Disks of 180k or 360k are in v9t9 format and can be used with most TI99/4a emulators. Disks which are 254 or 537k approx are in PC99 format and will run in that emulator- for other emulators conversion using TI99DIR will be required. Where there is a LOAD program on the disk, usually the TI Basic programs have been modified to run in Extended Basic when needed.. First the disks are listed by disk/disk contents, then below is an alphabetic list of the PROGRAMS and the disk they are on. Files have been checked as far as time allows but one or two corrupted files may have slipped through. If so the damaged program will usually also be available on another disk in the collection. Some larger files may not load without using CALL FILES(1). Once the disk is recognised by your emulator, selecting Extended Basic will autoload a file called LOAD if there is one on the disk. Usually the TI Basic programs have been modified to run in Extended Basic when needed to use the menu presented by LOAD. Instead of the autoload menu, access programs (especially TI Basic Only ones) by typing OLD DSK1.FILENAME (use the actual filename in capitals) Important: Games in Extended Basic with Sprites. The speed of sprites varied between NTSC and PAL consoles relative to the game operation speed. If the game plays badly try using the other style of console. SOME UK games below are amended for 60Hz NTSC consoles. In general US games need to have the sprites slowed by around 16% to run on a PAL machine, while UK games need to have sprites speeded up by about 20% to run on an NTSC machine- but it is more complicated as it depends on the underlying coding and some fine tuning may be needed. Contents of each disk first then amalgamated sorted files. DISK File Notes ====================================================================== sjsgames3.dsk B/CATCH Billy Ball plays Catch by Roland Trueman. Uses JS.xb sjsgames3.dsk B/HATCHERY Billy Ball at the Hatchery, Roland Trueman xb sjsgames3.dsk B/RESCUE Billy Ball to the Rescue by R Trueman xb sjsgames3.dsk BOWLS Bowls by A McMath. TIB modified for xBas+32k sjsgames3.dsk CRAZYCLIFF Crazy Cliff by Roland Trueman. Needs JS.XB. Modified for 60Hz NTSC consoles. sjsgames3.dsk FLIPFLAP Flipflap needs JS. XB. sjsgames3.dsk FLOOR2 Second Floor by Roland Trueman. tib sjsgames3.dsk FLOORAWAYK Flooraway for keyboard tub sjsgames3.dsk FROGGER........Frogger by Stephen Mynard, uses Speech. XB sjsgames3.dsk HANGGLIDET TI Basic vn of Hang Glider Pilot by Maple Leaf modified to require XB+32k. sjsgames3.dsk HUNGHEX Hungarian Hex by Stephen Shaw. TIB sjsgames3.dsk LOAD .........XB AUTO LOADER FOR ALL PROGRAMS sjsgames3.dsk PATSCRAM Patscram Mission by Patrick Strassen. XB. sjsgames3.dsk PATSCRAM/I.....subsidiary file for PATSCRAM sjsgames3.dsk ROBIN/32K ROBIN HOOD GAME REQUIRES XB+32K RAM by Neil Lawson sjsgames3.dsk R32/2 subsidiary file for Robin Hood. Do not load. sjsgames3.dsk TI-TROGMAN Trogman by DCR Software. TIB modified for ExB as+32k sjsgames3.dsk VICTSEWER VICTORIAN SEWERS by Stephen Shaw. TIB ====================================== ssgames.dsk 3DMAZE 3D Maze TIB ssgames.dsk 99VADERS 99 Vaders by Not Polyoptics. TI Basic. ssgames.dsk CARCASSES Cars and Carcasses V1 by Not Polyoptics. TIB Only.. ssgames.dsk GOLFP Golf by A McMath- TIB modified to run in XB+32k ssgames.dsk KHESANH Khe Sanh by Not Polyoptics. TIB modified for ExB as+32k ssgames.dsk KONG Kong TIB modified for ExBas+32k ssgames.dsk MAZEARIEL Maze of Ariel by Not Polyoptics. TI Basic only. ssgames.dsk PATSCRAM Patscram Mission by Patrick Strassen. ExBas. ssgames.dsk PESTEROIDS PS Software/MC Sumner. Extended Basic. ssgames.dsk PUZZLER Puzzler by Malcolm Adams. TIB or ExBas. ssgames.dsk REACTION By Malcolm Adams. TIB. Needs speech synth. ssgames.dsk THE WALL Extended Basic. ========================== ssgames2.dsk LOAD XB Autoload to select the games from a menu ssgames2.dsk OCTAL Octal by M C Sumner - uses JS XB ssgames2.dsk QBONO QBono by Mike Curtis XB ssgames2.dsk SECRETAG Secret Agent XB ssgames2.dsk SIRPRANCE Sir Prancelot by Neil Lawson. Uses JS. XB ssgames2.dsk STARPROBE Star Probe 99 by M C Sumner. TIB modified to require XB+32k ssgames2.dsk TNT SP Software. XB ssgames2.dsk WALLABY Wallaby - Counterpoint SW/Mark Sumner. XB ssgames2.dsk WALLS Walls and Bridges TImagination. TIB modified to require XB+32k ssgames2.dsk WINGINGIT Winging It by Not Polyoptics TIB only ssgames2.dsk WONKY Wonkapillar by PS Software / Mark Sumner. TIB modified to require XB+32k ssgames2.dsk