TI-99 Family ROMs for MAME ========================== ti99_complete.zip contains all current ROMs for the MAME emulations of Consoles / main system: - TI-99/4 NTSC/PAL (ti99_4.zip) - TI-99/4A NTSC/PAL (ti99_4a.zip) - TI-99/4A with EVPC (ti99_4ev.zip) - TI-99/4QI NTSC (ti99_4qi.zip) - SGCPU aka TI-99/4P (ti99_4p.zip) - TI-99/8 NTSC/PAL (ti99_8.zip) - Geneve 9640 (geneve.zip) - Geneve 9640 Mod (genmod.zip) - TI-99/2 24K version (ti99_224.zip) - TI-99/2 32K version (ti99_232.zip) Peripheral devices: - BwG Disk Controller (ti99_bwg.zip) - CorComp Disk Controller (ti99_ccdcc.zip) - CorComp FDC Rev A (ti99_ccfdc.zip) - Myarc DDCC-1 Disk Controller (ti99_ddcc1.zip) - EVPC (ti99_evpc.zip) - TI Floppy Disk Controller (ti99_fdc.zip) - GRAM Kracker (ti99_gkracker.zip) - HFDC (ti99_hfdc.zip) - Myarc Memory Expansion (ti99_myarcmem.zip) - TI P-Code Card (ti99_pcode.zip) - TI RS232/PIO card (ti99_rs232.zip) - Speech Synthesizer (ti99_speech.zip) - TIPI PEB card (ti99_tipi.zip) - WHTech SCSI Adapter (ti99_whtscsi.zip) - Hexbus Floppy drive HX5102 (ti_hx5102.zip) MAME offers even more expansion devices which do not have a DSR ROM and thus do not need a zip file. Installation: Check the setting of mame.ini. The line beginning with "rompath" must contain the folder on your disk where the above ROMs are stored. - Unzip ti99_complete.zip - DO NOT unzip the single zip files listed above.