The Master Of Pain presents: ----------------------------- PaperSoft Magazine This is a scan of an italian magazine dedicated to various computers, including the TI99/4A. It was published between 1984 and 1986. I decided to scan the magazine in order to contribute to the preservation of TI99 memory. The TI99/4A was my first computer and I still love it! This project required a lot of effort and I hope it will be appreciated by other fans of the TI. Please, send your comments to: - Published by TMOP in January, 2006. Torino, Italy. NOTE: These files require the CDisplay viewer, which is available in the CDisplay folder or at the URL below. The files with extension .cbz are simply .zip archives. They contain .jpeg files that are sequentially readable with CDisplay program. CDisplay is free and it's possbile to download from: CDisplay is the most flexible program to read scans of comics, books, magazines, etc. -by TMOP.