ZM1 Zombie Mambo by TImagination TIB modified to require XB+32k ssgames2.dsk ZM2 The second Zombie Mambo game by TImagination TIB modified to require XB+32k ----------------========================================== stain01.dsk ADDVANCERV Addvance by Not Polyoptics, Modified for visibility. TIB mod to require XB+32k stain01.dsk BEETLE Beetle Walk (aka Run) by Roland Trueman TIB stain01.dsk BLACKBOX Black Box by Stephen Shaw, licensed from Waddingtons and Dr Solomon.TIB. stain01.dsk BT2 Brainteasers 2 from Titan Software. TIB. stain01.dsk CHALPOK Challenge Poker from Pewterware TIB modified to req XB+32k. stain01.dsk CROSSWORD Crossword Challenge - 1981! PRP Computergraphics TIB stain01.dsk FLIPFLAP Flipflap by Roland Trueman XB stain01.dsk GRAPHICS_X Graphics- 1981- Norton Software XB stain01.dsk HUNGSQUARE Hungarian Squares by Stephen Shaw, based on an ancient US Patent..TIB stain01.dsk LOAD stain01.dsk MUSYNTH_X Music Synth -1981- Norton Software XB stain01.dsk PATSCRAM Patscram Mission by Patrick Strassen XB stain01.dsk PATSCRAM/I Instructions for Patscram Mission stain01.dsk PENPIG Pen the Pig by Mike O'Regan and Dave Hamilton TIB stain01.dsk SCRIBBLE Scribble- 1981. PRP Computergrapics. TIB stain01.dsk SUPRFROG_X Super Frogger- Norton Software XB stain01.dsk TANKJOY_X Tank Battle- Norton Software. JS XB stain01.dsk THEWALL The Wall by Neil Lawson XB stain01.dsk TXB Tex Bounce by Tony McGovern. ExBas stain01.dsk VDP... Utility= merge into a TIB program to have it run in XB+32k ===================================================== stain02.dsk BACKGAMN_X Backgammon by Not Polyoptics. XB. stain02.dsk COSMOPLY_X Cosmopoly by Not Polyoptics. ExBas. stain02.dsk CROSSES_B Crosses by Not Polyoptics. TIB converted to XB+32k. stain02.dsk HALLOWEEN SP Software Ext Basic stain02.dsk LASRTANK_X Laser Tank by Not Polyoptics. ExBas stain02.dsk LOAD XB Autoloader stain02.dsk MINING/JYS Mining- By Ian Pegg- 2 player trading game based on "Mine a Million". XB+JS stain02.dsk OPHYSS_B Ophyss by Not Polyoptics. TIB converted to XB+32k. stain02.dsk PENGI_B Pengi by SP Software. TIB converted to XB+32k. stain02.dsk RADAR Radar Defence by Stephen Palmer. TIB converted to XB+32k. stain02.dsk ROLL5 Roll 5 by Pewterware TIB stain02.dsk ROO_X Roo by SP Software XB stain02.dsk SENGOKU/X Sengoku Jidai by Not Polyoptics. TIB. stain02.dsk SKY-DIVER Sky Diver by Maple Leaf. ExBas stain02.dsk STARPROBE Starprobe by Challenger (Mark Sumner). TIB converted to XB+32k. stain02.dsk TOWER_X Tower by Not Polyoptics Ex Bas stain02.dsk VDP........ Utility- merge into a TIB program to allow it to run in XB. Documentation for Backgammon, Crosses, Ophyss, Sengoku Jidai is in /games/Not Polyoptics on WHT. Documentation for Roll 5 is in /games Starprobe: Shoot the fuel with your laser to refuel! ================================================= stain03.dsk CHECKERSQR Checkerboard quares by PRP Computergraphics. 1982. tib. stain03.dsk DOMINO1 Domino Factor by Mark Sumner XB stain03.dsk IMHOTEP Imhotep (no credits) TIB stain03.dsk JOUNCE Jouncer by Rob Jarrett ExBas stain03.dsk LOAD Auto Load program for ExBas stain03.dsk MAZZO Mazzo by Tony Constantinidis. TIB. stain03.dsk RAILWAYS Railways - no credits. ExBas. stain03.dsk RUNES Runes and Glyphs by R W Kinserlow. ExBas stain03.dsk SCEPTOR Sceptre of Kzirgla by Kuhl Software. TIB modified to require XB+32k stain03.dsk TANKATAK Tank Atak by S Bindoff. ExBas. stain03.dsk TRACTORS Tractor Follies by Pewterware. ExBas stain03.dsk VDP Utility- merge into a TIB program to allow it to run in XB. ==================== stainless5.dsk F/ROUTE Forced Route by A Walker. tib. stainless5.dsk F/ROUTE/I Instructions for Forced Route stainless5.dsk KAMIKAZE by Stephen Mynard. XB. stainless5.dsk LOAD Autoloader for ExBas stainless5.dsk SNAKES Snakes and Ladders (No credits). XB. stainless5.dsk STARPEG Starship Pegasus by Not Polyoptics, TIB amended to run in XB+32k stainless5.dsk TICKWORLD By Not Polyoptics. TIB. stainless5.dsk ZARQUON Zarquon by Patrick Strassen. TIB modified to require XB+32k stainless5.dsk ZARQUON/I Instructions for Zarquon. TIB. =============== stainless6.dsk BLUGRAS Bluegrass Sweepstakes, Pewterware. TIB. Needs CALL FILES(0) stainless6.dsk CARRALLY Cross Country Car Rally. Norton. XB stainless6.dsk CARS&CARC Cars and Carcasses 2. Not Polyoptics. TIB revised for XB+32k. stainless6.dsk CNBL/CHESS Cannonball Chess for 2 players. Ray Kazmer. XB. stainless6.dsk DATARESCUE Data Rescue by Kuhl. XB. stainless6.dsk GRABBER Greedy Green