HORDES HORDES - (2-4 players) by Not Polyoptics. Uses a disk datafile supplied. Takes ages to draw the map. Hordes is complex- instructions: The recommended player colours are 9,13,12,14. The computer expects alpha lock to be ON. Play is in two parts, player one first: Attacking turn a. The first player plays first, the second player second, etc. When the computer is ready it asks you to press any key. b. The player is given five attacks per turn. For each attack the player inputs how many times he wants to battle the country he is attacking, from what country of his he is attacking, and to what country his attack is directed. A country may attack only adjacent countries or countries joined by lines. When putting in how many battles the player uses the ASCII code minus 48 (see chart 1). If the player inputs 0 for number of battles his attacking turn ends. When inputting "from" and "to" the player uses the letter or number that indicates the country involved. c. Attacks are carried out and countries change hands. Extra armies are added at the end of the Moving and Creating turn in the following way: a player's country with at least one country adjacent that is also his gets two more armies (with no adjacent countries no extra armies); a player's country with all of the adjacent countries also his gets an additional number of armies based on the number of friendly countries around it. Moving and Creating turn a. The computer asks if the player wants to move armies or ships. Pressing 0 here ends the player's turn. b. If the player asks for ships at 3a the computer will ask if the player wants to move ships or create them. The player may create up to five ships during the game; if a ship sinks it cannot be replaced. A player has seven moves in a Moving turn; he chooses whether to move armies or ships, or a combination, not exceeding seven moves. If the player wants to create ships the computer asks him for the country of origin and how many ships in the fleet lie is making. For a convoy fleet one ship takes one army from the country of origin. For a battleship fleet every two ships takes one army from the country of origin. No fleet may have more than 99 ships; no country may have more than 99 armies. The computer then tells the player to move his ship to sea, and the player must use his next few moves to put his fleet into the ocean. If the player wants to move a ship the computer will ask "Which ship?" (1 through 5) and then simply show a "?". At this point use the keys E, S, D, X, W, R, Z, and C to move once in that direction as shown in the template provided. A fleet may accomplish one of several things by moving. It may: --- attack a country or a ship just as countries attack countries. --- embark or disembark armies from or to countries (battleships cannot do this). Move into a friendly country and input a "-" to add armies to the fleet or a "+" to add armies from the fleet to the country. When the second question mark appears put in how many armies are to be transferred. --- move off of the right edge of the screen to go to the left edge, and vice-versa. This is the Pacific Ocean. The player may also move armies. The computer asks how many armies to move and from what country to what country. These countries must be adjacent or connected by a line. c. At most points in the Moving and Creating turn the player may press 0 to return in sequence through the various steps in this turn. ================================================== The following is a schematic diagram of the Moving and Creating turn and the Attacking turn. =========================== This is the game flow: Player One: "How Many?' 0 goes to TWO "From?' 'To?' TWO "Move Armies (A) or Ships (S)?' 0 goes to FIVE A. "How Many Armies?' 0 goes to TWO 'From?' 'To?' THREE S. "Create (C) or Move (M) Ships?' 0 goes to TWO C. "Input Country of Origin" "Input No. of Ships" "Convoy (1) or Battle (2)" "Must Move to Seal" FOUR M. "Which Ship" (1 thru 5) 0 goes to FOUR "?" (direction) 0 goes to FOUR FIVE Next player. ====================================================== ENTERING NUMBERS OVER NINE::: When entering numbers for the number of battles or armies to he moved, use the following guide- 1—1 8—8 ? — 15 F — 22 M — 29 T — 36 2—2 9—9 @ — 16 G — 23 N — 30 U — 37 3—3 : — 10 A — 17 H — 24 O — 31 V — 38 4—4 ; — 11 B — 18 I — 25 P — 32 W — 39 5—5 < — 12 C — 19 J — 26 Q — 33 X — 40 6—6 = — 13 D — 20 K — 27 R — 34 Y — 41 7—7 > — 14 E — 21 L — 28 S — 35 Z — 42