.LM 10 .RM 70 .FI .AD .PL 65 @^^^^^DM2K^-^Disk^manager^2000 .HE ^^^^^^^^^^DM2k v1.8 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^page % .PA 1 DM2K - Disk manager 2000 ======================== (c) Juli 1998, December 1998, May 1999, ^^^^April 2000, October 2000 by Frederik George Kaal De Dadelboom 81 1911 KK Uitgeest The Netherlands E-mail: fgkaal@@freeler.nl IMPORTANT NOTICE REEGARDING PROGRAMS AND MANUAL MATERIALS The following should be read and understood before using DM2K. Frederik G.Kaal does not warrant that the program and accompanying book materials will meet the specific requirements of the user, or that the programs and manual will be free from error. The user assumes complete responsibility for any decision made or actions taken based on information obtained using these programs and manual materials. Any statements made concerning the utility of Frederik G. Kaal's programs or manual materials are not to be construed as express or implied warranties. FREDERIK G. KAAL MAKES NO WARRANTY, EITHER EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO ANY IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE REGARDING THESE PROGRAMS OR MANUAL MATERIALS OR ANY PROGRAMS DERIVED THEREFROM AND MAKES SUCH MATERIALS AVAILABLE SOLELY ON AN "AS IS" BASIS. IN NO EVENT SHALL FREDERIK G. KAAL BE LIABLE TO ANYONE FOR SPECIAL, COLLATERAL, INCIDENTAL OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGE IN CONNECTION WITH OR ARRISING OUT OF THE PURCHASE OR USE OF THESE PROGRAMS OR MANUAL MATERIALS, AND THE SOLE AND EXCLUSIVE LIABILITY OF FREDERIK G. KAAL, REGARDLESS OF THE FORM OF ACTION, SHALL NOT EXCEED THE PURCHASE OF THE PRODUCTS. MOREOVER, FREDERIK G. KAAL SHALL NOT BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM OF ANY KIND WHATSOEVER AGAINST THE USER OF THESE PROGRAMS OR MANUAL MATERIALS BY ANY OTHER PARTY. Index 1.INTRODUCTION 2.FEATURES 3.DISKMANAGER 2000 SCREEN LAYOUT 4 WORKING WITH DISKMANAGER 2000 4.1 BROWSING 4.2 ENTERI NG SUBDIRECTORIES 4.3 DIRECT COMMANDS 4.3.1 Type a file 4.3.2 Rename a file or subdirectory 4.3.3 Print a catalog 4.3.4 Create a subdirectory 4.3.5 Starting a program 4.3.6 Formatting a floppy disk 4.4 BATCH COMMANDS APPENDIX A - FUNCTION KEYS APPENDIX B - CONFIGURATION APPENDIX C - ERROR MESSAGES 1. INTRODUCTION Diskmanager 2000 is a program manager to use with hard-disk drives and SCSI-drives. It is possible to acces files in a directory structure by entering a full path name instead by drive number as used by programs written in the pre-directory age. There was no intention to write a program to replace the fabulous Diskmager 1000 program, but the need for a program like this for the TI99/4a, and more or less for the Myarc 9640 is high. 2. FEATURES With Diskmanager 2000 it is possible to: - Protect and unprotect files - Rename files - Copy files - Move files - Delete files - View a file in ascii and hex (program files only in hex) - Create a subdirectory - Remove a subdirectory - Rename a subdirectoy - Print the contents of a subdirectory - Execute a program - Format a floppy disk It is not possible to: - Copy subdirectories - Delete subdirectories which are not empty - Protect subdirectories - Create subdirectories on floppy disks 3. DISKMANAGER 2000 SCREEN LAYOUT The Diskmanager 2000 screen shows the following information: -^the name of the device and/or subdirectory of wich the ^^filenames ar read (SRC) -^the name of the device and/or subdirectory to wich files ^^are copied or moved (DST) -^the volume name of the device (Vol) -^the total size in sectors of the device (Size) -^the number of free sectors on the device (Free) -^the number of used sectors on the device (Used) -^a maximum of 12 filenames with their sector size, ^^file-type, protection status -^the command currently being executed (if any) -^an immediately command to execute (if any) -^an error message (if any occured) -^the first sector number reading or writing of a block of ^^8Kb while copy-ing +----------------------------------------+ | SRC: WDS1.C99C.^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^| | DST: DSK2.^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^| |^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^| | Vol : HH1050 ^^^^^^ Size: 163840 ^^^^^^| | Free: 115608 ^^^^^^ Used: 48232 ^^^^^^^| |----------------------------------------| | C Name ^^^^^ Size Type ^^^^^^^^^ P 32W | | - ---------- ---- -------------- - ^^^^| |^^^..