ANT WARS is a game for one or two players based on a study of the behaviour of ants. The tenacious desire of these insects to defend their homelands has fascinatad scientists for centuries. Now you can find out why: l. Settinq Up The computer asks the player whether he wants to play with the computer or not. The spider moves one or two spaces in a random direction after every ant's turn. It may or may not want to eat an ant that is near it. The spider starts with 50 strength points and may with several attacks be killed, but every ant that attacks it dies. The computer asks the player if he wants to play with the computer or not. If the coaputer plays it takes the black ants, and each black ant has a strength of 10. After these questions a board is generated on the screen showing the red hole on the right, the black hole on the left, 17 ants on each side grouped around their respective holes, the spider (if it is playing), and several bread crumbs randomly distributed. Each ant has a strength of between one and ten units. 2. Sequence of Turns The black ants are labeled J through Z and the red ants are A through G and 0 through 9. The turns occur in an alternating sequence, first the next black ant, then the next red ant, etc. When it is an ant's turn he bellows and flashes on and off. The lower the ant's bellow the stronger he is. If the ant is in his own hole press space to stay there, or a movement key to leave. If an ant is dead or is in its opponent's hole its turn is skipped. If the player doesn't know which ant is to move press B. 3. Moving the Ants Each ant is given five moves per turn. An attack counts as one move. To move press the key as shown in the template. If an ant moves on a bread crumb his strength is added to one by one and his turn ends. If an ant goes into his own hole his turn ends and his hole's defensive strength is added to by double the ant's strength. Every turn an ant stays in his hole his strength is added to by one. If an ant goes into the opponent's hole that hole is reduced in strength and he is given a chance to win the game based on his own strength relative to the strength of that hole. If an ant tries to move onto an enemy ant they fight each other. The attacking ant bellows then the defending ant bellows. After the fight they bellow again in the same sequence indicating how much each ant has been weakened. Battles are computed much in favour of the attacker. 4. Ending the Game. After every Ant has been given a chance to move the computer tells what turn it is by beeping that number of times. If no player has won at the end of ten turns the winner is the ant colony whose hole defensive strength is greatest. © 1981 NOT POLYOPTICS VIRGINIA GAMES FOR // TI 99/4 AND 99/4A ALL RIGHTS RESERVED