Grabbers. TIB only. stainless6.dsk GEMGRABBER Gem Grabber by R Trueman. TIB. stainless6.dsk HORFILE Data file required by Hordes stainless6.dsk LOAD XB auto loader for most of the programs. stainless6.dsk MAD_SCIENT Mad Scientist by Sam Pincus. Text Adventure. Ext Basic stainless6.dsk PERIDOCS Text file to read with an editor re Up Periscope stainless6.dsk PERISCOPE Up Periscope by Pewterware. XB. Requires CALL FILES(1). stainless6.dsk RALLYCROSS Rally Cross by W A McMath. TIB modified for XB+32k stainless6.dsk SPHLDJK Spring Heeled Jack by Graham Marshall. Ext Basic. stainless6.dsk XHORD Hordes by Not Polyoptics TIB modified for XB+32k Detailed documentation is required for Hordes and is on wht in the /games/Not Polyoptics file and on atariage, ============================================= stainless7.dsk ATTACKMAN Attackman by Norton Software ExBas stainless7.dsk BANKROLL Bankroll by Not Polyoptics. ExBas stainless7.dsk BREAKPOINT Breakpoint by Malcolm Adams. TI Basic only stainless7.dsk DECADOCS Text file to read with an editor re Decathlon stainless7.dsk DECATHLON By Pewterware. TI Basic only & requires CALL FILES(1) stainless7.dsk FITERPILOT Fighter Pilot by Steve Myers. TIB modified to require XB+32k. stainless7.dsk GALACTIC Galactic Encounrer by Malcolm Adams. TIB. stainless7.dsk GALINST Instruction file loaded by Galactic Encounter stainless7.dsk GOBLINREV Goblins Revenge by Pewterware TIB stainless7.dsk I/V FILES Required datafiles for Galactic Encounter (GAL...) and Breakpoint (BR...files) stainless7.dsk LOAD XB AUTO LOADER stainless7.dsk MAKE-CCT Creates the BRESCR random files for Breakpoint. TIB only. stainless7.dsk TEX-RANGER Texas Ranger by Ray Kazmer. XB. . ===================== stainles8.dsk ANTWARS Not Polyoptics. TIB stainles8.dsk BATSHIPS Battleships by I R Pegg TIB stainles8.dsk FLOOR2 Second Floor by Roland Trueman TIN stainles8.dsk HUNGHEX Hungarian Hex by Stephen Shaw TIB stainles8.dsk INSTRUCT Instructions for Patscram Mission stainles8.dsk LOAD ExBass auto loader. stainles8.dsk LUNAR-LNDR Lunar Lander. TIB stainles8.dsk PATSCRAM Patscram Mission by Patrick Strassen. ExBas stainles8.dsk PATSCRAM/I Instructions for Patscram Mission stainles8.dsk PENPIG Pen the Pig by Mike O'Regan and Dave Hamilton TIB stainles8.dsk $NOTEWRTH Noteworthy by Roland Trueman. XB stainles8.dsk SHIPSXB Ships by Not Polyoptics TIB amended to require XB+32k stainles8.dsk SHUTTLE Shuttle Command opening screen XB stainles8.dsk SHUTTLE2 Shuttle Command XB stainles8.dsk SKY-DIVER Maple Leaf Microware XB stainles8.dsk VDP Utility to merge into a TIB program to allow it to run in XB+32k stainles8.dsk WONKY Wonkapillar by M C Sumner. TIB modified to require XB+32k ======================= stainless4.dsk BEETLE Beetle by M Christmas. TIB modified to require XB+32k stainless4.dsk BEETLE/INS Instructions for Beetle stainless4.dsk CAVER/JOY Crazy Caver. No credits. XB+32k. XB stainless4.dsk CAVOFMARS Caverns of Mars. Francomputer. TIB modified to req XB+32k. stainless4.dsk CHAR/PEGG Character defining utility by Ian Pegg. TIB. stainless4.dsk CHECKERS by Malcolm Adams, TIB modified to req XB+32k stainless4.dsk CRAZYCLIFF by Roland Trueman. Req XB, JS. *Modified to require 60Hz consoles (NTSC). stainless4.dsk FIRST/LAST ExBas. No credits in the code. stainless4.dsk LOAD Autoloader for ExBas stainless4.dsk POMPEII Original program by Stephen Shaw. XB stainless4.dsk RAGINGRIV Raging River (The Raging Amazon) by P L Williams. TIB modified to req XB+32k stainless4.dsk SPACERESCU Space Rescue- this is Pat Crosbie's game. XB stainless4.dsk SPC-RESCUE Space Rescue 2.0 by PS Software XB stainless4.dsk STONEVILLE Stoneville Manor (Jensen/Stadler) TIB stainless4.dsk TI TROGMAN DCR Software. TIB modified to req XB+32k stainless4.dsk TUKOM Tukom's Kingdom. (No credits) TIB modified to req XB+32k stainless4.dsk VDP Utility to merge into a TIB program to allow it to run in XB+32k ========================= ssxbgam.dsk BLACKBOX...by Stephen Shaw, licenced from Waddingtons and Dr Solomon, TIB ssxbgam.dsk BOWLS .by W A McMath TIB ssxbgam.dsk ANTWARS Ant Wars - Not Polyoptics ssxbgam.dsk BULLRUN by Stephen Shaw ExBas ssxbgam.dsk CHALPOK Challenge Poker - Pewterware TIB modified to need XB+32k ssxbgam.dsk DIABLO Extended Software (Manuel Constantinidis) ExBas ssxbgam.dsk DOMINOES Bill Shrenk - TIB ssxbgam.dsk GOLF W A McMath- TIB modified to require XB+32k ssxbgam.dsk PENPIG Pen the Pig by Mike O'Regan and Dave Hamilton TIB ssxbgam.dsk POKERSOL Poker Solitaire by Cheryl