PAGE REA1 *************************************************************** * RXB Editor Assembler Version 2001 * *************************************************************** REA is a new completly re-written Editor Assembler module. Any code not needed was removed, and this left room for many new features. First of these is the FCTN BACK key which is used as an ESCAPE key, it will in respond as soon as it is pressed. This is a copy of the REA title screen: FIRMWARE CONTROL -------------------------------- RXB Editor & Assembler V=2001 -------------------------------- 0 SCREEN COLORS 1 EDITOR 2 ASSEMBLER 3 LOAD & RUN 4 RUN 5 RUN PROGRAM FILE 6 RXB LOADER 7 DIRECTORY . RXB PAGE REA2 0 SCREEN COLORS F is the forground colors selected and B is the background color. 1 EDITOR Has a arrow to indicate which option has been selected, thus the user will no longer make a mistake of saving a blank file over the original that he actually ment to load or save. Also a prompt is presented asking for the disk number or letter used to load the Editor (EDIT1 file). The ENTER key allows the loading of Editor by a pathname. i.e. DSK.VOLUMENAME.EDIT1 or WDS1.DIRECTORY.SUBDIRECTORY.EDIT1 The directory will load the selected file if this option is used. See Directory for features. 2 ASSEMBLER A prompt is presented asking for the disk number or letter used to load the Assembler (ASSM1 file). The ENTER key allows the loading of Assembler by a pathname. i.e. DSK.VOLUMENAME.EDIT1 or WDS1.DIRECTORY.SUBDIRECTORY.ASSM1 The directory will load the selected file if this option is used. See Directory for features. 3 LOAD and RUN The directory will load the selected file if this option is used. See Directory for features. 4 RUN After loading a file all link names will be displayed including all support routines. 5 RUN PROGRAM FILE By pressing a single key then enter, DSK#.UTIL1 is displayed and executed. # indicates the key pressed. If just ENTER is pressed and UTIL1 is not found on disk 1, then all drives up to DSK9. are searched for to find UTIL1. The directory will load the selected file if this option is used. The lower 8K support routines normally only loaded by the EA3 option are now loaded by this option too. So users can load FORTH, FORTRAM, and C programs from the EA5 prompt. 6 R X B LOADER New feature that prompts for a XB program file to run. If the file or device errors out, then a return to RXB command mode is done. The * Ready * and a flashing cursor indicates the XB command mode. By pressing a single key then enter, DSK#.LOAD is displayed and executed. # indicates the key pressed. The directory will load the selected file if this option is used. See Directory for new features PAGE REA2 7 DIRECTORY A new feature that prompts for a device name. EXAMPLE: DSK1. The period MUST be included if the full device name is used. Or type in a path name EXAMPLE: WDS1.DIRECTORY. The quicker way is to just type a number or letter then enter. Thus DSK#. is used and the key pressed represents the # used. While the catalog is being scrolled on screen, ANY key will end the display and reading of the disk, an arrow will appear next to the file read and the ARROW KEYS will move the arrow up or down. (FCNT/CTRL optional). To page forward or backward a screen at a time press left and right arrrow keys. The file the arrow was last pointing to will stay at the top or bottom of the screen display. This in much better then other paging methods like DM1000 or Funnel Web Diskreview. ONLY the SPACE BAR will pause the catalog until pressed again. Use ENTER to select the filename so it will be placed into into a buffer, the cataloger will automatically load Dis/Fix 80 files into the EA3 menu, Programs will be EA5, and only Dis/Var 254 is considered to be XB programs. To load XB programs use the SPACE BAR to buffer the filename, loading is automatic from there. For DIS/VAR 80 or DIS/FIX 80 files to be edited or assembled use ENTER or SPACE BAR, then select the Edit or Assembler from the main menu. Loading is automatic from there. Directory will automatically assmue you wish to catalog a sub-directory if a Directory was selected. To buffer anything else you must use the SPACE BAR, to select a filename to be placed into a buffer, then auto return to REA main menu. Now select the option to be used from this buffer. If you select 7 DIRECTORY again, the buffer will be used and the last device accessed will be used again. If you wish to clear the buffer just use FCTN BACK to the REA main menu. . R X B A previous feature that was optional since version 1000 but had no menu option on screen indicating it was a option. (Period) . will return to RXB menu screen. PAGE REA3 SYSTEM SUPPORT The modified version of the Editor/Assembler no longer supports the 99/4 computer. A 99/4A is required. All TI BASIC support routines (CALL INIT, CALL LINK, CALL LOAD,CALL PEEK, CALL PEEKV, CALL POKEV, and CALL CHARPAT) have been removed from the Editor/Assembler. If you have a program that must be run from TI BASIC and requires these routines, you must plug an Editor/Assembler module into the cartridge connector. There are some assembly language programs that access data internal to the Editor/Assembler cartridge. These programs will not run correctly due to the re-structuring of the data in the Editor/Assembler module. For these programs you must use your Editor/Assembler cartridge. On the other hand like FunnelWeb REA loads the support routines before EA3 or EA5 loaders to engage, so C, FORTRAM, and FORTH will load from the EA5 prompt. NO 32K NEEDED TO WHAT? REA has been totally re-written so the user can now use some of the features of REA without that nasty *NO MEMORY EXPANSION* error turning up. The error routine only disallows the user from accessing those aspects of REA that absolutly needs 32K to work. The user may now use the REA EDITOR PRINT FILE menu, or use the 6 RXB file loader menu, or use the 7 DIRECTORY menu. That means with RXB and REA the user can now print files, view files, load any BASIC or XB program and catalog from REA with or without a 32K memory. up or down. (FCNT/CTRL optional). To page forward or backward a screen at a time press left and right arrrow keys. The file the arrow was last pointing to will stay at the top or bottom