The Program and User Manual foc WALLS AND BRlDGES are both © 1983 by Tlmagination and may not be duplicated in any way without the written consent of TImagination. TI-99/4A is a trademark of Texas lnstruments inc. WALLS AND BRlDGES & Tlmaglnatlon are trademarks of Tlmaginatlon Inc. * * * THE SCENARlO * * * In feudal society, armed aggression was an accepted means to settle disputes. Warlords often staged conflicts as violent "games," with the prize gotng to the one whose Knights performed best in battle. The Dukes of Bridgeford and Wallings devised such a conflict. Each starts with 10 Knights equally armed. The terrain is partitioned into sectors. A cursed forest and pit of molten lava beckon men to thelr doom. Dragons, Demons, and Boogiemen stalk about, possessing strange powers. The Tournament is held in 10 Rounds. One Knight from each side alternately advances, capturing sectors as he goes. Once captured, a sector may not be reoccupied by either Knight during that Round. Venturing into a prohibited sector means instant death for a Knight and victory for his opponent. The Duke whose men attain the highest total score after l0 Rounds wins the Tournament and gains control of all the land. * * * PLAYING THE GAME * * * At the start of each Tournament, the user has several 0PTlONS which determine the MODE and DlFFICULTY of the game . . . ( 1 ) PLAYERS ( 1 OR 2): Selects 1 or 2-Player MODE. The Duke of Walling's Knights are maneuvered with the LEFT joystick (Player # 1 ). The Duke of Bridgeford's Knights are maneuvered by either the computer ( 1-PLAYER MODE) or the RlGHT JOYSTICK (Player # 2 in 2-PLAYER MODE) . (2) DlFFlCULTY (1 TO 3): A higher DlFFlCULTY FACTOR increases the speed of the PLAYER RESPONSE TIMER (used to control how many sectors a Knight will advance), the aggressiveness of the monsters, and (in 1-PLAYER MODE) the skill level of the computer. (3) SECTOR MARKS (Y OR N): All available sectors appear as light green areas on the playing field. Adding SECTOR MARKS helps players to judge the relative distances between objects. Choosing No SECTOR MARKS adds to the difficulty of the game. (4) ADVANCE LlMlT (1 TO 5): Sets maximum number of sectors a Knight may advance in each move. The ratio of DIFFICULTY FACTOR to ADVANCE LlMlT provides a wide variety of skill levels. The best combination for the novice player is DIFFICULTY set to 1 and ADVANCE LlMlT set to 5, with SECTOR MARKS turned On. After the 4 0PTlON values have been entered. the first of 10 Rounds will begin. Each Round starts with a cleared game field as shown in the figure below: The Forbidden Forest XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX xxxx xxxx II II The Duke of Bridgeford's The Duke of Walling's II II Knight (Player #2) Kntght (Player # l ) II II XXXXXXX XXXXXXX The Pit of Molten lava In Round # 1 the computer will randomly select which side moves first. In Rounds #2 to #10, the side that won the previous Round goes first. Each Round commences right after the Round Number is displayed and then erased at the top of the screen. Players control the movement of their Knights by positioning the Joystick handles in the desired direction of advancement (UP, DOWN, LEFT, RIGHT, or DIAGONALLY) when the desired number of sectors to advance flashes on their Knight's shield (the counter starts wtth the ADVANCE LlMlT value and counts down to 0 at a rate governed by the DIFFlCULTY FACTOR) . Captured sectors are marked by either the Wallings or Bridgeford emblem. between the alternating advancements of the two knights, one of the three monsters (chosen randomly) will advance toward the closest Knight and devour him if possible. The monsters can move ANYWHERE on the field and are visible only while moving. The Knights can only move into unoccupied sectors; moving into an occupied seetor means instant death for a Knight and victory for his opponent. The Knights can move past the edges of the field, reappearing at the oppostte edge. When a Knight is killed, his opponent scores 100 points for surviving the Round plus 1 point for each sector he captured: The game automatically goes on to the next round until 10 Rounds are completed.