Whitelaw (Regena) TIB ssxbgam.dsk QUINTUS by Sam Pincus TIB ssxbgam.dsk REACTION Malcolm Adams TIB ssxbgam.dsk SHEEPDOG (No credits) TIB ssxbgam.dsk TESTCARD By Stephen Shaw. TV Video tests commissioned by Yorkshire TV, Leeds. ExBas ssxbgam.dsk TXB Tex Bounce, Tony McGovern, ExBas ssxbgam.dsk WALLS Walls and Bridges, TImagination, TIB modified to require XB+32k ssxbgam.dsk WARGAME by TX Software. TIB. ssxbgam.dsk YAHTZEE by Tom Krohn. TIB modified to require XB+32k vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvv xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx ttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttt ALPHABETIC ORDER BY FILE NAME ============================ DISK File Notes sjsgames3.dsk B/CATCH Billy Ball plays Catch by Roland Trueman. Uses JS.xb sjsgames3.dsk B/HATCHERY Billy Ball at the Hatchery, Roland Trueman xb sjsgames3.dsk B/RESCUE Billy Ball to the Rescue by R Trueman xb sjsgames3.dsk BOWLS Bowls by A McMath. TIB modified for xBas+32k sjsgames3.dsk CRAZYCLIFF Crazy Cliff by Roland Trueman. Needs JS.XB. Modified for 60Hz NTSC consoles. sjsgames3.dsk FLIPFLAP Flipflap needs JS. XB. sjsgames3.dsk FLOOR2 Second Floor by Roland Trueman. tib sjsgames3.dsk FLOORAWAYK Flooraway for keyboard tub sjsgames3.dsk FROGGER........Frogger by Stephen Mynard, uses Speech. XB sjsgames3.dsk HANGGLIDET TI Basic vn of Hang Glider Pilot by Maple Leaf modified to require XB+32k. sjsgames3.dsk HUNGHEX Hungarian Hex by Stephen Shaw. TIB sjsgames3.dsk LOAD .........XB AUTO LOADER FOR ALL PROGRAMS sjsgames3.dsk PATSCRAM Patscram Mission by Patrick Strassen. XB. sjsgames3.dsk PATSCRAM/I.....subsidiary file for PATSCRAM sjsgames3.dsk ROBIN/32K ROBIN HOOD GAME REQUIRES XB+32K RAM by Neil Lawson sjsgames3.dsk R32/2 subsidiary file for Robin Hood. Do not load. sjsgames3.dsk TI-TROGMAN Trogman by DCR Software. TIB modified for ExB as+32k sjsgames3.dsk VICTSEWER VICTORIAN SEWERS by Stephen Shaw. TIB ssgames.dsk 3DMAZE 3D Maze TIB ssgames.dsk 99VADERS 99 Vaders by Not Polyoptics. TI Basic. ssgames.dsk CARCASSES Cars and Carcasses V1 by Not Polyoptics. TIB Only.. ssgames.dsk GOLFP Golf by A McMath- TIB modified to run in XB+32k ssgames.dsk KHESANH Khe Sanh by Not Polyoptics. TIB modified for ExB as+32k ssgames.dsk KONG Kong TIB modified for ExBas+32k ssgames.dsk MAZEARIEL Maze of Ariel by Not Polyoptics. TI Basic only. ssgames.dsk PATSCRAM Patscram Mission by Patrick Strassen. ExBas. ssgames.dsk PESTEROIDS PS Software/MC Sumner. Extended Basic. ssgames.dsk PUZZLER Puzzler by Malcolm Adams. TIB or ExBas. ssgames.dsk REACTION By Malcolm Adams. TIB. Needs speech synth. ssgames.dsk THE WALL Extended Basic. ssgames2.dsk LOAD XB Autoload to select the games from a menu ssgames2.dsk OCTAL Octal by M C Sumner - uses JS ssgames2.dsk QBONO QBono by Mike Curtis ssgames2.dsk SECRETAG Secret Agent ssgames2.dsk SIRPRANCE Sir Prancelot by Neil Lawson. Uses JS. ssgames2.dsk STARPROBE Star Probe 99 by M C Sumner. ssgames2.dsk TNT SP Software. ssgames2.dsk WALLABY Wallaby - Counterpoint SW/Mark Sumner. ssgames2.dsk WALLS Walls and Bridges ssgames2.dsk WINGINGIT Winging It by Not Polyoptics TIB recoded for ExBas+32k ssgames2.dsk WONKY Wonkapillar by PS Software / Mark Sumner ssgames2.dsk ZM1 Zombie Mambo by TImagination ssgames2.dsk ZM2 The second Zombie Mambo game by TImagination stain01.dsk ADDVANCERV Addvance by Not Polyoptics, colours revised for greater visibility. stain01.dsk BEETLE Beetle Walk (aka Run) by Roland Trueman stain01.dsk BLACKBOX Black Box by Stephen Shaw, licensed from Waddingtons and Dr Solomon. stain01.dsk BT2 Brainteasers 2 from Titan Software stain01.dsk CHALPOK Challenge Poker from Pewterware stain01.dsk CROSSWORD Crossword Challenge - 1981! PRP Computergraphics stain01.dsk FLIPFLAP Flipflap by Roland Trueman stain01.dsk GRAPHICS_X Graphics- 1981- Norton Software stain01.dsk HUNGSQUARE Hungarian Squares by Stephen Shaw, based on an ancient US Patent.. stain01.dsk LOAD stain01.dsk MUSYNTH_X Music Synth -1981- Norton Software stain01.dsk PATSCRAM Patscram Mission by Patrick Strassen stain01.dsk PATSCRAM/I Instructions for Patscram Mission stain01.dsk PENPIG Pen the Pig by Mike O'Regan and Dave Hamilton stain01.dsk SCRIBBLE AScribble- 1981. PRP Computergrapics. stain01.dsk SUPRFROG_X Super Frogger- Norton Software stain01.dsk TANKJOY_X Tank Battle- Norton Software. JS stain01.dsk THEWALL The Wall by Neil Lawson stain01.dsk TXB Tex Bounce by Tony McGovern. ExBas stain01.dsk VDP... Utility= merge into a TIB program to have it run in