-----Original Message----- From: Chris Faherty [mailto:rallymonkey@bellsouth.net] Sent: Thursday, December 14, 2000 1:19 AM To: Dan Eicher Subject: TI Interview Question: How did you get started with the TI? I had an Atari 2600 for a few years, and after hearing a friend of mine describe a Scott Adams "text" adventure I thought that having a computer would let me do things like that. At the time I had no understanding about programming, and in fact I have to laugh when I remember how clueless I was. We waited until the 99/4A went on sale with the $100 rebate and I got one the first day. For starters it was fun, but I remember getting very bored, and once I saw a ColecoVision-ooh I really wanted that-it was too expensive at the time so I stuck with my 2600 and the 99/4A. It was actually several years before I decided I wanted to try writing some programs on it. Then there came a point at which I understood the parts of a computer and how it worked, and that allowed me to finally start to write and debug my own programs. Before then, I had always asked my dad to write a few lines of code that, for example, made a character on the screen move around. I couldn't even understand that code, mostly because I hadn't learned how screen things are represented by coordinates-perhaps I should have paid more attention in school. How did you make the jump from Basic to Assembler? I had always been a subscriber to the TI Users Group, and a gentleman by the name of Bill Gronos wrote a column which became a tutorial on TI Assembler. For an unmemorable reason I owned a Mini Memory module which allowed me to type the code contained in Bill's articles. His code had appeal to me because it would always show how quickly Assembler could draw characters on the screen, or how the screen could be scrolled without seeing a slow wave. Since I was a kid and I basically wanted to write games, using Assembler was what I wanted to do. My system was pretty bare boned; a 99/4A, cassette, and a Mini Memory module. After enduring some frustration with that line by line Assembler (Mini Memory), I believe I purchased the Extended Basic module and played around with sprites for a while; submitting a Frogger clone and some other space game to the TI-UG in exchange for other user software. My first third-party software purchase was an Assembler which was written *in* Basic. I can't remember the name of it, but it was trick! You would write your assembly code line by line, and you could save several hundred lines in modules which you would dump to cassette. So it was the availability of that Assembler and Bill's column which led to my using Assembler for everything from that point. What kind of collaboration happened between you and your dad? Back then the kids owned the computers, and the parents didn't touch them. So most of the collaboration in the early 80's involved me crying to my dad when I broke something. The computer moved from the living room, where I had to share the TV with the family, into my room where it grew into 1,000 points of light as I added the "peripheral" box. In 1988 we each had our own TI computer, and he write TI-Base. I really wasn't paying attention at the time, and I think he wrote it very quickly while we were in the process of moving into a new home in Florida. I got him hooked on Al Beard's cross-assembler and we shared a few tools on the PC.. I guess we both had PC clones at the time but they weren't particularly fun. How old were you when you wrote TI-Artist? It was finished in 1985 but it took a long time, almost a year to write, so I was 16 during the most part. TI-Artist Plus! was written in 1989, and that took another 9 months; I'm actually really proud of that because I learned a bunch during that session. What gave you the start to want to write TI-Artist? Well TI-Artist started out as a clone of Atari Artist, which itself was a clone of the software which came with a Koala pad. I saw that program on my friend's Atari 800 and I somehow got a screenshot of it and a description of how to use it. Then I tried to code the same thing for the TI. We already had some drawing software on the TI, which I used to draw TI-Artist's icons. I think it was called Draw-A-Bit or something like that. It was a program which used hotkeys for everything, and had some strange recording features. I found the interface to be a little unforgiving and that was the main thing I wanted to fix with TI-Artist. With version 2 of TI-Artist I added the ability to load clipart, which due to many third-party tools and donations became popular. Working with Steve Lamberti and Dave Rose, we had a pretty good collection of fonts and clipart. Millions of (especially assembler) programs have been started for the TI, it is a rare individual that was actually able to bring it to completion, what do you feel was the main drive that actually separated you from the crowd? I had tons of people who supported me. Obviously being a kid I didn't have to worry about a job, but it was my parents and friends who let me lean on them. I can't name them all; Bill McAdams, Steve Carstensen, Randall Rainey, Bud Schuilling, Phil Simerly, Steve Lamberti. And though I don't know them personally; Charles Lafara, Bill Gronos, John Phillips, Lou Phillips. But I don't think I was any different from the crowd. Perhaps because I kept making TI-Artist versions over the years when I really should have been working on something else. Thinking back, I found it exciting because it was something that people wanted and it was fun to pump out disk copies. I know many people were hoping, but did you ever consider adding 9938 support in TI-Artist? Yeah just to have the higher resolution would have been cool. I think I tried and failed several times to add features, though not specifically 9938 support. I believe at one time I tried to make a TI-Artist stand alone cartridge with Bill McAdam's help, but I failed miserably to get it done because I had under-designed the cartridge and couldn't squeeze enough into the 256 words of RAM. Getting back to your question, I never became familiar with the Geneve architecture to be able to convert TI-Artist into a codebase which would support new features. For the 99/4A there was no room left at all for changing the code, at least not in the Artist portion. I recall looking at the code several years ago, and unfortunately it looks as if it were written by a 16 year old. How did the external DSR option come about, what did you interface? Is that cool or what! When I look back and see that I put that into version 1 I am very proud. At the time I think we had a couple of mice that you could hook up to the 99/4A and so I decided that I should just make the input device into a separate object file. I never did get my Macintosh mouse going very good, but I believe others such as Mike Dodd wrote drivers which worked for the other mice. I recall that we also had a Super Sketch