These RAR archive files contain dumps and disk images collected by TOSEC (The Old School Emulation Center). TI99 ROMs (tosec 021).rar - Cartridge dumps TI99 Disks (tosec 001).rar - Images of floppy disks Disk images ----------- The disk images are in sector dump format, which is directly understood by various emulators including MESS. It is recommended to find some shorter names for the disk images to make it easier to find and select the image files in the emulator. Cartridge dumps --------------- In order to use the cartridge dumps in an emulator like MESS you have to gather the required files for the cartridge and prepare them for use as defined by the emulator. *** NOTE: YOU CANNOT DIRECTLY USE THE DUMPS IN THE MESS EMULATOR. *** MESS requires a special format called RPK in order to run the cartridge. On WhTech there are already ready-to-use RPKs for all TOSEC dump files, so you should not have to create the RPK by yourself. MZ, 2014-05-31