.IF DSK1.C3 .CE 2 *IMPACT/99* by Jack Sughrue BANNERMAKING .IF DSK1.C2  Before I begin discussing BETTER BANNERS I must offer an apology or two to my non-99er friends: Yes, there is nothing equal to PRINT SHOP for our computer.* I went out on a limb describing how much better off I am to have GRAPHX, TIARTIST, CSGD, BETTER BANNERS, FUNLPLUS!, FONTWRITER, and lesser graphic/text programs than those poor slobs with Apples, Commodores, IBMs. I'm not. They have PRINT SHOP and I don't. PRINT SHOP by Broderbund does everything. And does it wonderfully easy. And lets you DO anything you want. Quickly, efficiently, joyfully! I only hope that with GENEVE (or whatever it is called these days) the TI community will finally get something as good as (or even almost as good as) PRINT SHOP. It and its companions deserve to be exactly what they are: the most popular utilities EVER for home (and now office and school) computers. Having said all that (with a tear or two in my eye for having admitted that in ONE area, at least, the Apple or Commodore may be better than TI), I am hoping, still, that after ASGARD's COMPANIONS, Chris Faherty's ARTIST stuff, Dave Rose's CSGD programs, and Peter Hoddie's wonderful FONTWRITER our world will begin to open to us. Now BETTER BANNERS and BANNER GRAPHICS. Even as a distinct banner program it does not equal that miniscule portion of PRINT SHOP. However, it IS the best banner program for the TI, providing you make some immediate and large modifications. Because of TICOMP's massive and ridiculous protection scheme, BETTER BANNERS is initially a chore, rather than the reasonably good banner program it could be. To get enough different graphics it really pays to buy both BETTER BANNERS and BETTER GRAPHICS. BB comes with Set 1. BG includes Sets 1, 2, 3, and 4. Though graphics come in two sizes (the small size graphics are horribly deformed but you wouldn't be apt to use those on banners anyway), there is only one font style no matter which set you use. Like all good printer software, BB lets you establish your printer setup and permanently (or temporarily, which is an advantage, as you will see) onto your disk. I have a Gemini 10X. Code #35 remains undefined in this program, fortunately, so I change it to 239 (the solid block) to make it work well. It does, but I also try 173 (the empty diamond), 175 (the empty block), 230 (the double solid block), and so on to see what the new designs will look like. Some are better suited to certain graphics and some make the single font provided look different (so does removing the default for line spacing). Thus, I was glad the program failed to redifine graphics on the Gemini. It gave me lots of flexibility. Because I am irresistibly drawn into making changes on programs to see what will happen, I am taking a big risk with BB. For example, all the printer changes must be made without the write-protect tab on the disk, obviously. But you are told often and in no uncertain terms not to attempt to make a backup as this will "RESULT IN THE LOSS OF DATA AND VOID YOUR WARRANTY" even though only one disk comes with your $20 cost. This is one of those programs (as many graphics programs have to be) that requires getting into and out of the disk often. This one is more dangerous and considerably more annoying than most because you MUST transfer your graphics sets onto the BB disk WHICH DESTROYS THE SET ON THE BB DISK! (Believe it or not!) So you must first be certain you have a working data disk. BUT WITH THIS PROGRAM THERE IS NO SUCH THING! (Again, believe it or not!) [I told you this was a protection-crazy program.] Graphics data may only be saved on the BB or BG disks themselves. Each time you make a new design you may save it only by replacing an existing design in the set on the BB disk. This means you should print out the lengthy code of the design you are replacing and save it on paper for future use. Then you must destroy ANOTHER design to retype this coding back in. Very, very cumbersome. Although I can't suggest you do anything that might destroy your disk or void your warranty, I know what I would do if I wanted a pretty good banner program for the TI. I'd buy both disks and some odd-colored blank disks (like yellow Sentinel or Fuji). I'd put the protect tab on BB and, using TRACKCOPY, make four copies of BB. (Flippying the disks will mean only two blanks are required.) Then I'd put the codes I want on each one. It takes less than a minute. Then I'd load up BANNER GRAPHICS and transfer Sets 2, 3, and 4 to three of these BB copies. Set 1 is already on all copies to start with. As you transfer each set of 15 graphics to a copy of BB, the set on BB will be eliminated. The process takes about an hour and a half! But it's worth it. Otherwise, I can only use the set presently on the untabbed BB or take the half hour EACH TIME I USE THE PROGRAM FOR EACH DIFFERENT GRAPHIC FROM A DIFFERENT SET. (To put five different graphics onto one or five banners would take a minimum of two-and-a-half hours, even though the graphics print out in a few seconds.) However, with copies I can interchange even from different sets by reloading (40 seconds) from inside the menu, I have a program with excellent features and, for the most part, reasonably good graphics. I would then put my original BB and BG disks safely away in case of future problems or warranty replacements . Then I can fiddle with the backup disks to my heart's content without fear of expensive losses. Once I have safely transferred my graphics sets, I can now explore the BB potential. I put 239 for the ASCII prompt. Then I put 27, 65, 7, 27, 69 for line spacing (tight) and dark print (emphasized). Then I put PIO for my printer. It then gives me a menu. I Select large graphics. Small are awful! I am given a list and choose number (say 2 for Heart) of graphic. I may then write a lengthy banner message putting a SHIFT/2 wherever you'd like the graphic(s) to appear. This is a really nice feature (and one that PRINT SHOP doesn't have yet for the banner part of their program; nor does it have the speed of printout that BB does). I think if I were marketing BB and BG, I'd recall them all from dealers and put out BB #1 with Set #1 and Font #1. Then I'd put out Set #2 with BB #2 AND Font #2 (another different font). The same with 3 and 4 and, hopefully, 5 and so on. Each time a new set is developed with a new font, then a new disk can be made. Each could sell for $7.95 (about the cost of BB and BG right now for all four sets). It would be in a considerably more convenient format, and there would be no need for the ridiculous protection that presently prevents the BEST features of BB from being accessed. I'd also write some documentation which would include a page of reduced illustrations of each graphic. This graphic program comes with NO illustrations and NO catalog of the sets. The ONLY way to find out what is on the disks is to print out all 60 illustrations (about 5 hours), as there is no screen showing. Samples and listings are essential to the continued marketing success of this product. The documentation is poor (is almost not existent beyond protection warnings). This article explains both BB and BG better than anything that comes with the programs. For those of you who already have the free banner programs that come with FUNLPLUS! or the Boston Computer Society PD disks, you may still want BB and BG. BETTER BANNERS is different from these. The first offers multiple sizes and fonts and an easy (though limited) graphics maker, the second vertical banners. BB compliments, rather than competes with, these programs. In spite of the overall negativism which seems to pervade this article, I would recommend the programs based on the understanding that modifications really are necessary to make them efficient, practical, and fun. *NOTE BY AUTHOR - In the months and months that have gone by since this article was first appeared in a few newsletters, nothing has changed with BETTER BANNERS. But a lot has changed within our artist software. BB is no longer even a good buy in its present form. There are so many incredible banner programs on the market that accept CSGD or TIARTIST or GRAPHX pix and fonts (as well as such wonderful programs as Rodger Merritt's PICTURE IT, MAX-RLE, PICASSO v2, and so many more) that BB is no longer in the running. But our TI is drawing ever closer to that PRINT SHOP friendliness. [Jack Sughrue, Box 459, E.Douglas, MA 01516] If any newsletter editor prints thse articles, please put me on your mailing list. Thanks - Jack €‡€¬‡‹ÕÕÕÕÕÕÕÕÕÕÕÕÕÕ€‹