XB+32k stain02.dsk BACKGAMN_X Backgammon by Not Polyoptics. XB. stain02.dsk COSMOPLY_X Cosmopoly by Not Polyoptics. ExBas. stain02.dsk CROSSES_B Crosses by Not Polyoptics. TIB converted to XB+32k. stain02.dsk HALLOWEEN SP Software Ext Basic stain02.dsk LASRTANK_X Laser Tank by Not Polyoptics. ExBas stain02.dsk LOAD XB Autoloader stain02.dsk MINING/JYS Mining- By Ian Pegg- 2 player trading game based on "Mine a Million". XB+JS stain02.dsk OPHYSS_B Ophyss by Not Polyoptics. TIB converted to XB+32k. stain02.dsk PENGI_B Pengi by SP Software. TIB converted to XB+32k. stain02.dsk RADAR Radar Defence by Stephen Palmer. TIB converted to XB+32k. stain02.dsk ROLL5 Roll 5 by Pewterware TIB stain02.dsk ROO_X Roo by SP Software XB stain02.dsk SENGOKU/X Sengoku Jidai by Not Polyoptics. TIB. stain02.dsk SKY-DIVER Sky Diver by Maple Leaf. ExBas stain02.dsk STARPROBE Starprobe by Challenger (Mark Sumner). TIB converted to XB+32k. stain02.dsk TOWER_X Tower by Not Polyoptics Ex Bas stain02.dsk VDP........ Utility- merge into a TIB program to allow it to run in XB. stain03.dsk CHECKERSQR Checkerboard quares by PRP Computergraphics. 1982. tib. stain03.dsk DOMINO1 Domino Factor by Mark Sumner XB stain03.dsk IMHOTEP Imhotep (no credits) TIB stain03.dsk JOUNCE Jouncer by Rob Jarrett ExBas stain03.dsk LOAD Auto Load program for ExBas stain03.dsk MAZZO Mazzo by Tony Constantinidis. TIB. stain03.dsk RAILWAYS Railways - no credits. ExBas. stain03.dsk RUNES Runes and Glyphs by R W Kinserlow. ExBas stain03.dsk SCEPTOR Sceptre of Kzirgla by Kuhl Software. TIB modified to require XB+32k stain03.dsk TANKATAK Tank Atak by S Bindoff. ExBas. stain03.dsk TRACTORS Tractor Follies by Pewterware. ExBas stain03.dsk VDP Utility- merge into a TIB program to allow it to run in XB. stainless5.dsk F/ROUTE Forced Route by A Walker. tib. stainless5.dsk F/ROUTE/I Instructions for Forced Route stainless5.dsk KAMIKAZE by Stephen Mynard. XB. stainless5.dsk LOAD Autoloader for ExBas stainless5.dsk SNAKES Snakes and Ladders (No credits). XB. stainless5.dsk STARPEG Starship Pegasus by Not Polyoptics, TIB amended to run in XB+32k stainless5.dsk TICKWORLD By Not Polyoptics. TIB. stainless5.dsk ZARQUON Zarquon by Patrick Strassen. TIB modified to require XB+32k stainless5.dsk ZARQUON/I Instructions for Zarquon. TIB. stainless6.dsk BLUGRAS Bluegrass Sweepstakes, Pewterware. TIB. Needs CALL FILES(0) stainless6.dsk CARRALLY Cross Country Car Rally. Norton. XB stainless6.dsk CARS&CARC Cars and Carcasses 2. Not Polyoptics. TIB revised for XB+32k. stainless6.dsk CNBL/CHESS Cannonball Chess for 2 players. Ray Kazmer. XB. stainless6.dsk DATARESCUE Data Rescue by Kuhl. XB. stainless6.dsk GRABBER Greedy Green Grabbers. TIB only. stainless6.dsk GEMGRABBER Gem Grabber by R Trueman. TIB. stainless6.dsk HORFILE Data file required by Hordes stainless6.dsk LOAD XB auto loader for most of the programs. stainless6.dsk MAD_SCIENT Mad Scientist by Sam Pincus. Text Adventure. Ext Basic stainless6.dsk PERIDOCS Text file to read with an editor re Up Periscope stainless6.dsk PERISCOPE Up Periscope by Pewterware. XB. Requires CALL FILES(1). stainless6.dsk RALLYCROSS Rally Cross by W A McMath. TIB modified for XB+32k stainless6.dsk SPHLDJK Spring Heeled Jack by Graham Marshall. Ext Basic. stainless6.dsk XHORD Hordes by Not Polyoptics TIB modified for XB+32k stainless7.dsk DECADOCS Text file to read with an editor re Decathlon stainless7.dsk I/V FILES Required datafiles for Galactic Encounter (GAL...) and Breakpoint (BR...files) stainless7.dsk GALINST Instruction file loaded by Galactic Encounter stainless7.dsk TEX-RANGER Texas Ranger by Ray Kazmer. XB. stainless7.dsk LOAD XB AUTO LOADER stainless7.dsk MAKE-CCT Creates the BRESCR random files for Breakpoint. TIB only. stainless7.dsk GOBLINREV Goblins Revenge by Pewterware TIB stainless7.dsk BREAKPOINT Breakpoint by Malcolm Adams. TI Basic only. stainless7.dsk ATTACKMAN Attackman by Norton Software ExBas stainless7.dsk FITERPILOT Fighter Pilot by Steve Myers. TIB modified to require XB+32k. stainless7.dsk GALACTIC Galactic Encounrer by Malcolm Adams. TIB. stainless7.dsk BANKROLL Bankroll by Not Polyoptics. ExBas stainless7.dsk DECATHLON By Pewterware. TI Basic only & requires CALL FILES(1) stainles8.dsk ANTWARS Not Polyoptics. stainles8.dsk BATSHIPS Battleships stainles8.dsk FLOOR2 Second Floor by Roland Trueman stainles8.dsk HUNGHEX Hungarian Hex by Stephen Shaw stainles8.dsk INSTRUCT Instructions for Patscram Mission stainles8.dsk LOAD ExBass auto loader. stainles8.dsk