^^^^^^^^^^^ 0 UprDir ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^| |^C^ASSM1^^^^^^^^36 Program ^^8192^^^^^^^| |^C^ASSM2^^^^^^^^23 Program ^^4614^^^^^^^| |^^^BTEST^^^^^^^^61 Program ^14332^^^^^^^| |^^^BTEST2^^^^^^^47 Program ^10842^^^^^^^| |^C^C99O^^^^^^^^^36 Program ^^8192^^^^^^^| |^C^C99P^^^^^^^^^36 Program ^^8002^^^^^^^| |>C^PROGRAM1^^^^^16 Program ^^2830^^^^^^^| |^D^TEST^^^^^^^^^23 Dis/Var ^^^^80^^^^^^^| |^D^TEST_O^^^^^^^21 Dis/Fix ^^^^80^^^^^^^| |^^^CLIB^^^^^^^^^ 2 SubDir ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^| |^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^| +----------------------------------------+ |Copy: WDS1.C99C.PROGRAM1^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^| |^^To: DSK2.PROGRAM1^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^| |^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^| +----------------------------------------+ 4 WORKING WITH DISKMANAGER 2000 To be able to work with Diskmanager 2000 place the Editor/Assembler module in the TI99/4A console or start the GPL-interpreter on your Myarc. Choose option 5 Run program file and enter DSK1.DM2K When Diskmanager 2000 is loaded, your computer screen will show the help screen. This screen can be called any time by pressing the 'H' key. Press enter to go to the Diskmanager 2000 main screen. Before the filenames on a device can be read a source devicename and/or subdirectory name must be entered (i.e. DSK1. or SCS7.SUB01). It's not necessary to end the names with a period, Diskmanager 2000 will append this for you. You can use the cursor keys fctn-S and fctn-D to move the cursor through the line. Pressing fctn-3 will erase the whole line. Press enter to read the filenames of the just entered device and/or subdirectory. 4.1 BROWSING After the filenames are read, you'll be able to manage them. Use the arrow keys fctn-E and fctn- X to browse through your files. Use ctrl-E and ctrl-X to browse page by page. Ctrl-H will take you back to the top of the subdirectory. 4.2 ENTERING SUBDIRECTORIES If the cursor character '>' is in front of a subdirectory name (the type is SubDir) simply press ENTER to go to that subdirectory and read the filenames in it. The device name and subdirectory level on top of the screen is expanded automatically. To return to the upper directory (name is .. and type is UprDir) press enter when the cursor character is pointing at the upper dirtectory name. Use ctrl-H to move the cursor to the top of current directory. Press fctn-0 (also F10 on the Myarc) the enter a complete new device name and/or subdirectory name as described above. Pressing fctn-9 at this stage will abort this function. Pressing ctrl-s will swap the source with the destination device and subdirectory name. 4.3 DIRECT COMMANDS The direct commands are: - Type a file on screen - Rename a file - Print a catalog on a printer - Create a subdirectory - Starting a program and will be executed immediatelly. 4.3.1 TYPE A FILE To view the contents of file move the cursor to the filename to view and press 'T' for an ASCII representation (not for program files) or ctrl-T for a hexadecimal representation. Use ctrl-E and Ctrl-X to browse through the file. While viewing an ASCII representation you can use fctn-7 (tab) to view records which are longer than 40 characters. Pressing Q while take you back to the main screen. 4.3.2 RENAME A FILE OR SUBDIRECTORY To rename file or subdirectory move the cursor to the filename or subdirectorynam to change and press 'R'. At the bottom of the main screen the following line will appear: ^^^^Rename NAME______ to NAME______ Use the cursor keys fctn-S and fctn-D to move the cursor through the name. Use fctn-3 (also F3 on the Myarc) to remove the complete name to enter a new name. The maximum length of a filename or subdirectory name is 10 characters. Pressing ENTER will rename the file or subdirectory. Press fctn-9 (also F9 on the Myarc) the return to the main screen without renaming the file or subdirectory. 4.3.3 PRINT A CATALOG To print a catalog of the subdirectory actually shown in the main screen press ctrl-P. At the bottom of the main screen the following line with a default device name will appear: ^^^^Print: PIO. Use the cursor keys fctn-S and fctn-D to move the cursor through the devicename. Use fctn-3 (also F3 on the Myarc) to remove the complete devicename to enter a new devicename. Pressing ENTER will start the print function. Press fctn-9 (also F9 on the Myarc) the return to the main screen without printing a catalog. See appendix B for changing the default printer name and/or settings. 