INSTRUCTION BOOKLET HORDES A GAME OF GLOBAL CONQUEST by NOT POLYOPTICS SET UP Load the program using the OLD CS1 command (nb-keep the ALPHA CAPS key locked DOWN). Enter RUN. Advise the computer of the number of players (2 or 3) and the colours selected by them (see list on page 3 ). The computer then has to load some data from the cassette. DO NOT rewind the cassette. Set it to PLAY and press ENTER. The computer will do the rest. Loading the data will take a few minutes. Towards the end you will see the screen display appear. When the computer starts to colour in the world map with the players colours, PRESS CASSETTE STOP. The computer will not prompt you to do this. The original disposition of each players armies is random. PLAY Each players turn comprises several phases, each detailed separately below, These are: i. ATTACK PHASE ii. MOVE PHASE (includes SHIP PHASE) iii. CREATE NEW ARMIES PHASE A flowchart may be found at the back of the booklet which will help you to understand how the program works. ATTACK PHASE | The computer quickly displays at bottom left the message PLAYER N*S TURN and then ‘HOW MANY TIMES?°*. It then waits for you to indicate how many times you wish one of your countries to do battle with an adjacent enemy country. You may attack up to five times per turn. First indicate the number of battles (may not exceed the strength of your attacking country). You MUST use the table at the back of the book ~ maximum number of battles is 42.(See Poge 4), Then enter the identity letter/number of the country you are attacking FROM. Then enter the country to be attacked. Battle will then commence. In general a superior army will triumph, but this is not always the case. After your last turn the computer still asks How Many Times but then passes to the next phase without taking action. If you wish to terminate the Attack Phase at any time, key (zero) to pass immediately to the next phase, when asked How many times? MOVE PHASE / SHIP PHASE i) Move Phase: You are asked if you wish to move Armies or Ships. If you press 0 (zero),your turn ends. ARMIES: You must indicate HOW MANY (using table at back of booklet), FROM which country and TO which country. Key 0 (zero) to return to move/ships question. SHIPS : Ships can be used to attack or move troops. They move in fleets of 1 to 5 ships, either BATTLE fleets or CONVOY fleets. You will be asked if you wish to Move or Create ships: CREATE: You must indicate the country of origin, the number of ships in the fleet, and the type of ship. Each BATTLE FLEET ship takes TEN units from its country of origin. Each CONVOY FLEET ship takes ONE unit from its country of origin. NB: Make sure the country has enough troops} The ship is built on dry land,and the prompt SEA is a reminder that you must move it to sea,using keys W,E,R,S,D,Z,X, and C. NB:Do not go over the country ID marker or the troop strength counter, these are obstacles which will destroy your ship! Once on the water a brief message appears at bottom left~ TNN/XXX where T= Fleet status: 1=Convoy, 2=Battlefleet NN= Troop units on board (Min 1,Max 99) XXX= either 126, OR the last ID of last ship contacted OR the current status of the ship you are attacking. To stop moving the ship press 0 to return to ‘Create or Move* and press 0 again to return to ‘Army or Ship*. CONVOY: Ships are used to carry troops. Maximum 99 per convoy. To take on troops, move next to one of your countries, then, press a direction key as though you were going to move into the country, then the - (minus) key, and a key to indicate the number to be embarked (see table at rear). To discharge troops,same as above but use +. (Leave a short pause between key presses!) BATTLESHIP: Move them next to the country or ship to be attacked. Then press the appropriate movement key as though you were going to land on the country or ship. Your ship will, after a pause, flash, and the new status will appear briefly at bottom left. NB: Once a battleship is reduced to 201/, it is of no further use, It cannot attack,nor take on replacement troops. A player may create only five ships in each fleet. Once a fleet has sunk, that fleet number is no longer available. MOVE - when using the MOVE SHIP option you have to indicate which fleet. These are numbered in the order you have created them. YOU must remember which fleet is which! Ships may move off the left edge of the screen to reappear on the right and vice versa — eg traverse the Pacific. During the Move/Ship phase you have only seven moves. By repeatedly pressing 0@ you can surrender your turn. When attacking, you may attack countries which are ADJACENT or which are connected by lines across the waters. When moving troops you may do so only to adjacent countries, AT NO TIME IN THIS GAME SHOULD YOU PRESS THE ‘ENTER* KEY, other than to load the data, as instructed by screen prompts. CREATION PHASE: At the end of each players turn, new armies are created in his countries: TWO per country, plus, if ALL adjacent countries are his, one per adjacent country. THE GAME ENDS when ALL countries belong to one player. This is a complex game, which will take at least an hour to play - usually several hours! - do not expect to take in all the rules at once. You will evolve your own winning strategies. COLOUR TABLE Use values 3 to 16: 3..Med.Green 10. Lt Red 4..Lt.Green 11..Dark Yellow 5. Dark Blue 12. Lt Yellow 6. Lt Blue 13..Dk Green 7 Dk Red 14..Magenta 8..Cyan 15..Grey 9..Med. Red 16..White, 9, 13 and 12 are good colours to use. VALUE TABLE for use when inputting Number of Troops: REQUIRED NUMBER / PRESS KEY 1 /1 2/2 3/3 4/4 5/5 6/6 7/7 8/8 9/9 10/: 11/; 12/< 13/= 14/> 15/? 16/@ 17/A 18/B 19/C 20/D 21/E 22/F 23/G 24/H 25/I 26/J 27/K 28/L 29/M 30/N 31/O 32/P 33/Q 34/R 35/S 36/T 37/U 38/V 39/W 40/X 41/Y 42/Z Keyboard W R Z C diagonals E^ XV S< D> FLOW CHART: See HORDES.JPG