LUNAR-LNDR Lunar Lander. For Ext Basic stainles8.dsk PATSCRAM Patscram Mission by Patrick Strassen. ExBas stainles8.dsk PATSCRAM/I Instructions for Patscram Mission stainles8.dsk PENPIG Pen the Pig by Mike O'Regan and Dave Hamilton TIB stainles8.dsk $NOTEWRTH Noteworthy by Roland Trueman. XB stainles8.dsk SHIPSXB Ships by Not Polyoptics TIB amended to require XB+32k stainles8.dsk SHUTTLE Shuttle Command opening screen XB stainles8.dsk SHUTTLE2 Shuttle Command XB stainles8.dsk SKY-DIVER Maple Leaf Microware XB stainles8.dsk VDP Utility to merge into a TIB program to allow it to run in XB+32k stainles8.dsk WONKY Wonkapillar by M C Sumner. TIB modified to require XB+32k stainless4.dsk BEETLE Beetle by M Christmas. TIB modified to require XB+32k stainless4.dsk BEETLE/INS Instructions for Beetle stainless4.dsk CAVER/JOY Crazy Caver. No credits. XB+32k. stainless4.dsk CAVOFMARS Caverns of Mars. Francomputer. TIB modified to req XB+32k. stainless4.dsk CHAR/PEGG Character defining utility by Ian Pegg. TIB. stainless4.dsk CHECKERS by Malcolm Adams, TIB modified to req XB+32k stainless4.dsk CRAZYCLIFF by Roland Trueman. Req XB, JS. *Modified to require 60Hz consoles (NTSC). stainless4.dsk FIRST/LAST ExBas. No credits in the code. stainless4.dsk LOAD Autoloader for ExBas stainless4.dsk POMPEII Original program by Stephen Shaw. stainless4.dsk RAGINGRIV Raging River (The Raging Amazon) by P L Williams. TIB modified to req XB+32k stainless4.dsk SPACERESCU Space Rescue- this is Pat Crosbie's game. XB stainless4.dsk SPC-RESCUE Space Rescue 2.0 by PS Software XB stainless4.dsk STONEVILLE Stoneville Manor (Jensen/Stadler) TIB stainless4.dsk TI TROGMAN DCR Software. TIB modified to req XB+32k stainless4.dsk TUKOM Tukom's Kingdom. (No credits) TIB modified to req XB+32k stainless4.dsk VDP Utility to merge into a TIB program to allow it to run in XB+32k ssxbgam.dsk BLACKBOX...by Stephen Shaw, licenced from Waddingtons and Dr Solomon, TIB ssxbgam.dsk BOWLS .by W A McMath TIB ssxbgam.dsk ANTWARS Ant Wars - Not Polyoptics ssxbgam.dsk BULLRUN by Stephen Shaw ExBas ssxbgam.dsk CHALPOK Challenge Poker - Pewterware TIB modified to need XB+32k ssxbgam.dsk DIABLO Extended Software (Manuel Constantinidis) ExBas ssxbgam.dsk DOMINOES Bill Shrenk - TIB ssxbgam.dsk GOLF W A McMath- TIB modified to require XB+32k ssxbgam.dsk PENPIG Pen the Pig by Mike O'Regan and Dave Hamilton TIB ssxbgam.dsk POKERSOL Poker Solitaire by Cheryl Whitelaw (Regena) TIB ssxbgam.dsk QUINTUS by Sam Pincus TIB ssxbgam.dsk REACTION Malcolm Adams TIB ssxbgam.dsk SHEEPDOG (No credits) TIB ssxbgam.dsk TESTCARD TV Video tests commissioned by Yorkshire TV, Leeds. ExBas ssxbgam.dsk TXB Tex Bounce, Tony McGovern, ExBas ssxbgam.dsk WALLS Walls and Bridges, TImagination, TIB modified to require XB+32k ssxbgam.dsk WARGAME by TX Software. TIB. ssxbgam.dsk YAHTZEE by Tom Krohn. TIB modified to require XB+32k ============================================== ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||\\|||| IN FILE NAME ALPHABETICAL ORDER: stainles8.dsk $NOTEWRTH Noteworthy by Roland Trueman. XB ssgames.dsk 3DMAZE 3D Maze TIB ssgames.dsk 99VADERS 99 Vaders by Not Polyoptics. TI Basic. stain01.dsk ADDVANCERV Addvance by Not Polyoptics, Modified for visibility. TIB mod to require XB+32k stainles8.dsk ANTWARS Not Polyoptics. TIB. ssxbgam.dsk ANTWARS Ant Wars - Not Polyoptics stainless7.dsk ATTACKMAN Attackman by Norton Software ExBas sjsgames3.dsk B/CATCH Billy Ball plays Catch by Roland Trueman. Uses JS.xb sjsgames3.dsk B/HATCHERY Billy Ball at the Hatchery, Roland Trueman xb sjsgames3.dsk B/RESCUE Billy Ball to the Rescue by R Trueman xb stain02.dsk BACKGAMN_X Backgammon by Not Polyoptics. XB. stainless7.dsk BANKROLL Bankroll by Not Polyoptics. ExBas stainles8.dsk BATSHIPS Battleships I R Pegg TIB stain01.dsk BEETLE Beetle Walk (aka Run) by Roland Trueman TIB stainless4.dsk BEETLE Beetle by M Christmas. TIB modified to require XB+32k stainless4.dsk BEETLE/INS Instructions for Beetle stain01.dsk BLACKBOX Black Box by Stephen Shaw, licensed from Waddingtons and Dr Solomon.TIB ssxbgam.dsk BLACKBOX... by Stephen Shaw, licenced from Waddingtons and Dr Solomon, TIB stainless6.dsk BLUGRAS Bluegrass Sweepstakes, Pewterware. TIB. Needs CALL FILES(0) sjsgames3.dsk BOWLS Bowls by A McMath. TIB modified for xBas+32k ssxbgam.dsk BOWLS .by W A McMath TIB stainless7.dsk BREAKPOINT Breakpoint by Malcolm Adams. TI Basic only. stain01.dsk BT2 Brainteasers 2 from Titan Software TIB ssxbgam.dsk BULLRUN by Stephen Shaw ExBas