4.3.4 CREATE A SUBDIRECTORY To create a subdirectory press fctn-8 (also F8 on the Myarc). At the bottom of the main screen the following line will appear: ^^^^Makedir __________ Enter a subdirectory name. Use the cursor keys fctn-S and fctn-D to move the cursor through the devicename. Use fctn-3 (also F3 on the Myarc) to remove the complete subdirectory to enter a new name. The maximum length of a fsubdirectory name is 10 characters. Pressing ENTER will create the subdirectory. Press fctn-9 (also F9 on the Myarc) the return to the main screen without creating a subdirectory. 4.3.5 START A PROGRAM To start a program position the cursor in front of a executable program and press X. At the bottom of the main screen the following line will appear if the file type is PROGRAM or DIS/FIX80: ^^^^ Execute PROGRAMNAME? ([y],n) Pressing ENTER or Y at this stage, Diskmanager 2000 will attempt to load and start the program. If an error occurs the following line will be displayed at the bottom of the screen: ^^^^Error X Where X will be between 0 and 7 or 13. See appendix B for an explanation of the error codes. In the case of an error Diskmanager 2000 returns to the title screen. 4.3.6 FORMATTING A FLOPPY DISK Press ctlr-F to format a floppy-disk. The following information will be displayed on the screen: ^^^Format disk^^^(1-9, A-Z) ^^^Diskname ^^^Tracks per side 40 (Y/N) ^^^Double sided^^^^^^^(Y/N) ^^^Single density^^^^^(Y/N) First enter the drive number of the floppy disk to format and next a volume label for the floppy disk. Next press 'Y' to format the floppy disk for 40 tracks, or 'N' for 80 tracks (the diskdrive must be able to handle 80 tracks). Press 'Y' to format the floppy disk double sides and 'N' for single sided. The data density depends on the disk controller you uses. Enter 'Y' for single density (ie TI-disk controller) or 'N' for double density The following line will appear: ^^^Format DSKx^^^^^(Y/N) Press Y' to start formatting or 'N' to return to the main screen. If you start the formatting routine, the next line will appear: ^^^Formatting... After formatting the floppy disk will be checked: ^^^Formatting...Done ^^^Verifying^^^ If a problem occurs with one of the sectors, this sector will be marked as bad: ^^^Bad sectors in which means the total number of unusable sectors. While entering the information to format a floppy disk or during checking the formatted floppy disk it is always possible to press fctn-9 (olso F9 on the Myarc) to return to the main screen. After formatting a floppy disk, the results will be displayed on screen: ^^^SRC: DSK1. ^^^Vol : FLOPPYNAME^^^ Size: 1440 ^^^Free: 1440 ^^^^^^^^ Used: 0 ^^^Format another disk (Y/N) Press 'Y' to format another disk or 'N' to return to the main screen. 4.4 BATCH COMMANDS Batch commands are commands which are first collected before executed. Move the cursor in front of the name of the file by using the cursor keys fctn-E, fctn-X, ctrl-E or ctrl-X and mark the desired action to perform by pressing the appropriate key. Batch commands are: -^Copy a file, press 'C' -^Copy a file record by record, press 'c' -^Move a file, press 'M' -^Delete a file or subdirectory, press 'D' -^Protect a file, press 'P' -^Unprotect a file, press 'U' -^Repeat last command for all files, press 'A' (C, P or U ^^only) -^Remove an action, press SPACE or fctn-1 (also F1 on the ^^Myarc) -^Remove all actions, press 'N' To execute all the actions press fctn-6 (also F6 on the Myarc). At the bottom of the main screen the following line will appear: ^^^^Execute file commands? ([y],n) Pressing 'Enter' or 'Y' will start the file commands. Pressing any other key returns to the main screen without executing any file command. APPENDIX A - FUNCTION KEYS The following function keys are used by Diskmanager 2000 A ^^^^^^^^^^^^Repeat last command (C,P or U) for all files C^^^^^^^^^^^^^Copy file by sector c ^^^^^^^^^^^^Copy file by record (only if an extra 8Kb of ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ram is available at >6000) D ^^^^^^^^^^^^Delete file or subdirectory H ^^^^^^^^^^^^Show help screen M ^^^^^^^^^^^^Move file N ^^^^^^^^^^^^Remove commands for all files R ^^^^^^^^^^^^Rename file or subdirectory U ^^^^^^^^^^^^Un-protect file P ^^^^^^^^^^^^Protect file T ^^^^^^^^^^^^Type the contents of a file on screen in ASCII ctrl-T^^^^^^^^Type the contents of a file on screen in a ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^Hexadecimal