Most of the programs on these disks contain instructions within them or in the case of Forced Route, Zarquon and Beetle have external (linked) instruction programs. Starship Pegasus from Not Polyoptics has one important command - S for status, which lists the other commands! NOTE The file spacerescue is a program from 99er Magazine called Interplanetary Rescue (later updated in Home Computer Monthly as Evacu Pods) - but you can't have a disk file name that long. The program I have here credits Pat Crosbie, 16th July 1982, while the magazine was available 18th March 1982, so I guess someone keyed it in and thought it a wheeze to replace the original name (W K Balthrop) with their own. Why do people do this? Is it really cool? The file called SPC-RESCUE is the PS Software commercial program Space Rescue 2.0. And as we are on the topic of name replacement- on this disk is Pompeii. I wrote this program, it is entirely mine, as a simulation of a boxed game from Whittlecraft. The code is 100% mine, Stephen Shaw. I find that no less than two Italians thought it clever to translate the game to Italian (fair enough), remove my name and insert their own and distribute the game. I will let them distribute the game without permission (unlawful as it was), but removing my name was immoral. They both left in my unregistered trade mark! although one modified it. It isn't in any way proper or cool to pretend someone elses work is your own. DOCUMENTATION BELOW: ADDVANCE BANKROLL BRAINTEASERS 2 BREAKPOINT CROSSES DECATHLON MUSIC SYNTH OPHYSS STARSHIP PEGASUS TICKWORLD UP PERISCOPE ==================================================================== DOCUMENTATION DISTRIBUTED SEPARATELY IN THIS FOLDER: ANTWARS BACKGAMMON BANKROLL CHALLENGE POKER COSMOPOLY DIABLO HORDES LASER TANK ROLL 5 SCEPTOR OF KZIRGLA SENGOKU JIDAI SHIPS WALLS AND BRIDGES WARGAME YAHTZEE ===================================================================== Addvance- note different emulators use slightly different colours. Briefly: Purple-zeroise players score; Green-Teleport to another square in that row, Yellow score plus or minus 0 to 5 points; Red to buy or rent- if you land on a square owned by another player you have to pay him up to 15 points; Grey may give another turn (50/50 chance), white is mostly neutral but if another player is on an adjacent square including diagonals, a random number of points will be transferred from one player to the other, random direction. When setting starting score note that players START with 30 and can gain 10 for each cycle round from top to bottom. You can only move upwards but tht includes diagonals. --------------------------------- -------------- BANKROLL choose investment by capital letter eg (G)old and finish turn by pressing SPACE BAR. -------------------------- Brainteasers 2- Solitaire- first select which colour each row will be using the initial letter when prompted with a flashing C (R-Red, B-Blue,W-White). In game play indicate the piece to move by pressing the colour initial and the value- eg W2 - no need to press enter but give it time. Careful- Q is quit and is not protected. C / V seem to be restart. For ECHO just follow the sequence by pressing the directions up down left right - you benefit by being prompt BUT this is TI Basic so don't stab at the key, allow it time to be scanned. ------------------------------------------------ BREAKPOINT by Malcolm Adams- TI BASIC ONLY. if you see a double arrow pointing upwards hit Q quickly. If you see a white man heading for you press Q quickly. You will need to use the green transporters. --------------------------------------------------------- =========================================================== CROSSES- Crosses, like Go and Othello, is an abstract board game played with stones or markers. In Crosses, however, the computer processes the game instead of the rules. This is the first in a new generation of board games that can be played only with a computer. To place a marker on the board press the row first then the column. When a marker is put down the computer first looks to see if that marker completes a cross and is the center of that cross. If it is the center of a cross the arms of the cross are changed to the same color as the center. If it is not the center of a cross the computer continues its search. The computer then searches by looking at each turn that has been made previously in reverse order (starting with the present move) to see if that move completes the center of a cross. If it does the arms of the cross are changed to the color of the center. If a white marker is changed to a black marker the computer treats it as a black marker, and vice versa. The corners of the board cannot be changed to the other color. The edges of the board (including the corners) cannot