CHALLENGE POKER Copyright 1981 by PEWTERWARE Object of the Game: To score the most points by forming the best poker hands on a 5 by 5 gameboard. Number of Players: Any number from 1 to 4. In the normal manner call up the program. Play: Each player has a 5 by 5 gameboard with a wild card as the center card. (Similar to a Bingo card with a free space). For each round of play, 24 cards are drawn at random by the com- puter. The players must place these cards on their gameboards by entering a P,O,K,E, or R for the desired column followed by a 1,2,3,4, or 5 for the desired row. If the column and row are correct, press enter and the card will be placed on the gameboard. If column and or row is incorrect, press any other key except enter, then reenter column and row. Play continues until all 24 cards have been placed on all the gameboards. Scoring: Poker hands. are scored horizontally (rows), vertically (columns), and diagonally. There are 12 possible poker hands -5 rows, 5 columns, and 2 diagonals. The scores for these hands are tallied in the lower right hand corner of the screen along with Subtotal (ST) - the current score for the round, and Total (TOT) - the total points scored for all rounds. Poker hands score points as follows: Straight Flush-9 Straight -3 4 of a Kind -7 3 of a Kind-2 Full House - 5 Two Pair - 1 Flush -4 Every card placement effects 2 or 3 hands. For example: E-2 is part of the E column, the 2 row, and the I diagonal. Wild Card: The wild card is limited. It can be an Ace, or any card of a Flush, or any card of a Straight, and that is all. End of Game: The game ends at the completion of the round in which one or more of the players scores 100 or more total points. The winner is the player with the most total points.