form ctrl-P^^^^^^^^Print the contents of a subdirectory ctrl-F^^^^^^^^Format a floppy disk X^^^^^^^^^^^^^Execute a program Q ^^^^^^^^^^^^Exit program space ^^^^^^^^Remove command fctn-1 / F1 ^^Remove command fctn-3 / F3 ^^Erase line fctn-6 / F6 ^^Execute file commands fctn-7 / F7 ^^Tab while viewing files fctn-8 / F8 ^^Create subdirectory fctn-9 / F9 ^^Escape fctn 0 / F10 ^Input a pathname fctn-E ^^^^^^^Filename up fctn-X ^^^^^^^Filename down ctrl-E ^^^^^^^Page up ctrl-X ^^^^^^^Page down cltr-L ^^^^^^^Begining of line (or Home on the Myarc) ctrl-J ^^^^^^^End of line (or End on the Myarc) ctrl-C ^^^^^^^Copy Src path to Dst path while entering Dst ctrl-S^^^^^^^^Swap Src path with Dst path while entering Dst ENTER^^^^^^^^^Accept line, name, go into subdirecotry, go ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^back to the upper-directory APPENDIX B - CONFGIGURATION A few variables can be manipulated to change the operation of Dm2k to your desires: -^Autorepeat delay, this is the time to wait before the ^^autorepeat function will start after holding the same ^^key on the keyboard. -^Autorepeat speed, to define the rate at which the same ^^key will be generated. -^Printer name, to change the default printer name and/or ^^properties. These variables are located at the beginning of the file Dm2k and can be changed with any sector editor: Offset^^Value TI^^Description ------------------------------------------------------ >0000^^^FFFF^^^^^^^^^^Loader flag >0002^^^1FFA^^^^^^^^^^Module size >0004^^^A000^^^^^^^^^^Module start address >0006^^^02E0^^83E0^^^^LWPI >83E0 instruction >000A^^^020B^^0024^^^^LI 11,>0024 instruction >000E^^^0460^^A056^^^^B @START instruction >0012^^^0250^^^^^^^^^^Autorepeat delay >0014^^^0050^^^^^^^^^^Autorepeat speed >0016^^^PIO.^^^^^^^^^^Printer name (max 30 characters) Offset^^Value Myarc^^Description ------------------------------------------------------ >0000^^^5047^^^^^^^^^^Loader flag >0002^^^1FFA^^^^^^^^^^Module size >0004^^^0400^^^^^^^^^^Module start address >0006^^^0460^^043A^^^^B @START instruction >000A^^^0250^^^^^^^^^^Autorepeat delay >000C^^^0050^^^^^^^^^^Autorepeat speed >000E^^^PIO.^^^^^^^^^^Printer name (max 30 characters) APPENDIX B - ERROR MESSAGES An error message consists of 3 parts: - An error number - The function for which the error occured - The reason for the error (explanation of the error number) The following functions can result in an error: -^Opendir^^^^^^-^Open a directory -^Readdir^^^^^^-^Read a directory -^Delete^^^^^^^-^Delete a file or subdirectory -^Load^^^^^^^^^-^Load a program file -^Save^^^^^^^^^-^Save a program file -^Opensrc^^^^^^-^Open a source file for reading -^Readsrc^^^^^^-^Reading a source file -^Opendst^^^^^^-^Open a destination file for writing -^Writedst^^^^^-^Writing to a destination file -^Protect^^^^^^-^Write protect a file -^Unprotect^^^^-^Make a file accessible for both reading and ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^writing -^Rename^^^^^^^-^Renaming a file or subdirectory -^Mkdir^^^^^^^^-^Create a subdirectory _^Execute^^^^^^-^Execute a program The following errors can occure: 0 - Device name A devicename like "DSK1" or "WDS1.SUBDIR" was entered that doesn't excist, or an attempt was made to start a non autostart DIS/FIX80 program. 1 - Write protected An attempt was made to delete, rename or write over a file that is write protected. 2 - Bad open attribute An attempt was made to open a file without the proper attributes. This error should not occur in DM2k. 3 - Illegal operation I.e. an opperation not supported by the peripheral or a conflict with the open attribute. This error should not occur in DM2k. 4 - Out of buffers To many files are open. DM2K is build with a 'C' library wich can handle a maximum of 4 open files. This error should not occur in DM2k. 5 - Read past eof An attempt was made to read past the end of a file. This error should not occur in DM2k. 6 - Device error Covers all hard device errors such as parity and bad medium errors. 7 - File error Program or data file mismatch, non exsisting file opened in INPUT mode etc. 8 - File to big The file is to big for DM2K to handle. The file doesn't fit in DM2k's internal buffers. 9 - Name to long The directory can not be created because the total length of the path name will be more than 34 characters. 13 - Unresolved reference A label was not found in the REF/DEF table after loading a DIS/FIX80 file. 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