ssgames.dsk CARCASSES Cars and Carcasses V1 by Not Polyoptics. TIB Only.. stainless6.dsk CARRALLY Cross Country Car Rally. Norton. XB stainless6.dsk CARS&CARC Cars and Carcasses 2. Not Polyoptics. TIB revised for XB+32k. stainless4.dsk CAVER/JOY Crazy Caver. No credits. XB+32k. XB stainless4.dsk CAVOFMARS Caverns of Mars. Francomputer. TIB modified to req XB+32k. stain01.dsk CHALPOK Challenge Poker from Pewterware TIB modified to req XB+32k. ssxbgam.dsk CHALPOK Challenge Poker - Pewterware TIB modified to need XB+32k stainless4.dsk CHAR/PEGG Character defining utility by Ian Pegg. TIB. stainless4.dsk CHECKERS by Malcolm Adams, TIB modified to req XB+32k stain03.dsk CHECKERSQR Checkerboard quares by PRP Computergraphics. 1982. tib. stainless6.dsk CNBL/CHESS Cannonball Chess for 2 players. Ray Kazmer. XB. stain02.dsk COSMOPLY_X Cosmopoly by Not Polyoptics. ExBas. sjsgames3.dsk CRAZYCLIFF Crazy Cliff by Roland Trueman. Needs JS.XB. Modified for 60Hz NTSC consoles. stainless4.dsk CRAZYCLIFF by Roland Trueman. Req XB, JS. *Modified to require 60Hz consoles (NTSC). stain02.dsk CROSSES_B Crosses by Not Polyoptics. TIB converted to XB+32k. stain01.dsk CROSSWORD Crossword Challenge - 1981! PRP Computergraphics TIB stainless6.dsk DATARESCUE Data Rescue by Kuhl. XB. stainless7.dsk DECADOCS Text file to read with an editor re Decathlon stainless7.dsk DECATHLON By Pewterware. TI Basic only & requires CALL FILES(1) ssxbgam.dsk DIABLO Extended Software (Manuel Constantinidis) ExBas stain03.dsk DOMINO1 Domino Factor by Mark Sumner XB ssxbgam.dsk DOMINOES Bill Shrenk - TIB stainless5.dsk F/ROUTE Forced Route by A Walker. tib. stainless5.dsk F/ROUTE/I Instructions for Forced Route stainless4.dsk FIRST/LAST ExBas. No credits in the code. stainless7.dsk FITERPILOT Fighter Pilot by Steve Myers. TIB modified to require XB+32k. sjsgames3.dsk FLIPFLAP Flipflap needs JS. XB. stain01.dsk FLIPFLAP Flipflap by Roland Trueman XB sjsgames3.dsk FLOOR2 Second Floor by Roland Trueman. tib stainles8.dsk FLOOR2 Second Floor by Roland Trueman TIB sjsgames3.dsk FLOORAWAYK Flooraway for keyboard tub sjsgames3.dsk FROGGER......Frogger by Stephen Mynard, uses Speech. XB stainless7.dsk GALACTIC Galactic Encounrer by Malcolm Adams. TIB. stainless7.dsk GALINST Instruction file loaded by Galactic Encounter stainless6.dsk GEMGRABBER Gem Grabber by R Trueman. TIB. stainless7.dsk GOBLINREV Goblins Revenge by Pewterware TIB ssxbgam.dsk GOLF W A McMath- TIB modified to require XB+32k ssgames.dsk GOLFP Golf by A McMath- TIB modified to run in XB+32k stainless6.dsk GRABBER Greedy Green Grabbers. TIB only. stain01.dsk GRAPHICS_X Graphics- 1981- Norton Software XB stain02.dsk HALLOWEEN SP Software Ext Basic sjsgames3.dsk HANGGLIDET TI Basic vn of Hang Glider Pilot by Maple Leaf modified to require XB+32k. HORDES see XHORD below sjsgames3.dsk HUNGHEX Hungarian Hex by Stephen Shaw. TIB stainles8.dsk HUNGHEX Hungarian Hex by Stephen Shaw TIB stain01.dsk HUNGSQUARE Hungarian Squares by Stephen Shaw, based on an ancient US Patent..TIB stain03.dsk IMHOTEP Imhotep (no credits) TIB stainles8.dsk INSTRUCT Instructions for Patscram Mission stain03.dsk JOUNCE Jouncer by Rob Jarrett ExBas stainless5.dsk KAMIKAZE by Stephen Mynard. XB. ssgames.dsk KHESANH Khe Sanh by Not Polyoptics. TIB modified for ExB as+32k ssgames.dsk KONG Kong TIB modified for ExBas+32k stain02.dsk LASRTANK_X Laser Tank by Not Polyoptics. ExBas stainles8.dsk LUNAR-LNDR Lunar Lander. TIB stainless6.dsk MAD_SCIENT Mad Scientist by Sam Pincus. Text Adventure. Ext Basic stainless7.dsk MAKE-CCT Creates the BRESCR random files for Breakpoint. TIB only. ssgames.dsk MAZEARIEL Maze of Ariel by Not Polyoptics. TI Basic only. stain03.dsk MAZZO Mazzo by Tony Constantinidis. TIB. stain02.dsk MINING/JYS Mining- By Ian Pegg- 2 player trading game based on "Mine a Million". XB+JS stain01.dsk MUSYNTH_X Music Synth -1981- Norton Software XB ssgames2.dsk OCTAL Octal by M C Sumner - uses JS XB stain02.dsk OPHYSS_B Ophyss by Not Polyoptics. TIB converted to XB+32k. sjsgames3.dsk PATSCRAM Patscram Mission by Patrick Strassen. XB. stainles8.dsk PATSCRAM Patscram Mission by Patrick Strassen. ExBas stain01.dsk PATSCRAM Patscram Mission by Patrick Strassen XB ssgames.dsk PATSCRAM Patscram Mission by Patrick Strassen. ExBas. stain01.dsk PATSCRAM/I Instructions for Patscram Mission stainles8.dsk PATSCRAM/I Instructions for Patscram Mission sjsgames3.dsk PATSCRAM/I.....subsidiary file for PATSCRAM stain02.dsk PENGI_B Pengi by SP Software. TIB converted to