ORIGINALLY PUBLISHED IN LIMA NEWSLETTER JANUARY 1990 ^^^ THE SIGNIFICANCE OF FUNNELWEB PROGRAM LOADER #1 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^by Charles Good ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^Lima Ohio User Group When booting assembly language PROGRAM software from Funnelweb you usually use #2 or failing that #3 from the LOADERS or DISK REVIEW menus. Loader #2 is basically identical to #5 from the EA module and boots the character set that is in the console GROMs. This is the character set that has those horrible lower case letters that look like small upper case letters and does not have any screen display for ASCII 1-31 (the TI Writer CTRL/U control characters). Loader #1 is almost identical to #2 except that with loader #1 the first Funnelweb character set is loaded in memory (file C1 in Funnelweb v4.2, file CHARA1 in earlier versions). This is a much better looking character set. Any assembly PROGRAM that can be loaded from Loader #2 will also probably work with Loader #1. Using Loader #1 gives much better looking text with software that does not have its own built in character set. Try this to see the difference between Loaders #1 and #2. Examine the text that is displayed within DM1000 as it comes already configured in Funnelweb. Then run CONFIGURE and reconfigure DM1000 in the TI Writer side MENU. Change DM1000 from a #2 (GPL Pgm) to a #1 (TIW Pgm) load. Reboot Funnelweb, bring up DM1000, and notice the difference in the appearance of the text. On my system the DM1000 screen colors are also changed, but I like the new screen colors. Sometimes there is an advantage in not having ASCII 1-31 visible on the screen. The visible control characters create lots of screen clutter. DISK REVIEW of Funnelweb v4.2, both 40 and 80 column versions, comes preconfigured as a loader #1, and you can't change this with CONFIGURE. If you want to get rid of control characters in text VIEWed with DISK REVIEW, you can use CONFIGURE to configure DISK REVIEW (file DR) into a second place in the central menus as a Loader #2 (GPL Pgm) option. Text VIEWed from this alternate DISK REVIEW central menu selection will be free of control characters. .PL 1