thing and that was also interfaced to TI-Artist using the input device driver specification. What was the biggest technical hurdle that you ever overcome on the TI? RAM. The console itself had only enough CPU addressable RAM to hold a few variables. The 16K of RAM in the console was video RAM and not directly addressable by the CPU in order to execute code. So what we did was split the program into large sections which it had to load from disk into the same memory space. With TI-Base my dad used an entirely different method in which each command's code was stored in a database record; no wonder it was so slow. What gave you the biggest feeling of accomplishment? With TI-Artist Plus I did a Vector section which allowed scaling and rotation of bitmaps. Hard to believe I ever got that crappy code to work since when I look today at the industry standard way of doing that stuff, I was doing it all wrong! So my perseverance in coding that section completely wrong and yet achieving my result makes me very proud. What is your most memorable TI moment? I would have to say, the first time I attended the Chicago TI Fair. A bunch of us drove from Maryland in a van and they all helped me with my booth to debut TI-Artist. I was a wreck during the show, but it couldn't have turned out better for me. What was your favorite piece of TI hardware? I had lots of fun with the Peripheral box, and lots of fun with the speech synthesizer. But I still think the Mini Memory module is the coolest thing because it was such a precursor to how we do things today. The software in it was okay, a line by line Assembler, but the cool thing is how it had 4K of battery backed RAM. So you could store programs and data on it and use it on other consoles without losing anything. It was like an ancient version of compact flash. What was your favorite piece of software that you didn't write? I'd like to say TI's Editor/Assembler because it really set the tone of how software could be written professionally. But I can't forget to mention Al Beard's fantastic cross-assembler, which was in no small part responsible for the development of TI-Artist Plus and the later developments of TI-Base. But then also at that time we all got modems and used the BBS all day. So it was the TE-II and Paul Charlton's FastTerm which I liked. It was later that Telco came along, which I used for transferring binary files between the PC and TI. I also have to mention TI-Forth which showed that 64 characters really could fit on a TV screen. And it put me on a crusade to fit 80 characters on the TV, which makes me laugh because I was trying to make 3-pixel wide characters which were unintelligible. Ironic because I was trying to make an 80 column terminal program which I thought was required for using a BBS properly, but nowadays I often use sub 40 character PDA/Pagers to view Web content. During your development days, did you develop any development tools to aid you? Did you use any third party tools? I wasn't good enough to develop programming tools. But I used Al Beard's excellent cross-assembler when I started TI-Artist Plus. Without it, I would not have been able to get anything done. Who was your favorite TI personality? Boy we had lots of them. At the time we had the spokesman Bill Cosby and that was fun. I remember that Commodore had William Shatner for the Vic-20 and, and who was it for the Atari, I think Alan Alda or maybe not. People that I met; Terry Masters, Craig Miller, Lou Phillips, Paul Charlton, Peter Hoddie, Mike Dodd, and many others who I know as friends rather than acquaintances. I wish I had been able to meet Charles Lafara, because his TI User's Group is what started it for me. But I'd have to say that Bill Gronos was my favorite because of his encouraging columns, and his excellent Cubit game. How did you get involved with the Geneve? I met Lou Phillips at a show in New Jersey I believe. I agreed to write a GUI for the upcoming Geneve but I really was poor at designing things and I figured I would have to code BIOS routines for the video. That took me a long time, and as it turned out I should have obviously worked on something more within my talent area, which is applications development. I know that you had a few lesser known programs, one I remember was a cool looking GUI for an EPROM programmer. Can you tell me more about this one and are there any more treasures that I don't know about? I remember something about a module you wrote? EPROM-It was the program name. That was a hardware/software project that Bill McAdams and I did. He was an electrical engineer and when he designed and built an EPROM programmer device, I helped by writing the code to operate it from the TI-it was parallel port based. I think my first commercial program was released through The Softspot by Phil Simerly, it was called Floppy Copy. Basically it was a generic sector copier which at the time was handy. The bad part was that we agreed on a copy protection scheme that involved using bad sectors on the disk, and the testing at startup caused a noisy grunt from the drive stepping mechanism. Not my best idea by any means. The module fiasco. I got this idea that I wanted TI-Artist to run entirely off a console + cartridge module without requiring any RAM expansion. Bill designed a module with some RAM and ROM paging and I worked on modularizing the software to run in the 8K segments. Problem was, we under-designed the hardware and I was still stuck with the 256 words of RAM because we made the module RAM/ROM paging mutually exclusive in the 8K space instead of 4K/4K. Well I tried trimming things down but never got close to fitting variables into 256 words, and the end result was a failure. To top it off, the beige consoles didn't like our module for some timing reason we never looked into. What are you and your dad doing these days? My dad is semi-retired though he still does programming work in Pascal. I do various things and for the past two years I've been a day trader. Most of my programming work involves writing better stock cockpit software, and writing freeware applications for the PalmPilot and RIM Blackberry pager. http://rallypilot.sourceforge.net/ http://rallypilot.sourceforge.net/bb/index.html If you had had unlimited time and money, what program would you have liked to have written for the TI? I am having a hard time with this question. I zipped right through the others but this one is making me think too hard. So many of my projects were left unfinished, but it wasn't due to time nor money; I just pooped out. I remember starting several games, a CAD program, a desktop publisher, a terminal program, and even a BBS-but I never got any of them working. I would say that I had started writing everything I wanted, but my skills weren't up to the task. In answer to your question, I will just pick one of those projects which would have been pretty cool if I had finished it; the CAD program.