ORIGINALLY ;UBLISHED IN LIMA NEWSLETTER SEPTEMBER 1991 "MUSIC SDA" ANOTHER OFFICIAL TI NEVER RELEASED MODULE described by Charles Good Lima Ohio User Group This is the MUSIC MAKER module with an extra Grom. This extra grom turns MUSIC SDA into something really useful, not just the toy that MUSIC MAKER is. With MUSIC SDA you can create music disk files directly usable in BASIC, GPL, and ASSEMBLY programs.. The title screen says "copyright 1980 Texas Instruments" and looks identical to the MUSIC MAKER title screen except that it says "MUSIC SDA" instead of MUSIC MAKER. I have no idea what the "SDA" means. First you load some music into the module from disk or tape, or you create some music from within the module in the same way as is done with MUSIC MAKER. You are then presented with the following list of options, two of which are not found in MUSIC MAKER: --EDIT --PLAY --SAVE (creates a cassette file or a 59 sector disk file irrespective of how many measures long the music actually is) --PRINT (only works with the TP, prints music on the staff) --DUMP (not in MUSIC MAKER) --EXECUTE (not in MUSIC MAKER). I am not really sure about the purpose of EXECUTE. You are given options to change speed, start and stop measure, number of voices, etc., just as when you select PLAY. The computer then grinds away internally for a while and then plays the music. You can speed up the pace of the music that is played tremendously with EXECUTE, much more so than with PLAY. I think you are supposed to EXECUTE if you make any changes before you DUMP the music. DUMP is the really neat feature of MUSIC SDA. It saves music to disk in really useful formats, not the "can only be read into MUSIC MAKER" 59 sector format you get with SAVE. When DUMP is selected you get these options: 1. GPL 2. BASIC (DISPLAY FORMAT) 3. BASIC (MERGE FORMAT) 4. ASSEMBLER DUMP GPL creates a DV80 file that can be used as source code for programming in GPL. DUMP BASIC (DISPLAY) creates a DV80 file that looks like a TI BASIC program listing. You can type this list into TI BASIC or XB and play the music at the speed you designated from EXECUTE. DUMP BASIC (MERGE) creates a DV163 file that you can MERGE into any XB program. DUMP ASSEMBLER makes a DV80 file of the music that can be used in assembly language programming. Thanks to Mike Wright for calling this little gem to my attention. I asked Mike what the "SDA" of MUSIC SDA stands for. He is obviously as knowledgable as I am. "Hell if I know," he said. This would have been a REALLY USEFUL command module if it had ever been released to the public. Its title screen date date suggests that it was in existence in the early stage. of the 99/4(A)'s history. Why was it never released? My guess is that TI didn't want the public to know what GPL source code looked like. We have MUSIC SDA as Gram Kracker files on disk 585B of the Lima UG library. The following are samples of the exact same two measures saved to disk with DUMP. Each DUMP automatically generates comments indicating the title of the music, the start of each new measure, and the total length of the dumped music in bytes. .NA .NF .IN 0 --- DUMP GPL --- * FUGHETTA * MEASURE: 0001 DATA >03,#>8E0F,>90,>0C DATA >02,#>8A0C,>04 DATA >02,#>830E,>04 DATA >02,#>8315,>04 DATA >02,#>8709,>04 DATA >02,#>8E0B,>04 * MEASURE: 0002 DATA >02,#>8A0C,>04 DATA >02,#>8E0F,>04 DATA >02,#>8F07,>10 DATA >02,#>8708,>08 ENDSND DATA >04,>9F,>BF,>DF,>FF,>00 * 00047 BYTES --- DUMP BASIC DISPLAY --- 20000 REM FUGHETTA 20010 REM MEASURE: 0001 20020 CALL SOUND(0200,00440,00) 20030 CALL SOUND(0067,00554,00) 20040 CALL SOUND(0067,00494,00) 20050 CALL SOUND(0067,00330,00) 20060 CALL SOUND(0067,00740,00) 20070 CALL SOUND(0067,00657,00) 20080 REM MEASURE: 0002 20090 CALL SOUND(0067,00554,00) 20100 CALL SOUND(0067,00440,00) 20110 CALL SOUND(0267,00880,00) 20120 CALL SOUND(0133,00831,00) 20130 REM 00427 BYTES --- DUMP ASSEMBLER --- * FUGHETTA * MEASURE: 0001 BYTE >03,>8E,>0F,>90,>0C BYTE >02,>8A,>0C,>04 BYTE >02,>83,>0E,>04 BYTE >02,>83,>15,>04 BYTE >02,>87,>09,>04 BYTE >02,>8E,>0B,>04 * MEASURE: 0002 BYTE >02,>8A,>0C,>04 BYTE >02,>8E,>0F,>04 BYTE >02,>8F,>07,>10 BYTE >02,>87,>08,>08 ENDSND BYTE >04,>9F,>BF,>DF,>FF,>00 * 00047 BYTES .PL 1