to establish your guns on hills in order to increase your fire power and watch out for quick breaks by enemy tanks. This program may also be used in Extended Basic and the range and direction indicators will operate rather more quickly. TX SOFTWARE 1983 (Mr Mathews died in 1983 and his programs were not widely distributed)