XB+32k. stainles8.dsk PENPIG Pen the Pig by Mike O'Regan and Dave Hamilton TIB stain01.dsk PENPIG Pen the Pig by Mike O'Regan and Dave Hamilton TIB ssxbgam.dsk PENPIG Pen the Pig by Mike O'Regan and Dave Hamilton TIB stainless6.dsk PERIDOCS Text file to read with an editor re Up Periscope stainless6.dsk PERISCOPE Up Periscope by Pewterware. XB. Requires CALL FILES(1). ssgames.dsk PESTEROIDS PS Software/MC Sumner. Extended Basic. ssxbgam.dsk POKERSOL Poker Solitaire by Cheryl Whitelaw (Regena) TIB stainless4.dsk POMPEII Original program by Stephen Shaw. XB ssgames.dsk PUZZLER Puzzler by Malcolm Adams. TIB or ExBas. ssgames2.dsk QBONO QBono by Mike Curtis XB ssxbgam.dsk QUINTUS by Sam Pincus TIB sjsgames3.dsk R32/2 subsidiary file for Robin Hood. Do not load. stain02.dsk RADAR Radar Defence by Stephen Palmer. TIB converted to XB+32k. stainless4.dsk RAGINGRIV Raging River (The Raging Amazon) by P L Williams. TIB modified to req XB+32k stain03.dsk RAILWAYS Railways - no credits. ExBas. stainless6.dsk RALLYCROSS Rally Cross by W A McMath. TIB modified for XB+32k ssgames.dsk REACTION By Malcolm Adams. TIB. Needs speech synth. ssxbgam.dsk REACTION Malcolm Adams TIB sjsgames3.dsk ROBIN/32K ROBIN HOOD GAME REQUIRES XB+32K RAM by Neil Lawson stain02.dsk ROLL5 Roll 5 by Pewterware TIB stain02.dsk ROO_X Roo by SP Software XB stain03.dsk RUNES Runes and Glyphs by R W Kinserlow. ExBas stain03.dsk SCEPTOR Sceptre of Kzirgla by Kuhl Software. TIB modified to require XB+32k stain01.dsk SCRIBBLE AScribble- 1981. PRP Computergrapics. TIB ssgames2.dsk SECRETAG Secret Agent XB stain02.dsk SENGOKU/X Sengoku Jidai by Not Polyoptics. TIB. ssxbgam.dsk SHEEPDOG (No credits) TIB stainles8.dsk SHIPSXB Ships by Not Polyoptics TIB amended to require XB+32k stainles8.dsk SHUTTLE Shuttle Command opening screen XB stainles8.dsk SHUTTLE2 Shuttle Command XB ssgames2.dsk SIRPRANCE Sir Prancelot by Neil Lawson. Uses JS. XB stainles8.dsk SKY-DIVER Maple Leaf Microware XB stain02.dsk SKY-DIVER Sky Diver by Maple Leaf. ExBas stainless5.dsk SNAKES Snakes and Ladders (No credits). XB. stainless4.dsk SPACERESCU Space Rescue- this is Pat Crosbie's game. XB stainless4.dsk SPC-RESCUE Space Rescue 2.0 by PS Software XB stainless6.dsk SPHLDJK Spring Heeled Jack by Graham Marshall. Ext Basic. stainless5.dsk STARPEG Starship Pegasus by Not Polyoptics, TIB amended to run in XB+32k stain02.dsk STARPROBE Starprobe by Challenger (Mark Sumner). TIB converted to XB+32k. ssgames2.dsk STARPROBE Star Probe 99 by M C Sumner. TIB modified to require XB+32k stainless4.dsk STONEVILLE Stoneville Manor (Jensen/Stadler) TIB stain01.dsk SUPRFROG_X Super Frogger- Norton Software XB stain03.dsk TANKATAK Tank Atak by S Bindoff. ExBas. stain01.dsk TANKJOY_X Tank Battle- Norton Software. JS XB ssxbgam.dsk TESTCARD By Stephen Shaw. TV Video tests commissioned by Yorkshire TV, Leeds. ExBas stainless7.dsk TEX-RANGER Texas Ranger by Ray Kazmer. XB. ssgames.dsk THE WALL Extended Basic. by Neil Lawson stain01.dsk THEWALL The Wall by Neil Lawson stainless4.dsk TI TROGMAN DCR Software. TIB modified to req XB+32k sjsgames3.dsk TI-TROGMAN Trogman by DCR Software. TIB modified for ExB as+32k stainless5.dsk TICKWORLD By Not Polyoptics. TIB. ssgames2.dsk TNT SP Software. XB. stain02.dsk TOWER_X Tower by Not Polyoptics Ex Bas stain03.dsk TRACTORS Tractor Follies by Pewterware. ExBas stainless4.dsk TUKOM Tukom's Kingdom. (No credits) TIB modified to req XB+32k stain01.dsk TXB Tex Bounce by Tony McGovern. ExBas ssxbgam.dsk TXB Tex Bounce, Tony McGovern, ExBas sjsgames3.dsk VICTSEWER VICTORIAN SEWERS by Stephen Shaw. TIB ssgames2.dsk WALLABY Wallaby - Counterpoint SW/Mark Sumner. XB ssgames2.dsk WALLS Walls and Bridges TIB modified to require XB+32k ssxbgam.dsk WALLS Walls and Bridges, TImagination, TIB modified to require XB+32k ssxbgam.dsk WARGAME by TX Software. TIB. ssgames2.dsk WINGINGIT Winging It by Not Polyoptics TIB only stainles8.dsk WONKY Wonkapillar by M C Sumner. TIB modified to require XB+32k ssgames2.dsk WONKY Wonkapillar by PS Software / Mark Sumner TIB modified to require XB+32k stainless6.dsk XHORD Hordes by Not Polyoptics TIB modified for XB+32k ssxbgam.dsk YAHTZEE by Tom Krohn. TIB modified to require XB+32k stainless5.dsk ZARQUON Zarquon by Patrick Strassen. TIB modified to require XB+32k stainless5.dsk ZARQUON/I Instructions for Zarquon. TIB. ssgames2.dsk ZM1 Zombie Mambo by TImagination TIB modified to require XB+32k ssgames2.dsk ZM2 The second Zombie Mambo game by TImagination TIB modified to require XB+32k