be the centers of squares. It is good strategy to work with complete crosses and solid masses of markers. --------------- ============================================================================== DECATHLON- USES SPACE BAR OR FIRE BUTTON OF JOYSTICK TWO - careful with your keyboard! Hammering space may crack the pcb. -------------- MUSIC SYNTH (Norton) Norton Music Synthesizer from 1981 - a very close look alike to the Music Module from TI, do not try to load a file, and when it starts and asks you to start a cassette tape, just press enter. ----------------------- =================================================================== OPHYSS The Ophyss is a snake-like creature which is found in the Antarctic islands of the Pacific. It is peculiar in that it can regenerate itself indefinitely as long as its head is not destroyed, and it is very susceptible to ESP. The Serpentarium has acquired a number of Ophyss eggs, and it is your job to keep them alive after they have hatched. The game of Ophyss can be played by one or two players. One player First choose a level of difficulty (1-7) and press ENTER. One is easiest, seven hardest. Your Ophyss (purple) will operate exactly as in the two-player version. However, the red Ophyss will be computer controlled. The robot Ophyss has only one goal: to bite off the tail of your Ophyss. The difficulty level determines the intelligence of the robot Ophyss. It does not need to eat and has no time limit. You can bite off its tail, and it will die if you reach its head, but it has an unlimited supply of spare parts and will always come hack. When your Ophyss dies, the robot one will too, and start over. At level 1 your point award for growing 15 spaces will he 100 points, and for destroying the robot, 50. For each higher level the awards will increase by 10 points. Note that each time you receive a bonus the difficulty level will increase. The robot will always make at least one move forward after it turns it head. If it finds itself in a position where it can't move, it will die and start over again. If the robot gets its head next to your Ophyss, it will wait for the tail-end. You cannot get away from it — your only recourse is to get it first. ======================================================================= ------------------------------------------------------------------------- STARSHIP PEGASUS: The Emperor sends the player a message, telling him the quadrant he is to explore and the number of star systems in that quadrant. The player should note how many stars there are. The ship's computer asks the player for a command. The following is a list of possible commands; press ENTER after every entry. L This is to leave the star system the ship is in to go to another one. 1 through (number of stars) This sends the ship to the star system the player has entered. Moving in this way puts the ship into hyperspace drive (see 2. Hyperspace) and costs energy; if the ship has no energy it cannot enter hyperspace. G plus (planet number) This sends the ship to an orbit around the planet in a system which the player has specified. Example: G2 sends the ship to the system's second planet. S This displays the ship's updated mineral, energy, and technology levels, the number of days left in the mission, the conditions of the ship's laser and drive pods (see Repair), and a list of commands possible when in planetary orbit. R This repairs the laser and the drive pods at the cost of some energy and minerals. The ship must be in planetary orbit to perform the following commands. C This is for diplomatic contact with the inhabitants. Extremely hostile civilizations at this point will fire, but most planets will simply acknowledge the contact has been made, while some will immediately negotiate a treaty. Repeated contacts will produce a hostile result, or a treaty. When a treaty is signed the planet may then be exploited. E This is to exploit a planet if it is uninhabited or destroyed, or if its civilization has signed a treaty or has surrendered. Exploiting more than twice is unproductive; in most cases a planet that produces nothing on the first try has nothing to give up. A planet that has been fully exploited will yield nothing more for the rest of the game. F This fires the laser and tends to destroy civilizations with inferior technologies (lesser beings). Planets when fired on may surrender; after exploiting this planet you may destroy it and exploit it again. B This is beaming down, for the desperate or the curious player. Beaming down to an uninhabited planet ends the game and gives the score. Beaming down to an inhabited planet may save you in a desperate situation, or give the Emperor a chuckle when he finds out what happened to you. D This is the self-destruct. button. Self-destruct