24BASIC.DSK "TI99/4a 24 Basic Programs" by Caro Ann Casciato & Don Horsfall. Sams books 1983 50PROG.DSK "50 complete Programs for the Texas Instruments TI99/4A Computer" Blue Mountain Computer Inc 1983 BESTOF99.DSK "Best of 99er Volume 1" and "Simon's Saucer". Emerald Valley Publishing. 1983 BITSBYTE.DSK "The TI99/4A in Bits and Bytes" by Remo A. Loreto 1983 CALCTRIV.DSK "TI99/4A CALC" and "TI99/4A TRIVIA DATA BASE" Sams books 1984 CRACKING.DSK "Cracking the TI99/4A" by Brian Prothro. Midnight Express 1984. GAMES.DSK "TI99/4a Games" by Allen Wyatt. Sams books 1984 HOME.DSK "Compute!'s Guide to Extended Basic Home Applications on the TI99/4A" by Christopher Flynn. Compute publications 1984 KIDS.DSK "TI Games for Kids" by Robert P. Ingalls. Compute publications 1984 PERSONAL.DSK "Getting Personal with your TI99/4A" SDAVIS.DSK "Programs for the TI Home Computer" by Steve Davis. 1983 STIMULAT.DSK "Stimulating Simulations for the TI99/4A" by C.W. Engel. Hayden Book Co. 1984 TIPS.DSK "Basic Tips" by Terrance K. Castle. Amlist 1983 TRICKS.DSK "Basic Tricks for the TI99/4A" and "TI99/4a Graphics and Sounds" by Timothy Orr Knight. Sams books 1983 WONDER.DSK "TI in Wonderland" and "TI Playhouse" by Fred d'Ignazio. Hayden book Co. 1984 ZAPPERS.DSK "Zappers; having Fun Programming and Playing 23 Games for the TI99/4A" by Henry Mullish & Dov Kruger. Simon and Schuster 1984.