The LUCXByyA/LUCXByyB files are the total collection of the columns on Extended Basic written by Lucie Dorais and published in the Ottawa Users' Group NEWSLETTER from 1987 to 1994, minus the listings, plus the programs that were listed. For each year volume, there are two archived files, A and B; each de- archives to a SSSD disk, so one year fits a DSSD disk. The LOAD programs will allow you to run the programs or quickly read the tutorials on screen. You need the FORMATTER to print the texts. If you want to print all the texts for one year at once, use the files BATCH. The LOAD and BATCH files for each volume work this way (file = LOAD or BATCH): use on found in half ---------- ------------- file DSSD A file/SS1 SSSD disk A A file/SS2 SSSD disk B B (rename file/SSn to file) In addition, each A half has a *README file which contains useful information for that year files. I want to keep the copyright on the texts, but since I never put any copyright on the programs when they were first published, I cannot do it now... so feel free to play with them, modify them, since they were done with the idea that you could learn from them. Lucie Dorais Ottawa TI-99/4A Users's Group 603 - 222 Guigues Ottawa, Ont. K1N 5J2 CONTENTS of volumes 1-7: hlf date program --- ----- ---------- volume 1 - LUCXB87 (1987-88) --------------------------------------- (A) 87/09 ERASEDEMO 3 methods 87/10 HELLO pre-scan 87/11 " graphic CALLS 87/12 LOVESTORY sprites 88/01 XBCAT disk dir; ERROR 88/02 QUICKLABEL print in French (B) 88/03 SPRINGSONG sound; use REDO 88/04 QUICKBILL utility; IMAGE 88/05 STAMPDBASE data base 88/06 STAMPDBASE sort data volume 2 - LUCXB88 (1988-89) --------------------------------------- (A) 88/09 CALENDAR utility 88/10 CALPERPET perpetual calend 88/11 LUCKYWHEEL game 88/12 SNOWFLAKE Xmas graphics 89/01 SNOWPLAY util. for above MAYFLOWER XB picture XB>ART/MRG convert XB to TI-Artist pic 89/02 ADDSUB calculator util. (B) 89/03 PGMWRITER makes typing XB programs easier 89/04 BARBIE children game 89/05 SORT, SORT/UTIL, SORT/O sorting utilities CALLKEY short demo FONTSCAN font utility 89/06 CHECKBOOK balance utility volume 3 - LUCXB89 (1989-90) --------------------------------------- (A) 89/09 SPR/TESTER analyze sprites 89/10 FAIRYWALTZ music EAUVIVE music ROOTS math utility 89/11 DATACAL daily planner 89/12 BUG children game (B) 90/01 INVIDEO inverse video XB>FONT TIA fonts fm XB 90/02 BASES convert bases 90/03 LEARNBASES tutorial 90/04 FLAGS-1 tutorial 90/05 FLAGS-2 quizz FLAGCANADA, FLAGQUEBEC, FLAGUSA graphics 90/06 STRINGMAZE game volume 4 - LUCXB90 (1990-91) --------------------------------------- (A) 90/09 REVERSE game 90/10 VISUALPERC graphic fun 90/11 VISUALPERC cont. 90/12 ANGES Xmas carol 91/01 LISTCOL pack columns 91/02 COLORMIX make pastels 91/03 MONDRIAN graphics 91/04 BALLDROP game (B) 91/05 INSTAROT rotate instances 91/06 VASARELY graphics volume 5 - LUCXB91 (1991-92) --------------------------------------- (A) 91/09 MONTECOLOR solitaire game 91/10 CANFIELD solitaire game 91/11 CANFIELD (cont.) 91/12 TRAFLIGHTS children game 92/01 ROMAN Roman numerals 92/02 ONECHECK game (B) 92/03 PROBLEM math game 92/04 BOOMERANG game 92/05 INTMENU / INTLEARN 92/06 INTSCRAM / INTHANG learn five languages! then play Scrambled word, Hangman volume 6 - LUCXB92 (1992-93) --------------------------------------- (A) 92/09 TISWEEPER Minesweeper game 92/10 BRAINSTORM logic game 92/11 GRIDWORD word game ADDCR add CRs to text 92/12 XMASBOX music: juke box 93/01 ARROWS game FUSION mix two chars 93/02 THERMO temperatur (C/F) (B) 93/03 CLIFCLIMBR game 93/04 CARDFILE index cards 93/05 CARDEDIT edit the cards 93/06 CARDUTIL add. card util. 93BON CARD menu for above volume 7 - LUCXB93 (1993-94) --------------------------------------- (A) 93/09 THE_GAMES sports game 93/10 THE_GAMES (cont.) 93/11 KINGMOVE artific. intell. 93/12 GIFTS children game 94/01 MAGNIFY tutorial SPRITEDEMO colorful demo 94/02 INFERLAB game (B) 94/03 HYDRO short game 94/04 FRAMES demo 94/05 KONO game 94/06 KONO (cont.) In addition, the 94/03 and 94/04 tutorials compare QuickBasic for DOS with Extended Basic.