and Beam Down are emergency commands for when the ship is out of energy and can't move. *******All commands except Status reduce the number of days left in the mission by 1, so commands should be used efficiently. Hyperspace When in hyperspace there is a chance that hyperspace marauders will attack. These pirates patrol the hyperspace dimension and prey on starships, which are more vulnerable there since their computers can only work in a crude way in this dimension. To destroy the marauder ship, input the coordinates on the grid which correspond to its position. Just type them in — do not press ENTER. A random number of hits will destroy it. (Hint: wait until you are sure of his position; waiting doesn't hurt.) If the ship is hit by its fire the ship's energy will be reduced. If the player does poorly the ship will have to surrender half of its mineral cargo (this is done automatically). If the ship loses too much energy it will explode upon re-entry into normal space. The goal of the game is to accumulate mineral, energy, and technology points. If you do well enough the Emperor will give you a medal. Do not use the Repair command while in orbit around a hostile planet; it may attack. Hostile greater beings are best avoided. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TICKWORLD:- TICKWORLD is a game of hunting strategy based on an artificial jungle world where giant hungry ticks stalk you through the trees. These ticks have only two characteristics- 1. they can smell you, and they come right for you, and 2. they are very stupid, as are others of its species. The object of the game is for you, as the hunter, to capture the eight ticks that are chasing you. To do this you are given cages, the ability to throw nets which the ticks fall into, and the ability to pick up and carry trapped ticks to the cages, where they are trapped permanently. After four turns in a net a tick is liable to escape. The screen shows a scene with the eight ticks on the edges, you and eight cages in the middle, and a randomized pattern of trees . It is your turn when your legs are running. In your turn you may move in any of the eight directions of the compass (see template), throw a net (by pressing T), pick up a tick trapped in a net (by pressing T), or put a tick into the cage by aiming the hunter toward an empty cage square. The hunter cannot throw a net while he is carrying a tick. Only moving costs the hunter his turn; any other act allows him a chance to move in the same turn. When his legs are running, it is still his turn. (First do anything other than moving, then move) To pick up a tick trapped in a net, the hunter must be placed directly underneath the trapped tick. Then press 'T' and the tick will be picked up. The ticks cannot move into a space unless it is clear; thus the hunter may hide behind trees or a cage. The hunter throws a net directly above him; he cannot throw it if that space isn't clear. ================================================================================ UP PERISCOPE Up Periscope - Pewterware (their is a short dv80 peridocs file): UP PERISCOPE:.. You are the commander of a submarine and your objective is to sink as many. ennemy ships as possible with 12 or 24 torpedoes. . Your screen will initially show a sonar scope with ennemy contacts visible, as well as your course, depth, and speed. The true bearing and range of ennemy. contacts will also be shown. At a depth of 60 feet, your periscope will . automatically come up, and will also be retracted once you go below that depth.. The sonar display will then be replaced by a periscope view of the surface and. the periscope will automatically track either the target or the escort.. . Your commands are:. C: change course from 0 to 359 degrees. D: change depth from 60 to 500 feet in 10 foot increments. S: change speed from 0 to 8 knots. Your speed will be reduced if flooding occurs.. P: raise or lower periscope when at 60 feet depth. T: track target when at periscope depth. E: track the escort when at periscope depth. 1,2,3: fire 1,2 or 3 torpedoes. After firing, the chance of sinking the ennemy. ship is briefly displayed below the periscope view. You must be at . periscope depth to fire the torpedoes. . Hints: Do not exceed 4 knots when the periscope is raised and when within 4000 yards of the enemy to avoid detection. After firing, the escort will hunt you down and release depth charges. You cannot outrun the escort, so your best bet is to quickly dive. The escort's sonar cannot detect you below 150, 200 and 250 feet for the Normal, Difficult and Impossible game respectively.. . Note: you must type CALL FILES(1) and NEW before loading the game if a disk drive is attached.. . Good luck Commander! ====================================================================