CRaCk-it! v6.0 MDOS SYSTEM/SYS CRC Error Detection Utility Copyright (C)1998 by Timothy A Tesch ( -- FOR MDOS V2.21 AND ABOVE! Purpose: -------- This program was written to help detect errors and/or changes made to MDOS, deliberate or accidental. Usage: ------ To use this program, simply type in the program name CRACKIT followed by the path and filename for SYSTEM/SYS. The program will load the file and will calculate a CRC. Once calculated, CRaCk-it! will compare the calculated value with the "true" value. If the values do not match, you will be warned - at this point you should obtain a new, unmodified copy of MDOS. CYA, upon resaving MDOS, will change the CRC value. Do not be alarmed; it's not a bug! Example: -------- CRACK128 F:\MDOS\SYSTEM"/"SYS CRACK128 A:\SYSTEM"/"SYS * END OF DOCUMENTATION