11/1/94 UPDATED GENEVE MANUAL FOR MDOS V 2.00 The archives with this file are a revised GENEVE manual for MDOS Version 2.00. They were taken from the original GENEVE Manual and from Beery Miller's Update files to MDOS V 2.00. The original files are used by permission from the copyright owners, 9640 News Contributors, Beery Miller, and are given by me as a gift to the GENEVE community. I expect no compensation for the considerable revision and testing done, but I would like to have errors reported to me either at the address below or through Beery's BBS (9640 News). The files are formatted to print from the text editor of MY-WORD and contain a few CR's and all necessary FF's (PA's). No other control characters are included except that in order to have a punching margin on the left, they need to be printed in Elite type (12CPI) with an added left margin of 10. The printer codes for this are included on the first line of the first file for Epson compatible printers. If your printer codes are different you will have to change this line. If the printer is not shut off between file loading all files will conform, otherwise the codes may need to be repeated. The files are as follows: PART 1 -README this file GMAN1 GMAN2 GMAN3 GMAN4 PART 2 -README this file GMAN5 GMAN6 GMAN7 GMAN8 GMAN9 I believe these to be accurate but make no claims as to total accuracy, especially since I don't have an HFDC to test some of the commands. As I said before, I would like to be kept informed of necessary corrections through Beery's BBS or to the following address: Jack Miller 2990 Maidstone Avenue Trenton, MI 48183 ЋՀ