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NOTE: Following the 1991 AGM of the group, the committee called a special meeting in August 1991 to which I was summoned. I was advised that TI*MES was changing and my output must change. In the next magazine the editorial indicated that nobody could recommend or discommend any purchase without pre-censorship by The Committee.
I was personally given much more detailed instructions such that additionally I could not voice any opinions, or state any fact which was negative. No committee member and subsequently no member gave me their support.

Copy for Issue 34 was immediately due and what I had written for submission was in bulk no longer acceptable. The issue was therefore bulked up with a number of longer listings from me. The issue was not well printed and does not OCR well at all- there is nothing in it worth completely retyping. So a blank for this issue here.

Move along please to issue 35.

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